1 - Chris's Commonwealth Railways Pages

1 - Chris's Commonwealth Railways Pages 1 - Chris's Commonwealth Railways Pages



WORK ME TABLE No . 14<br />

Effective from 23rd July. 1961 until further notice<br />

Each member of the staff to whom this book is issued must die himself conversant with<br />

its contents as far r they concern him. so that he mzy be thoroughly aware of the dterztions and<br />

additions made since the previous issue . He must also keep the book up.to-date. by inserting any<br />

amendments which may be published by Train or Special Notice or in the Weekly Notice .<br />

He must immediately report any inaccuracies to the Chief Traffic I1Ianager . Suggestions for<br />

alterations or additions to t.he train service must be sent to the Chief Traffic Nzrmger for consideration<br />

as early as possible before the nest print of the book<br />


Section Subject <strong>Pages</strong><br />

(I) General notes regarding tabular pages ................................<br />

Numbering of trains ........................................<br />

(11) Mileages. station facilities. engine loads and sectional running times :<br />

Port Pirie Junc.-Port Augusta (Down and Up) ....................<br />

Port Augusta.4 ook (Down) ............................<br />

Cook-Kalgoorlie (Down) ..........................<br />

Kalgoorlie... Cook (Up) ..............................<br />

Cook-Port Augusta (Up) ..............................<br />

(111) Schedules:<br />

Port Pirie 3unc.-Port Augusta (Down) ............................<br />

Port -4ugusta-Port Pirie Junc . (Up) ..............................<br />

Schools railcar service. Stirling North-Port Augusta ....................<br />

Port Augusta-Cook (Down) ... i ........................<br />

Cook-Kalgoorlie (Down) ............................<br />

Kalgoor1ie-C ook (Up) ..............................<br />

Cook-Port Augusta (Up) ..............................<br />

Standard railcar workings ..........................................<br />

(V) Standard workings cmf passenger carriages, etc . ............................<br />

Speeds of trains ..................................................<br />

Maximum permitted speeds for locomotives, railcars. etc . ..............<br />

Maximum permitted speeds for rolling-stock ........................<br />

Special rates of speed for particular kinds of locations or movements<br />

......<br />

Permanent local speed restrictions .............................<br />

Temporary speed restrictions ................................<br />

(VII) Restrictions upon movements of locomotives and rolling-stock ..................<br />

(VIII) Running ahead of time ............................................<br />

(m) Conditional stops ................................................<br />

(S) Trains not to make unscheduled stops ..................................<br />

(XI) General transport notes ............................................<br />

Important operating instructions ......................................<br />

(XI11 3Iiscellaneou~ instructions ..........................................

2<br />


1. In the tabular pages, the ELECTRIC TRAIX STAFF ST.4TIONS are distinguished by the sign<br />

S or S being shown against them, and by the station name being printed in bold type.<br />

STATIONS TVHICH ARE REGUL4RLY OR USUALLY ATTENDED are shown in capital letters.<br />

2. The following signs, used generally in this book, are to be interpreted as under:-<br />

(AT) Adelaide time. (Tx) Train Control telephcane (selector ringer type!<br />

in residence of Stationmaster, Ganger and/<br />

E Depot where locomotives are stabled.<br />

or other person in charge.<br />

T Train Control telephcne (speak-in type)<br />

e Shed accommodation for locomotives. in office or cabin.<br />

(T) Train Control telephone (speak-in type)<br />

F Diesel fuel supply for all purposes.<br />

in residence of Ganger.<br />

f<br />

Diesel fuel supply for Budd railcars only.<br />

J Junction station.<br />

L Lccomotive coaling station.<br />

U Unattended siding.<br />

R Locomotive watering station.<br />

m Locomotive watering station iemergency).<br />

(m) Car watering station.<br />

I Locomotive coaling station (emergency). X Trains can cross here.<br />

0 Turntable.<br />

(PT) Perth time.<br />

R Refreshment room.<br />

P Reversing triangle.<br />

CP Stcp when necessary to set down or pick up<br />

passengers only.<br />

CPD Stop when necessary to set down passengers<br />

only.<br />

S Electric train staff staticn.<br />

CPU Stop when necessary to pick up passengers<br />

S Electric train staff station.<br />

only.<br />

(automatic instruments). CG Stop when necessary to set down or pick up<br />

passengers (if conveyed), mails and other<br />

traffic as prescribed for train concerned.<br />

Conditional train-stop signal exists.<br />

CS Stop when necessary to shunt.<br />

T* Train Control telephcne (selector ringer<br />

type) in office or cabin. CGS A ccmbinaticn of the si,ons "CG" and "CS."<br />

The meaning of other signs is given on or opposite the page on which they are used.<br />


