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HEMIPTERA 271<br />

13. Rostmm four-segmented. Tarsi two-segmented. Stout little bugs with<br />

short, subequallegs. (Velvet Water Bugs.) . " HEBRID..!E<br />

Rostmm three-segmented. Tarsi three-segmented, the basal segment<br />

very small. Elongate, slender bugs with long slender legs for running<br />

on the surface of the water. (Water Treaders.). . MESOVELIIDlE p.295<br />

H. Head cylindrical or narrowed and strongly extruded or produced.<br />

Front legs moderately to distinctly enlarged, :raptorial. Beak often<br />

short, stout, curved, and fitted for a predacious habit . 15<br />

Head usually broad and deeply inserted into the pronotum, and front<br />

legs usually slender. If the head is cylindrical or the front femora<br />

are enlarged and spined, then the membrane has only five simple<br />

longitudinal veins or the corium is deflected into a cuneus. 18<br />

15. Head strongly constricted behind the eyes, the ocelli located on the<br />

posterior, subglobose lobe. Pronotum divided into three distinct<br />

lobes by transverse sutures. (Gnat Bugs.) • . ENICOCEPHALIDlE p. 284<br />

Head less distinctly or not at all bilobed. Pronotum not divided into<br />

three lobes 16<br />

16. Fourth antennal segment thickened. Front femora tremendously enlarged,<br />

subtriangular. (Ambush Bugs.) . . PHYMATIDlE p.284<br />

Fourth antennal segment not thickened, slender. Front femora scarcely<br />

to moderately incrassate 17<br />

17. Pro sternum with a longitudinal, transversely striated, stridulatory<br />

groove between the coxre which receives the tip of the rostrum. Rostrum<br />

three-segmented. (Assassin Bugs.) . . REDUVIID..!E p.285<br />

Prosternum without a longitudinal stridulatory groove. Rostrum usually<br />

four-segmented. (Damsel Bugs.) . NABIDlE p. 288<br />

18. Hemelytra with a distinct fracture subapically on the coriwn, producing<br />

a deflected cuneus . 19<br />

Hemelytra without a distinct cuneus 22<br />

19. Ocelli absent. (Leaf Bugs, Capsids.) MIRIDlE p. 293<br />

Ocelli present 20<br />

20. Tarsi two-segmented. Body less than 172 mm. long MICROPHYSIDlE<br />

Tarsi three-segmented. 21<br />

21. Rostrum four-segmented. Apical two antennal segments without long,<br />

erect hairs. (Jumping Tree Bugs.) . ISOMETOPIDlE<br />

Rostrum three-segmented. Apical two antennal segments usually beset<br />

with long hairs or bristles. (Flower Bugs.) ANTHOCORlDlE p. 292<br />

22. Antenna;: four-segmented 23<br />

Antennre five-segmented 34<br />

23. Ocelli absent 24<br />

Ocelli present 28<br />

24. Hemelytra reduced to short pads without trace of membrane. Flat·<br />

tened species with strongly asymmetrical male genital organ. Highly<br />

modified for an ectoparasitic, blood-sucking existence . 25<br />

Hemelytra complete or at least with some indication of membrane.<br />

Not modified as ectoparasites . 26<br />

25. Eyes absent. Ctenidia present, at least on the head and antennre.<br />

Hemelytra consisting of nonarticulating pronotal pads. Front legs<br />

greatly enlarged. (Bat Bugs.) . . POLYCTENIDlE p. 289

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