Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations

Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations

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8 CHAPTER 1. EXAMPLES OF CONTROL PROBLEMS than the previous one) can be placed in contact with the electrolyte. In this device the noble metal plays the role of a cathode, and the other one the role of the anode. A current can be prescribed to the anode to modify the electric field in the electrolyte. This process is known as cathodic protection. The system can be described by the elliptic equation −div(σ∇φ) = 0 in Ω, −σ ∂φ ∂n = i on Γa, −σ ∂φ ∂n = 0 on Γi, −σ ∂φ ∂n = f(φ) on Γc, (1.2.1) where φ is the electrical potential, Ω is the domain occupied by the electrolyte, Γa is a part of the boundary of Ω occupied by the anode, Γc is a part of the boundary of Ω occupied by the cathode, Γi is the rest of the boundary Γ, Γi = Γ \ (Γa ∪ Γc). The control function is the current density i, the constant σ is the conductivity of the electrolyte, the function f is known as the cathodic polarization function, and in general it is a nonlinear function of φ. The cathode is protected if the electrical potential is closed to a given potential ¯ φ on Γc. Thus the cathodic protection can be achived by choosing the current i as the solution to the minimization problem (P1) inf{J1(φ) | (φ, i) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L 2 (Γa), (φ, i) satisfies (1.2.1), a ≤ i ≤ b}, where a and b are some bounds on the current i, and J1(φ) = (φ − ¯ φ) 2 . Γc A compromise between ’the cathodic protection’ and ’the consumed energy’ can be obtained by looking for a solution to the problem (P2) inf{J2(φ, i) | (φ, i) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L 2 (Γa), (φ, i) satisfies (1.2.1), a ≤ i ≤ b}, where and β is a positive constant. J2(φ, i) = Γc (φ − ¯ φ) 2 + β 1.2.2 Optimal control problem in radiation and scattering Here the problem consists in determining the surface current of a radiating structure which maximize the radiated far field in some given directions [22]. Let Ω ⊂ R N be the complementary subset in R N of a regular bounded domain (Ω is called an exterior domain), and let Γ its boundary. The radiated field y satisfies the Helmholtz equation Γa i 2 , ∆y + k 2 y = 0, in Ω, (1.2.2) where k ∈ C, Imk > 0, and the radiation condition ∂y 1 − iky = O ∂r |x| (N+1)/2 , when r = |x| → ∞. (1.2.3)

1.3. CONTROL OF PARABOLIC EQUATIONS 9 The current on the boundary Γ is chosen as the control variable, and the boundary condition is: y = u on Γ. (1.2.4) The solution y to equation (1.2.2)-(1.2.4) satisfies the following asymptotic behaviour y(x) = eik|x| x F + O |x| (N−1)/2 |x| 1 |x| (N+1)/2 , when r = |x| → ∞, and F is called the far field of y. The optimal control problem studied in [22] consists in finding a control u, belonging to Uad, a closed convex subset of L ∞ (Γ), which maximizes the far field in some directions. The problem can be written in the form (P ) sup{J(Fu) | u ∈ Uad}, where Fu is the far field associated with u, and J(F ) = S 2 x x α F dr, |x| |x| S is the unit sphere in R N , α is the characteristic function of some subset in S. 1.3 Control of parabolic equations 1.3.1 Identification of a source of pollution Consider a river or a lake with polluted water, occupying a two or three dimensional domain Ω. The control problem consists in finding the source of pollution (which is unknown). The concentration of pollutant y(x, t) can be measured in a subset O of Ω, during the interval of time [0, T ]. The concentration y is supposed to satisfy the equation ∂y ∂t − ∆y + V · ∇y + σy = s(t)δa in Ω×]0, T [, ∂y ∂n = 0 on Γ×]0, T [, y(x, 0) = y0 in Ω, (1.3.5) where a ∈ K is the position of the source of pollution, K is a compact subset in Ω, s(t) is the flow rate of pollution. The initial concentration y0 is supposed to be known or estimated (it could also be an unknown of the problem). The problem consists in finding a ∈ K which minimizes T (y − yobs) 2 , 0 O where y is the solution of (1.3.5) and yobs corresponds to the measured concentration. In this problem the rate s(t) is supposed to be known. This problem is taken from [24]. We can imagine other problems where the source of pollution is known but not accessible, and for which the rate s(t) is unknown. In that case the problem consists in finding s satisfying some a priori bounds s0 ≤ s(t) ≤ s1 and minimizing T 0 O (y − yobs) 2 .


than the previous one) can be placed in contact with the electrolyte. In this device the noble<br />

metal plays the role <strong>of</strong> a cathode, and the other one the role <strong>of</strong> the anode. A current can be<br />

prescribed to the anode to modify the electric field in the electrolyte. This process is known<br />

as cathodic protection.<br />

The system can be described by the elliptic equation<br />

−div(σ∇φ) = 0 in Ω,<br />

−σ ∂φ<br />

∂n = i on Γa, −σ ∂φ<br />

∂n = 0 on Γi, −σ ∂φ<br />

∂n<br />

= f(φ) on Γc,<br />

(1.2.1)<br />

where φ is the electrical potential, Ω is the domain occupied by the electrolyte, Γa is a part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the boundary <strong>of</strong> Ω occupied by the anode, Γc is a part <strong>of</strong> the boundary <strong>of</strong> Ω occupied by<br />

the cathode, Γi is the rest <strong>of</strong> the boundary Γ, Γi = Γ \ (Γa ∪ Γc). The control function is the<br />

current density i, the constant σ is the conductivity <strong>of</strong> the electrolyte, the function f is known<br />

as the cathodic polarization function, and in general it is a nonlinear function <strong>of</strong> φ.<br />

The cathode is protected if the electrical potential is closed to a given potential ¯ φ on Γc.<br />

Thus the cathodic protection can be achived by choosing the current i as the solution to the<br />

minimization problem<br />

(P1) inf{J1(φ) | (φ, i) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L 2 (Γa), (φ, i) satisfies (1.2.1), a ≤ i ≤ b},<br />

where a and b are some bounds on the current i, and<br />

<br />

J1(φ) = (φ − ¯ φ) 2 .<br />

Γc<br />

A compromise between ’the cathodic protection’ and ’the consumed energy’ can be obtained<br />

by looking for a solution to the problem<br />

(P2) inf{J2(φ, i) | (φ, i) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L 2 (Γa), (φ, i) satisfies (1.2.1), a ≤ i ≤ b},<br />

where<br />

and β is a positive constant.<br />

<br />

J2(φ, i) =<br />

Γc<br />

(φ − ¯ φ) 2 <br />

+ β<br />

1.2.2 <strong>Optimal</strong> control problem in radiation and scattering<br />

Here the problem consists in determining the surface current <strong>of</strong> a radiating structure which<br />

maximize the radiated far field in some given directions [22]. Let Ω ⊂ R N be the complementary<br />

subset in R N <strong>of</strong> a regular bounded domain (Ω is called an exterior domain), and let Γ its<br />

boundary. The radiated field y satisfies the Helmholtz equation<br />

Γa<br />

i 2 ,<br />

∆y + k 2 y = 0, in Ω, (1.2.2)<br />

where k ∈ C, Imk > 0, and the radiation condition<br />

<br />

∂y<br />

1<br />

− iky = O<br />

∂r |x| (N+1)/2<br />

<br />

, when r = |x| → ∞. (1.2.3)

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