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CORRODENTIA 191.<br />

Family ATROPIDlE Kolbe 1884 (TROGIIDlE Enderlein 1911) (A-trop'i-dre,<br />

from Atropos, in Greek mythology that one of the three Fates who cuts off<br />

the thread of life, represented in art with a pair of scales or shears; referring<br />

to the "death watch" which was supposed to portend death).<br />

Species in which the wings are wholly absent or only the fore wings are represented<br />

by small scales without venation; the tarsi three-segmented; prothorax<br />

large and divided into three parts; meso- and metathorax separated by a suture.<br />

This is also an important family of wide distribution.<br />

Atropos pulsatorium (Linn.) is a minute, pale-colored species, 1.5-2.0 mm.<br />

long, occurring in houses, libraries, museums, and other structures, as well as<br />

out of doors in deserted beehives and nests of wasps of the genus Polistes. Its<br />

life history and habits are very similar to those of the death watch or cereal<br />

psocid. It has been introduced into North America, Australia, and probably<br />

other continents.<br />

LeNnotus inquilimts Heyden, L. reticulatus Enderlein, and Pteroxanium<br />

squamosum Endl. have wing scales and frequent dwellings as well as out of<br />

doors in Europe. The first of these has been introduced into Australia. All<br />

are pests in museums, libraries, and dwellings.<br />


BANKS, N., "Psocidre," Bull. Mus. Compo Zool. Harvard Col. 64 (3): 299-314, pis. 1-3,<br />

1920.<br />

BHUES, C. T., and A. L. MELANDER, Classification oj Insects, pp. 96-100, Jigs. 125-136,<br />

Harvard College, Cambridge, 1932.<br />

BURMEISTER, H., "Corrodcntia," IIondbuch der Entotnoiogie, abt. 2, heft 2: 757-781,<br />

Enslin, Berlin, 1839.<br />

CHAPMAN, P. J., "Corrodentia of the United States of America: 1. Suborder Isotecnomera,"<br />

JOUT. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 38: 219-290; 319-390, pis. 12-21, 1930.<br />

COMSTOCK, J. H., and A. B. COMSTOCK, Manual jor the study of insects, pp. 1-701. 797<br />

figs., 6 pis., Comstock Pub. Co., Ithaca, N. Y., 1895.<br />

ENDERLEIN, G., "Uber die Morphologie, Gruppierung und systematische Stcllung der<br />

Corrodentien," Zoot. Am. 26: 423, 1903.<br />

--, "Copcognatha," Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. IV band: 2 lief: vii I-vii 16, figs.<br />

1-38. 1927.<br />

HANDLlHSCH, A., "Corrodentia (Burmeister) Handlirsch oder Copeognatha Enderlein;<br />

Holz-, Staub-oder BiicherHiuse," Kukenthal Handb. Zoologie band. IV: 862-876,<br />

figs. 909-927, 22 refs., 1930.<br />

NORLAND, R. C., "The anatomy of Troctes divinatorius MUll. Trans.," Wisconsin Acad.<br />

Sci. Arts, Letters 21: 195-211, 3 pls., 1924.<br />

PEARMAN, J. V., "On sound production in the Psocoptera and on a presumed stridulatory<br />

organ," Ent. Mtllly. Mag. 64: 179-186, 1 fig., 5 refs., 1928.<br />

--, "Psocpotera from Warehouses," Ent. Mthly. Mag. 65: 104-109, 3 figs., 1929; 67:<br />

47-50, 4 figs., 95-98, 2 figs., 1931.<br />

--, "The natural history of the PSOCOPTERA," British Assoc. Adv. Sci. Rept. 98th<br />

Meeting pp. 339, 454, 1930.<br />

ROSEWALL, O. W., "The biology of the book·louse, Troctes divinatoria Mull.," Ann. Ent.<br />

Soc. Am. 23: 192-194, 1 fig., 1930.

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