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BLATTARIA 115<br />

REl:IN, J. A. G., and M. HEBARD, "The Orthoptera of the West Indies: Blattidre," Bull.<br />

Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 64: 1-320, 1927.<br />

SCIlR()DER, C., Handbuch der Enlomologie 3: 481-493, figs, 405-416, Fischer, jena, 1925,<br />

SlIARP, D., Cambridge Natural History. Insects 6: 220-241, figs. 118-134, lS95.<br />

SHELFORD, R, "Orthoptera. Family Blattidre, Subfamily Ectobinre," Gen. Insectormn<br />

66: 1-13, 1 pl., 1907.<br />

---, "Subfamily Phyllodromiinre," Gen. Inseetorum 73: 7-29, 2 pIs., 1908.<br />

----, "Subfamily Nyctiborimc," Gen. Insectorutn 74: 1-5, 1 pl., 1908.<br />

---, "Subfamily Epilampsinre," Gen. Inseetorum 101: 1-21, 2 pIs., 1910.<br />

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TEPPER, J. G. 0., "The BIattarire of Australia and Polynesia," Trans. Royal Soc. oj So.<br />

Australia 18: 25-130, 1893; 19: 169-189, 1894.<br />

WILLIAMS, F. X., "Handbook of the insects and other invertebrates of Hawaiian sugar<br />

cane fields," E.rp. Sta., Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Assn., Honolulu, H. T., pp. 49-58,<br />

figs. 7-13, pl. II., 1931.

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