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CHAPTER Xln<br />

10. Order DERMAPTERA Leach 1815 1<br />

(Der-map'te-ra, from the Greek O€P/Ut. skin, + 71"TEpa, wings;<br />

referring to the texture of the tegmina and bases of the wings.)<br />

German, Ohrwiirmer. French, Forficules, Perce-oreilles.<br />

Earwigs, Arixenids.<br />

Small to medium-sized, elongate, smooth, tough, chitinous insects with biting mouth<br />

parts; simple metamorphosis; with or without short truncate tegmina which conceal<br />

all but the tips of the much-folded wings; body terminating in a llair of weak or strong,<br />

hairy, burnished, smooth pincers (Ir forceps.<br />

External<br />

Size - medium.<br />

Shape - elongate, compressed dorsally.<br />

Exoskeleton - normally smooth. shining,<br />

leathery, and elastic with hard parts.<br />

Sometimes pubescent.<br />

Head - prognathous, small, rounded or<br />

broad, with Y-shaped epicranial suture.<br />

Eyes - compound eyes and ocelli well<br />

developed, vestigial, or wanting; ocelli<br />

usually vestigial or absent.<br />

Mouth parts - similar to those of the<br />

ORTHOPTERA. Labium, ligula, and<br />

superlingure bUobed: maxillary palpi<br />

five-segmented; labial palpi threesegmented.<br />

Thorax - well developed; pronotum large;<br />

mesonotum fused with first abdominal<br />

segment.<br />

Tegmina and wings - absent, vestigial,<br />

or functional.<br />

Tegmina - shorter than abdomen, truncate,<br />

leathery, veinless.<br />

Wings - semicircular. folded fan-like<br />

longitudinally and twice transversely;<br />

numerous weaJc veins.<br />


Internal<br />

Digestive System.<br />

Alimentary Canal -'- (JJsophagus -long;<br />

crop - almost globular; gizzard -<br />

tubular; mid-intestine - straight or<br />

with one or two coils, without enteric<br />

CfEca: Malpighian tubules - eight to<br />

20, usually arranged in two groups;<br />

hind intestine - with partial or complete<br />

spiral and with six rectal papt'tlre<br />

(see also ORTHOPTERA).<br />

Circulatory System. Similar to ORTHOP­<br />

TERA. A dorsal chambered vessel<br />

serves to force the blood forward to the<br />

head.<br />

Respiratory System.<br />

Elaborate tracheal system.<br />

Spiracles -10 pairs: two thoracic and<br />

eight abdominal.<br />

Nervous System.<br />

Cephalic ganglia - two.<br />

Thoracic ganglia - three.<br />

Abdominal ganglia - six.<br />

1 The term DERMAPTERA was first employed by Carl DeGeer in 1773 for the true bugs.<br />

W. E. Leach and Wm. Kirby in 1815 were the fu:sl to apply it to the earwigs. A. M. C. Dumerit<br />

coined the name LABIDOURES (LABIDURA) for them in 1806, and J. O. Westwood<br />

erected the order EUPLEXOPTERA for them in 1839. For many years they were considered<br />

as a family. FORFICULIDlE, of the ORTHOPTERA.<br />


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