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EPHEMERIDA 217<br />

but continuous flight. The wings are somewhat triangular in shape, the fore<br />

pair greatly developed and the hind pair very small or even absent. The venation<br />

is of a primitive type, as indicated by the accompanying drawings (Figs.<br />

76, 80). One of the important features of the venation is the presence of the intercalary<br />

veins which have no basal connections but are supported by numerous<br />

cross veins. The legs are variable, being well developed in some species and<br />

atrophied in others. In the males of many species the [are pair is much longer<br />

than the others and may be extended forward when at rest, appearing not unlike<br />

antennre. The most important anatomical features of the naiads and adults<br />

may be tabulated as shown on page 215.<br />

Internal anatomy. - The internal anatomy of mayflies is only imperfectly<br />

known in spite of the fact that the great naturalist Jan Swammerdam rather<br />

carefully worked out the internal anatomy as early as 1666. An unusual organ,<br />

not found in other insects, is a small, wholly chitinous body located in the head,<br />

just below and posterior to the ocelli. It lies between two tracheal tubes that<br />

connect on each side with the main tracheal trunks extending into the head.<br />

It is called Palmen's organ and occurs in the naiads and adults, and, while<br />

thought to have something to do with orientation in the immature forms,<br />

its function in the imagos is unknown. The more important known<br />

features are:<br />

Naiad Adult<br />

Alimentary canal for normal processes of Alimentary canal modified for the storage<br />

digestion. of air to aid in flight.<br />

CEsophagus wide. CEsophagus narrow tube with dilator<br />

muscles to regulate the air flow from<br />

mouth to stomach.<br />

Stomach with normal epithelial and muscu- Stomach an air storage sac.<br />

lar coats.<br />

Malpighian tubules numerous, may be more Malpighian tubules 40 in number.<br />

than 100.<br />

Fore part of the hind intestine with<br />

valves to check the air flow from the<br />

stomach.<br />

Sexual organs primitive with no accessory<br />

glands, gonoducts paired in both sexes,<br />

each with separate opening.<br />

The order EPHEMERIDA is a comparatively small one, consisting of about<br />

150 genera and some 1,270 species distributed in the Palrearctic, Nearactic,<br />

Neotropical, Ethiopian, and Indo-Australian regions. 'Probably less than half of<br />

the species of the world are described to date.

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