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River Life Worship Centre - Rlwcword.org

River Life Worship Centre - Rlwcword.org


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(20-05-12)<br />

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Heb 11:1 Some people<br />

think God has given faith. Some people read Bible themselves and think that they’ve got some faith<br />

with them. If they pray every day, they think they’ve got some faith. But people are still living in a<br />

pitiable life condition because they do not have faith. God gives you His Word to live in faith. Mary<br />

believed the Word of God and stood in faith and said “Be it unto me according to Your Word”. Faith<br />

is so simple and yet so difficult for the people in the world to believe. It is holy and precious. Matt<br />

8:23-26 When Jesus Christ and His disciples were going in a boat then a huge tempest has come<br />

around. Jesus was sleeping on the deck and the disciples were afraid of looking at the storm. They<br />

began to wake up Jesus. When the storm was high, they were looking at the intensity of the storm<br />

but could not remember the miracles of Jesus.<br />

BELIEF: What you believe, that’s what you do. If you say you believe in Jesus and do not do what He<br />

says, it means to say that you do not believe in Him. “All things are possible to those who believe.”<br />

You are supposed to do what God is wanting you to do in the storm. If you do that, it is called belief.<br />

But the disciples were afraid of the storm. It’s because they could not believe in the inside.<br />

Whenever a storm comes, if you don’t have the belief in the inside, you will fall. Storm reveals your<br />

who you are and what your faith is all about. Jesus Christ is sleeping in the storm. He is the Word<br />

(John 1:1). When the Word is sleeping in the deck, it means to say, you must also sleep along with<br />

the Word.<br />

FEAR: Fear is the opposite of Faith. Jesus said in Matthew 8:26 “Why are you fearful, O you of little<br />

faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.” Jesus said to<br />

disciples Why are you fearful (for I am here the Creator of Heaven and the Earth) O you of little<br />

faith? When fear holds many people pray in that fear. Fear leads their prayer. When you are in a<br />

problem (joblessness, marriage, business etc.) that problem makes you to pray. Such people are<br />

fallen short of the knowledge of God. They are supposed to put their trust and confidence on God.<br />

“Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint”.<br />

LITTLE FAITH: Their faith is not sufficient to stop the storm because they are in fear. If they could<br />

eliminate the fear mode, then their faith mode would have increased. The opposite of faith is fear.<br />

Why are they fearful? Because they are not obedient to the Word of God. 2:Timothy 1:7 says God<br />

has not given us the spirit of fear. If God has not given the fear, then from where they are getting<br />

this fear? It is the devil who instigates your mind and then you are filled with fear. So God has given<br />

you power, anointing and gifts ( gift of tongues) to break that spirit of fear. A man who runs with<br />

fear is controlled by fear and led by fear. Whereas, those who are led by the Spirit of God are called<br />

the sons of God.<br />

HOPE: Hope is the starting point of faith. Heb 11:1 says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for,<br />

the evidence of things not seen.” The whole verse is pointing out to towards one thing that is hope.<br />

Hope is an important ingredient which is already present in the inside of you. Proverbs: 24:13, 14<br />

says, God is sending taste to your soul. When your soul tastes the honey and the honey-comb

experience (knowledge of Wisdom), then your hope and prospect will not be cut off. The knowledge<br />

of Wisdom which enters your soul, will hold your hope so that it will not be cut off. This is the<br />

starting point of faith. You will also see a definite prospect in front of you.<br />

When you have a problem and pray, God gives you Wisdom. You should know how to apply that<br />

wisdom. Kings in the Bible, when they have a problem they prayed, then God used to send wisdom.<br />

That wisdom is the solution for their problem. Jesus Christ grew up for 30 years in wisdom. Luke 2:40<br />

“And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon<br />

Him”. The Creator Himself grew up in wisdom. Is it worldly or Godly? John 7:15 “And the Jews<br />

marvelled, saying, “How does this Man know letters, having never studied?” as Jesus had no<br />

education; He grew up in Godly wisdom. Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and<br />

in favour with God and men.” Why is wisdom so important? Because it is needed to solve your<br />

problems.<br />

GRACE OF GOD : 2 Corinthians 8:1-3,9 says, “Moreover, brethren, we make known to you the grace<br />

of God bestowed upon churches of Macedonia:” Grace of God is upon churches and not on you.<br />

