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ORTHOPTERA 103<br />

Family TRIDACTYLIDlE Brunner 1882 (Tri'dac-tyl'i-dre, from the Greek<br />

TpeLs, TpLa, three, + oaKTI))\.05, a digit, toe). Pigmy Mole Crickets.<br />

These are peculiar minute crickets, scarcely more than 10 mm. long, with the<br />

fore tibire fossorial and the hind femora enormously enlarged for jumping. The<br />

fore and middle tarsi are two-segmented, and the hind tarsi are one-segmented<br />

or absent. The hind tibire terminate in movable elongated plates called natatory<br />

lamella: which spread out and probably aid in jumping from the surface of loose<br />

sand and water. The antennre are short and ll-segmented; there are three<br />

minute ocelli; short tegmina; long wings often extending beyond the tip of the<br />

abdomen; no auditory or stridulating organs; a pair of styli; and a pair of cerci.<br />

These insects inhabit damp areas near water. They burrow freely into the sand<br />

and jump with remarkable energy. Like the grouse locusts, they seem to be<br />

equally adept on water and on land. The family is world-wide, although represent.ed<br />

by but three genera and 55 species. Tridactylus variegatlts (Latreille) is<br />

the common species in southern Europe, northern Africa, western Asia, and the<br />

East Indies. T. japonicus Ratin is a Japanese species; T. capensis Saussure,<br />

South African; T. tarlarus Saussure, south Siberian; T. apicalis Say and Ellipes<br />

minuta Scudder, North and Central American.<br />


BLATCHLEY, W. S., Orthoptl!ra of Northeastern America, pp. 1-784,246 figs., bibliography,<br />

Nature Pub. Co., Indianapolis, 1920.<br />

BRUNNER, C. v. WATTENWYL, Monograpllie der Phaneropteriden, pp. 1-399,8 pis., Wien,<br />

1878.<br />

--, "Monographie der Stenopelmatiden und Gryllacrideu," Wiellel' Zoologische­<br />

Botanisch Gesellschaft 1888: 247-394, pIs. 5-9, 1888.<br />

--, "Revision du Systeme des Orthopteres," Annuales Mus. Cill. Star. Naturaliste,<br />

pp. 1-230, 6 pIs., 1893.<br />

BURR, MALCOLM, "Eumastacidre," Gen. InsectoTum 16: pp. 1-23, 1 pl., 1903.<br />

CAUDELL, A. N., "The Decticinre of North America," Proc. U. S. Nat. MU$. 32: 285-<br />

410,1907.<br />

--, "Decticinre," Gen. Insectorum 72: 1-43, 2 pIs., 1908.<br />

--, "Prophalangospinre," Gen. Inseclorum 120: 1-7, 1 pl., 1911.<br />

--, "Meconemime, Phyllophorinre. Tympanophorinre, Phasgonurime, Phasmodime,<br />

Bradyporinre," Gen. Inseclorum 138: 1-25, 2 pis., 1912.<br />

--, "Ephippigerinre," Gen. Insectoruln 140: 1-10, 1 pl., 1912.<br />

--, "Sagime," Gen. Insectorum 167: 1-10, 2 pis., 1916.<br />

--, "Hetrodinre," Gen. lnseclorum 168: 1-13, 1 pl., 1916.<br />

--, "Mecopodinre," Gen. Insecta rum 171: 1-31, '1 pIs., 1916.<br />

--, "The genera of the Tettigoniid insects of the subfamily Rhaphidophorinre found<br />

in America north of Mexico," Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 49: 655-690, 1916.<br />

FULTON, B. B., "The tree crickets of New York; life history and bionomics," N. Y.<br />

Agr. Exp. Sta., Tech. Bull. 42: 1-47, 6 pis., 1915.<br />

HANCOCK, J. L., The Tettigidm of North America, pp. 1-188, 10 pIs., Chicago, 1902.<br />

--, "Tetriginre," Gen. lnsectorum 48: 1-77, 4 pls., 1906.<br />

HEARN, LAFCADJO, "Insect·Musicians," Exotics and retrospectives and ghostly Japan, 9:<br />

30-63, 15 text figs., 1 col. pl., Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Koizumi ed. 1923.

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