station indicates that a train is tabled to cross or to pass there and the number alongside is the<br />

number of the other train concerned.<br />

-<br />

Thus: - O0 40 or - 65<br />

6 10 6 10<br />

The line and number always appears below the arrival time at terminal stations, and above the<br />

departure time at starting stations.<br />


indicates that the train stables there; or (if no departure time is shown) that it terminates there.<br />

As in the case of a single heavy line, any number(s1 alongside indicate train(s) tabled to cress or to pass


4. At an internlediate station \XIHERE A DEPARTURE mIE ONLY IS SHOWN, the train is<br />

tabled to pass through without stopping, unless there is also a sign indicating a conditional stop,<br />


do so only for the purpcse(s) indica:ed by the sign in the time-table, unless special ~n-<br />

structions otherwise are glven cn a particular occasion.<br />

(b) A conditional stop for an authorised purpose must be made upon advice from a Station-<br />

master cr Train Controller, or from the Guard, that it is required. This advice must be<br />

given in due time tc. the Driver, ancl also to the Guard if it does not originate from hirn.<br />

In addition, any conditional stop which is shown for the purpose of piclrin; np pas-<br />

sengers andior other traEc must be made by the Driver in response to a reccgnised stop<br />

signal or (at an unattended place) 311 indication 11y any person that he wishes the train<br />

to stop.<br />

(c) If there is no worli to be done ar. n station where a conditional stop is indicated, the<br />

train must not stop: the arrival time shown (if any) is rc he treated as apprcsimate:~<br />

the due passing time; and time should be regained accordingly in running.<br />




No train must be arranged to run on an?; of rhese conditional clays or tlmin~s without ~he<br />

approval of the Chief Traffic Manager.<br />

7. EVERY TRAIN IS ALLOTTED A NQXD;\;BEE consisting of three fi=.ures, of vhich:<br />

prior<br />

THE FIRST FIGURE always indicates the day of the xveelr. on which the Train =tarts from<br />

its originating station; i.e. 1 for Sunday, 3 for lfonda:~: em.<br />

THE LAST TWO FlGUBES usually indicate the period of ;he day during which ".he trsiu<br />

starts from its originating station.<br />

DOIVN trains (i.e. towards Kalgoorlie) heir ODD numbers. I<br />

UT trains i.e. towards Port Pirie Junckion) bear EVEN numbers. \<br />

See Page 4.<br />

The number of each lablec2 train (regular or conditional) is shoxvn at the head or' its colunlll 111<br />

the time-table pages. If two figures only are shown, this indicates that the train can run 011 more ~nan<br />

one day of the week; and on each day when it does run, the appropriate prefL~ figure for that day must<br />

be placed in front of the number.<br />

Numbers for special trains, running on timings not provided in this book. ere allotted by Control.<br />

If a special train originates from Port Pirie Junction. Stirling North. Port Augusta. Parlieston or Knlgoorlie,<br />

it will be given the nearest appropriate vacant number from the "time series," i.e. numbers 10<br />

or l1 and upwards. If it originates from any other station, it mill be given a number from the "special<br />

series," i.e. 00 or 01 to 08 or 09 inclusive. The appropriate prefL~ figure for the day of running must<br />

again be placed in front of this number, in either case.<br />

8. The TilBLED 3lXXII\IZTi\T SPEED, shown at the heacl of each ~iming column, indicates the<br />

basis on which that schedule has been compiled, and corresponcls with the equivalent columns in the<br />

tables of engine loads and sectional running times on pages 6 io 15.<br />

It also draws attention to the goods and mixed trains scheduled at a maximum speed of 40 m.p.!~.<br />

which, when they are nor. conveying vehicles limited to 40 m.p.h., will be expected to run as nearly i~s<br />

possible to the sectional running times for 50 m.p.h. trains.<br />

Over certain sections, timings have been sstended beyond the sectional running times shown on<br />

pages 7 to 15, to provide for semi-permanent or temporary speed restrictions and other contingencies.<br />

Under average conditions, if no speed restrictions are in force (other than those permanent speed restrictions<br />

sho~~n on pages 40 to -1.5) it is espected the sectional running times laid down on <strong>Pages</strong> 7<br />

to 15 will be maintained, or even bettered under favorable conditions, irrespective of the time-table<br />

timings.<br />

It will be the duty of the Driver to maintain the speed of his train<br />

as near to the m3-ximum pernlissible speed as the load and grade \=rill<br />

allor.rr, subject to compliance with the instructions on page 47 about<br />

running ahead of tinle.

