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Naiad Adult<br />

Elongate and campodeiform. Elongate and somewhat flattened or cylindrical.<br />

Head large with two compound eyes and Head small, compound eyes always presthree<br />

ocelli. ent, larger and often divided in the<br />

rnale, the front portion being raised or<br />

pillared and known as turban-eyed.<br />

With three ocelli.<br />

Antennre usually quite long, filiform and Antennre usually short, composed of two<br />

many segmented. basal segments and an indistinctly<br />

jointed apical portion.<br />

Mouth parts well developed, with labrum, Mouth parts aborted or at most very<br />

strong mandibles, three-segmented max- weakly developed; mandibles vestigial<br />

illary palpi, quadrifid labium, three-seg- ar absent, maxillre very small, but with<br />

mented labial palpi, and conspicuous palpi present.<br />

maxiJIulre associated with the hypopharynx.<br />

Mandibles of a very primitive type.<br />

Thoracic segments large, pro thorax narrow- Thoracic segments well developed with<br />

est. the mesothorax much larger than the<br />

other segments.<br />

Legs shorter and stouter than in the adults, Legs variable, fore pair greatly elongated<br />

one-segmented tarsi with single claw. in some males to aid mating, one- to<br />

five-segmented tarsi (usually four to<br />

five) with two simple or bifid claws.<br />

Apterous or with wing pads. Apterous or generally with two unequal<br />

pairs of many-veined. fragile wings,<br />

of which the fore pair is much the<br />

larger and the hind pair often very<br />

small or even wanting.<br />

Abdomen obviously lO-segmented, the 11th<br />

segment assuming the form of a manysegmented<br />

median filament as long as or<br />

shorter than the cerci. The median filament<br />

may not appear in the first stage<br />

young.<br />

Abdomen obviously lO-segmented, the<br />

11th segment in the form of a reduced<br />

tergum or a greatly elongated, multi-<br />

segmented appendage similar in form<br />

and length to the cerci. The male<br />

genitalia consist of a pair of simple incurved<br />

claspers and two penes, each<br />

with a separate opening. The oviducts<br />

of the female open between stemites<br />

7 and 8. .<br />

Cerci rather short or long and slender,<br />

many-segmented and often with conspicuous<br />

fringes.<br />

Respiration by external gills upon some or<br />

all of the first seven abdominal segments<br />

Cerci long, filiform, multi-segmented, and<br />

shorter or longer than the body.<br />

-<br />

Respiration spiracuJar through two pairs<br />

of thoracic and eight pairs of abdom-<br />

extending from the dorsum or sides. Gills<br />

variable in size and fOml, but often leaflike<br />

in appearance. No other insects have<br />

gills so si tua ted.<br />

215<br />

inal spiracles.

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