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to man because of their destruction of plant-destroying insects. The eggs are<br />

deposited in two or more rows in a capsule or ootheca formed of a viscid or<br />

frothy quick-drying material exuded by the female for that purpose. From<br />

20 to 40 eggs may be enclosed in a single ootheca, and four or five such capsules<br />

may be produced by each female. The oothecre are constructed so as to be more<br />

or less characteristic for each species or genus and are attached to plants, rocks,<br />

or other convenient places. In the cooler limits of di8tribution only the eggs survive<br />

the winters. The eggs, although apparently so well protected, are heavily<br />

parasitized by minute parasitic HYMENOPTERA. Some species are parthenogenetic.<br />

In certain species the young, upon hatching, are suspended by a silken<br />

thread exuded from a pair of<br />

papillre on the last sternite.<br />

The life histories have been<br />

little studied. There are from<br />

three to 12 ecdyses, and the complete<br />

life cycle requires 1 year or<br />

more.<br />

The order MANTODEA comprises<br />

some 400 genera, about<br />

1,550 species, and 17 subfamilies,<br />

many of which are given family<br />

rank. They are chiefly tropical<br />

in distribution. By far the greatest<br />

numbers occur in tl:fe Ethiopian<br />

region, with lesser representations<br />

in the Neotropical,<br />

Oriental, Palrearctic, and Australian<br />

regions in the order listed.<br />

Family MANTIDlE Saussure<br />

1869. Mantids.<br />

The commonest North American<br />

species is the Carolina mantid,<br />

Stagmomantis carolina (Linn.),<br />

FIG. 50. A brachY[ltcrous maniid, Lilatteutria which ranges from Cuba, Mexico,<br />

obscura Scudder. a, tegmen; b, wing. and the Gulf states north to New<br />

Jersey and even New York, and west to southern Indiana, Utah, and<br />

Arizona. It is grayish-brown with darker moWings and 48-57 mm. long.<br />

The oothecre are large, elongated egg masses, consisting of from 20 to 40 eggs<br />

laid in parallel rows, are brown with whitish dorsal st.ripe, and about 25 mm.<br />

long. They are most frequently found on the bare branches of deciduous trees<br />

and shrubs during the winter months. They may be incubated and the young<br />

reared in confinement.<br />

Probably the best known species is the European mantid, Mantis religiosa<br />

Linnreus, which occurs t.hroughout southern Europe, northern Africa, and

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