Grace is the teaching of a Holy God to an unholy man. This is the Grace which has come for a<br />

purpose. Because this is on church, you need to take your decisions along with church. But if you are<br />

not connected to the church, you can’t get this Grace upon your life. Though they are in a great trial<br />

of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of liberality.<br />

According to their ability, yes, and beyond their ability, they were freely willing to give. These are<br />

people in deep poverty. Yet they gave beyond their ability. Their liberal giving has made them rich.<br />

The churches of Macedonia knew and they have tasted the Grace of God. When you are obedient to<br />

the Word of God, through the Grace of God, He will come and lead you. God’s grace will teach you<br />

to sleep in the storm (great trial of affliction).<br />

God wants to bless you in your finances. He protects your money from devourer. You are supposed<br />

to learn the financial discipline in your income. When you are getting for example Rs.10, you have to<br />

spend your money in such a way that you have to allot your money to Tithe, (Rs.1) seed, (say Rs.2)<br />

savings, (Rs.2) for poor people fund (say Rs.1) and the rest (Rs.4) for your usage. When you give<br />

Tithe, God will rebuke the devourer, when you give to poor people by which your disease which<br />

normally stays with you for one or two weeks, now it will come in the morning and leave in the<br />

evening. When you give as seed offering, then God shows the way in a perplexed situation the right<br />

path. The seed faith: If you are living with Rs.4 of your income you are content with it. Then you will<br />

pass from Rs.10 salary to Rs.1000 salary. But you learnt to live with Rs.4. So now you will give extra<br />

tithe from 10% you will increase to 20%, seed money from 20% to 40% ,poor people fund from 10%<br />

to 20%,. No disease will touch you. If you are faithful in smaller things you will be faithful in bigger<br />

things. When you begin to flow with your seed, it will speak to you. Anointing in seed is different.<br />

What you sow, so you will reap. When He connects with your money, it becomes a miracle power.<br />

First thing that happens to you is, you’ll be filled with joy. Second thing, your faith will rise. But if you<br />

don’t work with the Word of God, He doesn’t connect with you and your desires will make you to<br />

pray.<br />

DESIRES: What are your desires, so are your debts. Your desire is more than your earning. Your<br />

desire will make you to stretch your hands in front of people. Bible says I have never seen the

descendants of Abraham begging for bread. Who is a man with desires? A lazy man. Proverb: 21:25,<br />

26 says “The desire of the Lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor. He covets greedily all day<br />

long..” A lazy man’s desire kills him. Who is a lazy man? He is anyone who is disinclined to do work.<br />

He covets greedily all day long. Check which desire holds you and how much time it is holding you.<br />

But the just shall live by faith.<br />

Proverb: 24:30,31: “I went by the field of the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man devoid of<br />

understanding; And there it was, all overgrown with thorns; Its surface was covered with nettles; Its<br />

stone wall was broken down.” Here the person is lazy and he has a field. But there is no plantation in<br />

it. It’s all overgrown with thorns. V32 speaks the reason for the thorns, nettles – “ A little sleep, a<br />

little slumber, and the little folding of the hands to rest. And here is the person who is devoid of<br />

understanding. He has a vineyard. Devoid means lack. The Bible says in all your getting, get<br />

understanding. God has readily placed that understanding spiritually. The Word of God is a ladder to<br />

receive that understanding. You need to bend your mind and your very self to climb up the ladder to<br />

reach that understanding. Once you get that understanding, according to it your mind shall be set,<br />

and your decisions will be according to that understanding. God has placed His understanding for<br />

you for every problem. For you to get that understanding, God gives you Word daily. But Satan<br />

comes and steals that Word from you by showing you, your desire(apple).<br />

Luke 24:45, says “And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.”<br />

Without understanding you can’t read the Bible. Though this man has a vineyard, (appears to have a<br />

plantation) because he is a man devoid of understanding, he has no fruits. His field is overgrown<br />

with thorns, covered with nettles and the stone wall means protection and disciplining. ( from<br />

predators, thoughts, words-from within me and outside me) is broken down. Proverbs 24:34 says,<br />

“So shall your poverty come like a prowler, And your need like an armed man”. Need is something<br />

when you are thirsty, you need water and your want is Coca-Cola. God is speaking about your ‘need’<br />

ground. Once you come out of laziness and remain in understanding, your need is continuously met<br />

by God. Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in<br />

glory by Christ Jesus”. Why is He doing this? To give you an abounding fruit. (v.17) When your<br />

offering is reached, your need is met. When you give to God, God will give you back good measure,<br />

pressed down, shaken together and running over.<br />


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