Day :-<br />

Numbering of Trains<br />

Train numbers. as explained in note 7 on page 3. are allotted from the following tables:-<br />

hefix figure:-<br />


Special trains<br />

originating at<br />

roadside stations<br />


i<br />

UP TP-S<br />

Sun Non . Tue . Wed Th U. Fri. Sat . Sun . Mon . Tue . We& Thu . Fri . Wt<br />

l<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

(-A) TDZE GEElES<br />

a.m.<br />

12.00 to 12.40 ....<br />

12.41 to 1.20 ....<br />

1.21 to 2.00 ....<br />

2.01 to 2.40 ....<br />

2.41 to 3.20 ....<br />

3.21 to 400 ...<br />

4.01 to 4.30 ....<br />

4.31 to 5.00 ....<br />

5.01 to 5.30 ....<br />

5.31 to 6.00 ....<br />

6.01 to 6.30 ....<br />

6.31 to 7.M ....<br />

7.01 to 7.30 ....<br />

7.31 to 8.00 ....<br />

8.01 to 8.30 .... / 8.31 to 9.00 ....<br />

9.01 to 9.30 ....<br />

9.31 to 10.00 ....<br />

10.01 to 10.30 ....<br />

10.31 to 11.00 .... /<br />

11.01 to 11.30 ....<br />

11.31 to 12.00 .... 1<br />

111 211<br />

113 213<br />

115 215<br />

117 217<br />

119 219<br />

121 221<br />

123 223<br />

125 225<br />

127 227<br />

129 229<br />

131 231<br />

133 233<br />

135 235<br />

137 237<br />

139 239<br />

141 241<br />

143 243<br />

145 245<br />

147 247<br />

149 2.19<br />

151 251<br />

l53 253<br />

311<br />

513<br />

315<br />

317<br />

319<br />

321<br />

323<br />

325<br />

327<br />

329<br />

331<br />

333<br />

335<br />

337<br />

339<br />

341<br />

343<br />

345<br />

347<br />

3-19<br />

351<br />

353<br />

411 511 611 711 110 210 310<br />

413 513 613 713 112 212 312<br />

415 515 615 715<br />

'<br />

114 214 314<br />

417 517 617 717 116 216 316<br />

419 519 619 719 118 218 318<br />

421 521 621 721 120 220 320<br />

423 523 623 723 1 122 222 322<br />

425 525 625 725 / 124 224 324<br />

427 527 627 727 1 126 226 326<br />

429 529 629 729 i l28 228 328<br />

431 531 631 731 1 130 230 330<br />

433 . 533f 3.3/5?*/%!32 232 332<br />

435 lq .$*>3j . ;:l34 234 334<br />

437 53G637 $3'1' i 136 236 336<br />

439 339 639 739 138 238 338<br />

4.11 541 641 741 ' 140 240 340<br />

3 543 643 743 ( 142 242 3342<br />

445 545 645 745 l 144 244 344<br />

447 M7 64'7 747 ' 146 216 346<br />

449 9 649 749 V 148 248 348<br />

451 551 651 751 150 250 350<br />

463 553 6% 753 j 152 252 352<br />

410<br />

412<br />

414<br />

416<br />

418<br />

420<br />

422<br />

424<br />

426<br />

428<br />

430<br />

432<br />

434<br />

436<br />

438<br />

440<br />

442<br />

444<br />

446<br />

448<br />

450<br />

452<br />

510<br />

512<br />

514<br />

516<br />

