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ISOPTERA 171<br />

structive Australian species which constructs large dome-like termitaria up to<br />

6 ft. high. The common name comes from the white discharge of the fontanel<br />

of the soldiers.<br />

Heterotermes tenuis (Hagen) is one of the species most injurious to wooden<br />

structures in the West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and northern South<br />

America. H. aureus Snyder occurs in California, Arizona, and Mexico and is<br />

very destructive in the last two regions.<br />

Family TERMITIDlE 1 (Westwood 1840) Light 1921 (Ter-mit-i-dce, from the<br />

Latin termes, a woodworm or termite).<br />

A large family of tropical and subterranean species in which most of the<br />

soldiers have the head extended into a rostrum from which the fluid secretion<br />

may be extruded in tenacious threads to repel and entangle enemies. The<br />

anterior wing scale is small, the wings are partly reticulated, and the membrane<br />

and margins are somewhat hairy. The fontanel is present, and the pronotum of<br />

the soldier is saddle-like in shape. These species lack the protozoan fauna in<br />

the digestive tract. This is the dominant family of the order and has some 100<br />

genera and 1,200 species.<br />

In the genus Amitermes Silvestri the nasute soldiers have large sickle-shaped<br />

or hook-like and toothed mandibles.<br />

The meridional or magnetic termite, Amitermes meridionalis (Froggatt), in<br />

Australia, erects narrow, earthern, wall-like or wedge-shaped mounds from<br />

3 to 12 ft. high and almost as long, with the narrow ends facing north and<br />

south and the sides east and west.<br />

The genus Nasutitermes Banks (Eutermes Heer) is a large and important one.<br />

Nasutitermes ext'tiosus (Hill), one of a number of mound-building species in<br />

Australia, erects pillar-like mounds up to 18 ft. in height. Concerning the occupants<br />

of a small mound 172 ft. high and 4 ft. wide at the base, the following<br />

interesting facts have been assembled: 2<br />

Total population<br />

Workers .<br />

Soldiers .<br />

Nymphs .<br />

Humidity. .<br />

Temperature .<br />

. exceeded<br />

relatively high<br />

1,800,000<br />

1,560,000<br />

200,000<br />

40,000<br />

95%<br />

Nasutitermes costalis Holmgren is common and abundant in the West Indies,<br />

Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. It builds nigger-head<br />

nests on the trunks and larger branches of trees and on posts and poles and<br />

sometimes injures sugar cane. The nasute soldiers have very pointed heads<br />

and the alates fly by day.<br />

1 See footnote I, page 168.<br />

• Report of the Council of Science and Industrial Research oj Australia, Vol. 9, 193&.

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