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Termes hQmi Wasmann of Ceylon is injurious to growing Job's tears, a grass<br />

allied to maize.<br />

Nasutiterrnes ripperti (Rambur) of Jamaica builds aerial nests and feeds on<br />

the roots of various plants including sugar cane.<br />


ADAMSON, A. M., "Preliminary report on termites and termite damage in Trinidad,<br />

West Indies," Trap. Agr. 14: 141-149, 11 figs., 1937.<br />

BANKS, N., and T. SNYDER, "A revision of the Nearctic termites," U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull.<br />

lOS: 1-226, 70 figs., 35 pIs., 164 refs., 1920.<br />

BRULLE, A., "Memoire sur Ulle nouvelle disposition de l'ordre des Neuropteres," Ann.<br />

Soc. En!. Frarlce 1: 239-240, 1832.<br />

COMSTOCK, J. H., and A. B. COMSTOCK, Manualfor the Study of Insects, pp. 1-701, 797<br />

figs., 6 pIs., Comstock Pub. Co., Ithaca, N. Y., 1895.<br />

DIETZ, H. F., and T. E. SNYDER, "Biological notes on the termites of the Canal Zone<br />

and adjoining parts of the Republic of Panama," Jr. Agr. Res. 26: 279-302, 8 pIs.,<br />

22 refs., 1923.<br />

EMERSON, A. E., "A revision of the genera of fossil and recent Termopsinre (Isoptera),"<br />

Univ. Calif, PUb. Ent. 6: 165-196, 40 fIgs., 44 refs., 1933.<br />

FROGGATT, W. W., "White Ants," N. S. W., Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bull. 60: 1-46, 9 figs.,<br />

3 pIs., 31 refs., 1913.<br />

GRASSI, B., and A. SANDlAS, "The constitution and development of the Society of<br />

Termites: observat.ions on their habits; with appendices on the parasitic Protozoa<br />

of Termitida:: and Embiidre (English Translation)," Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci. 39:<br />

245-322; 40: 1-75, 5 pls., 1896.<br />

HAGEN, H., "Uber die Neuroptera von Mozambique," Bericht Berlin Akad. Wiss. 1853:<br />

479-482, 1853.<br />

--, "Die Neuropteren nach Mossambique," Peters Reise nach Mossambique, pp. 57-<br />

106. (Printed in 1854, but not distributed ul1til1862).<br />

--, "Monographie der Termiten," Linn

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