518<br />

520<br />

522<br />

524<br />

526<br />

528<br />

530<br />

532<br />

534<br />

536<br />

538<br />

540<br />

542<br />

M4<br />

546<br />

548<br />

550<br />

552<br />

610<br />

612<br />

614<br />

616<br />

618<br />

620<br />

622<br />

624<br />

626<br />

628<br />

630<br />

632<br />

634<br />

636<br />

638<br />

640<br />

642<br />

644<br />

6<br />

648<br />

650<br />

652<br />

710<br />

712<br />

714<br />

716<br />

718<br />

720<br />

722<br />

724<br />

726<br />

728<br />

730<br />

732<br />

734<br />

736<br />

738<br />

740<br />

7G<br />

744<br />

746<br />

748<br />

750<br />

752<br />





B<br />

Mileages, Station Facilities and Engine Loads<br />



frc,m 1<br />

port / Sec:-<br />

Pirie ' ional<br />

Junct.<br />


R. Germein $UXT W<br />

Baroota t<br />

Mambray Crk. UT(T*) t<br />

Nectar Brook $UXT -W-<br />

Winninowie UT(T)I<br />



of<br />

cross-<br />

ing<br />

loop<br />

(feet)<br />


8<br />

Class GM<br />


Length;<br />

Class GM<br />

cross-<br />


10644 9<br />


1 ~inninowie UTLTII !<br />

1071<br />

1080;<br />

1087<br />

1093<br />

1 1072<br />

-W 2309 1 i<br />

I l<br />

64 Nectar Broolr $UXT I<br />

94<br />

6;<br />

6<br />

Mambray Crk.<br />

Baroota<br />

Pt. Germein<br />

UT(T*)t<br />

t<br />

$UXT W 2550<br />

l<br />

I<br />

l<br />

14: PT. BlRllE JN. SXT*EeFJLOWW(wlY 1530 l<br />

I I<br />

l<br />

On the line, distances are marked by mile-posts, and pegs at the intervening half-miles, all reading<br />

from Port Pirie Junction.<br />

B. Four traction motors (GM 1 to 11).<br />

S. Six traction motors (GM 12 and onwards).<br />

The specified load indicates the maximum tonnage permitted on departure from the station against<br />

which it is shown, and continues in force through a11 sections until a fresh figUre appears in the same<br />

column.<br />

f Double GM unit - 920 tons.<br />

B The tonnage which may be hauled by two locomotives is the combined load of the locomotives used.<br />

DE and IImH Class shunting locomotives : maximum tonnages.<br />

DE Class BlDH Clitss<br />

When shunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 tons 780 tons (at 7 m.p.h.)<br />

Between Port Augusta and Stirling North Z . . 255 tons 530 tons (at 10 m.p.h.)<br />

(T Special authority to be obtained from Chief Mechanical Engineer for Use of DE or MDH locomotives<br />

to haul trains on the main line).<br />

if Livestock trains only: Between Stirling North and Port Pirie Junction-1060 tons (40 bogies livestock<br />

plus brake van).<br />

,<br />

l ! l ;

