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Suborder HETEROPTERA Latreille 1810<br />

(Het'er-op'ter-a, from the Greek gTfPOS, other, different,<br />

+ rrTEpa, wings; referring to the marked differences between<br />

the fore and hind pairs of wings.) German, Wanzen.<br />

Bugs.<br />


Size - small to very large insects, up to 100 mm. or nearly 4 in.<br />

Shape - slender and sub cylindrical or more commonly rounded, oval, broadly<br />

elongate and flattened, or shield-shaped.<br />

Integument - usually hard and coriaceous or leathery and parchment-like;<br />

pigmented; punctured and rugose, or smooth and shiny; rarely hairy or<br />

spiny.<br />

Color - variable from dull and drab to a great variety of brilliant colors, some<br />

of which are metallic. Some species are varicolored and bizarre.<br />

Head - variable in form and suturation; usually prognathous, but hypognathous<br />

in some forms; generally free and often with a neck-like region.<br />

Compound eyes -large and prominent, many-faceted, widely separated or<br />

small, and absent.<br />

Ocelli - usually present and two in number, rarely absent. Both compound<br />

eyes and ocelli absent in family POL YCTENIDiE.<br />

Antenn:e - usually present and well developed or rarely atrophied or absent;<br />

inserted above or below the eyes; usually four- or five-segmented; segments<br />

simple or ornamented with enlargements; free or fitting into a groove in<br />

the head or prothorax.<br />

Mouth parts - modified for piercing and sucking fluids from plants and<br />

animals. Clypeus - dorsal, small and poorly developed except anteriorly<br />

in the CIMICIDJE and POL YCTENIDJE. Labrum - short, triangular,<br />

slender, and sharply pointed apically Or broad and flap-like; covering bases<br />

of mouth parts. Mandibles - the anterior outer pair of stylets which are<br />

bristle-like and may be serrated apically. Maxill:e - the maxillary,<br />

posterior or inner pair of stylets arising from a basal sclerite or the fused<br />

cardo and stipes; bristle-like and two-grooved along inner margin so as to<br />

form two capillary tubes - a dorsal suction tube and a ventral salivary<br />

ejection tube. Maxillary palpi - vestigial or usually absent. Labium,<br />

rostrum, or proboscis - very small and simple to greatly enlarged into a<br />

short or long, rigid, curved or straight, three- or four-segmented sucking<br />

tube with a dorsal channel enclosing the mandibular and maxillary stylets;<br />

folded between the legs along the venter at rest. Gula - a large chitinized<br />

ventral area behind the base of the labium. Genre -lateral ventral areas<br />

at the sides of the head behind the eyes.<br />

Thorax - compact and closely fused. Prothorax - small or large, sometimes<br />

long and neck-like, and may have lateral prolongations or horns. Meso- and<br />

metathorax - complex, with many sclerites. Scutellum - most important

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