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DERMAPTERA 143<br />

insects. The adults fly readily and are able to fold and unfold the wings rapidly.<br />

I t is occasionally taken in California.<br />

Fatuily FORFICULIDlE Burr 1907 (For'fi-cu'li-dre, from Latin jorjicufa, a pair<br />

of small shears or scissors).<br />

This is an important large family of earwigs which contains the most highly<br />

developed speCies and some of the most widely distributed and destructive<br />

forms. The body is convex, cylindrical, or strongly depressed; the antennre<br />

have 12 to 15 segments, the fourth segment equal to or shorter than the third;<br />

winged or apterous but wings usually present; legs short and somewhat compressed;<br />

abdomen usually parallel-sided but may be dilated in the middle or<br />

posteriorly; forceps flat or cylindrical; well represented in the Pahearctic region.<br />

In this family is Lo be found the well-known European earwig, Forjicula<br />

auricularia Linnaous (Figs. 53-58), which is the most widely distributed species<br />

in the subtropical and temperate regions of the world and which is often a very<br />

troublesome household and garden pest that is known to oCCur in Europe, South<br />

Africa, Australia. New Zealand, South America, and North America. It is a<br />

shining, brown and black, winged species, 11-15 mm. long, which lives in moist<br />

or rather dry conditions. part.icularly in centers of population where it is likely<br />

to breed in enormous numbers in garbage dumps, manure piles, lawn cuttings,<br />

leaves, and decayed vegetation or debris of any kind. The pearly-white oval<br />

eggs are laid in small masses of from 10 to 25 in the wet soil or in or under debris,<br />

usually in mid-winter in the warmer sections and in early spring in the colder<br />

limits of its distribution. There is but one generation a year. This species has<br />

widely varied feeding habits. In the Mediterranean region it. appears to be<br />

largely predacious on fly maggots and other scavengers and is considered beneficial,<br />

while in the cooler areas it still seems to prefer a vegetable diet and attacks<br />

many kinds of growing plants although it feeds to a considerable degree<br />

upon animal matter, both dead and alive. It is perhaps most. noxious as a pest<br />

in households, where its nocturnal habits are similar to those of cockroaches.<br />


BLATCHLEY, W. S., Orthoptera of northeastern America, pp. 1-784, Nature Pub. Co.,<br />

Indianapolis, 1920.<br />

BORMANS, A. DE, "Dennaptera," Biologia Cantrali-Americana. Zoologia. Orthoptera,<br />

1: 1-12, pIs. 1-2, 1893.<br />

BORMANS, A. DE, and H. KRAUSS, "Forficulidre and Hemimeridre," Das Tierreich 11:<br />

1-142,47 figs., 1900.<br />

BRUES, C. T., and A. L. MELANDER, "Classification of Insects," BHll. Mus. Compo Zool.<br />

Harvard Col., pp. 1-672, 1121 figs., 1932.<br />

BURR, M., "Dennaptera," Fauna of British India, pp. xviii + 217, 16 figs., 10 pis.,<br />

Taylor and Francis, London, 1910.<br />

--, "Dermaptera," Gen. Insectorum 122: 1-112, 9 pIs., 1911.<br />

--, "A New Species of Arixenia (Dermaptera)," Ent. Mthly. Mag. (2) 28: 105-106,<br />


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