l<br />


PT. PINE JN.<br />

Pt. Germein<br />

Baroota<br />

Marnbray Creek<br />

Nectar Brook<br />

Winninowie<br />

STlRblNC NTH.<br />


Sectional Running Times J<br />


24<br />

-<br />

23<br />





Winninowie<br />

Mecf-ar Brook<br />

Marnbray Creek<br />

Baroota<br />

Pt. Germein<br />

FT. PlRlE JN.<br />


Bud& Car I Budd Car D.H. I<br />

I and trailer Railcar/<br />

1 70 I 6 5 l 50 i 60 l<br />

-<br />

50 ! 40<br />

I<br />

/<br />

m.p.h. 1 m.p.h. m.p.h. /i m.p.h.<br />

l<br />

T'hro. / Stopg. / Thro. / Stopg. Thro. Thro. 1<br />

Class GLI<br />

m.p.h. m.p.h.<br />

Thio. Stopg. ; Thro : Stopg.<br />

l<br />

0<br />

16<br />

0 1 0<br />

16<br />

12/27<br />

7 1 -<br />

11<br />

7 \ 2 5<br />

l<br />

0 ' 0 O 0 1 0<br />

17. 24 20 26 I I6<br />

8 1 - l 2<br />

9 - - 1 - 15<br />

13 2 9 2 8 3 8 2 0<br />

8 - - - 11<br />

12 19 - 26 18<br />

8 9 j 28 11 ' 11<br />

0<br />

28<br />

l<br />

8<br />

28<br />

j4<br />

16<br />

22<br />

12<br />

19<br />

1 7<br />

Budd Car<br />

l L'stoclc,<br />

Eudd Car D. H. 1060 tns , Class GhI<br />

and trailer Rlcr. 16 ~rac;<br />

' 50 l &Totor<br />

65 tion 60 5 0 40<br />

m.p.h. m.p.h. ;m.p.h. GM m.p.h., m.p.h. m.p.h.<br />

I l<br />

Thro 1 Stopg. / Thro. Stopg Thro. 1 Thra / Thro i TDro Stopg. Thro. ' Stopg.<br />

I<br />

i l<br />

I l l I I 1<br />

0 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 ' 0 l 0 0 0<br />

W 7 - 9 / 11<br />

12 i 12 : 12<br />

- 17 - I 11 - - - - 1 9 - 1 2 0<br />

24 8 26 9 1 9 32 2 9 28 1 2 129 l13<br />

- 12<br />

-<br />

- ! 12 - - 1 - 1 6 17<br />

7 - 9 - 1 - 114 / - , - 115<br />

2 3 6 26 I 29 42 26 3 6 112 , 42 1 4<br />

l6 16<br />

1 1 1 l7 7; 24 32 21 1 28 i 28 i 30 1 30<br />

!<br />

I l 1<br />

Each section time is for the section terminating at the station against which it appears, after m-<br />

ning non-stop from the previous staticsn against which a fisre appears in the same column.<br />

The sectional running times include provision for the pe-nent speed restrictions on account of<br />

curves, etc.

8<br />


frc,m<br />

Port<br />

Pirie<br />

Junct.<br />

l<br />

Sect-<br />

ional<br />

I I<br />

Mileages, Station Faciiites cnd Engine Loads<br />

PORT AUGUSTA - COOK (Down)<br />



73 Miles UTt<br />

Hesso SUXT<br />

T(T*)Wt<br />

~ k2Y'a UTt<br />

McLeay SUXT<br />

Birthday U<br />

Wirrappa U(T*l tw<br />

PlMBA $XT ( Y* 1 JIY<br />

Burando T<br />

Wirrarninaa $UXT (T* 1 lwY<br />

Cdbo. Hstd. Xg. P<br />

Cdarnbo. Sdg. UT<br />

Kultanaby U<br />


Wilgena U<br />

TARCBOLA SXT*(T*)eflW(wlU<br />

318 M. Qry. U<br />

Malboorna UYt<br />

Lyons $UXT<br />

354) M. Camp Y<br />

Wynbring $UXY (T*)<br />

Mt. ChrEstie %UXT(T*<br />

416M.Carnp T<br />

Barfon $UXT(T*)IY<br />

lrnmarna 'C<br />

Ooldea U'P(T*)<br />

WAYSOPI SUXP* (T*l<br />

522 M. Camp 'P<br />

Fisher T(T*)<br />

COOK SXT*(T*)eFIW(w)Y<br />

cross- I<br />

ing<br />

(feet)<br />

loop l<br />

class GM<br />

PIMBA-WOOMERA (Stc,res Siding, Woomera West) - 49 miles. Crossing loop, Woomera West- 100 feet.<br />

On the line, distances are marked by mile-posts, and pegs at the intervening half-miles; all reading<br />

from Port Pirie Junction.<br />

F. Four tractic3n motors (GM 1 to 11).<br />

S. Six traction motors (GM 12 and onwards).<br />

The specified load indicates the maximum tonnage permitted on departure from the station against<br />

which it is shown, and continues in force through all sections until a fresh figure appears in the same<br />

column.<br />

t Double GM unit - 920 tons.<br />

8 The tonnage which may be hauled by two locomotives is the combined load of the locomotives used.

Sectional Running Times<br />

PORT AUGUSTA - COOK (Down1<br />


I<br />

1 l l l<br />

Eudd Car<br />

~udd<br />

1 and traller / Ra~lcarl<br />

Car / D.H. f Class G31<br />

70 1 65 1 50 1 60 1 50 40<br />

m.p.h. 1 m.p.h. / m.p.h. / m.p.h. ' m.p.h. m.p.h.<br />


73 Miles<br />

W esso<br />

Boo kaloo<br />

Woocalla<br />

McLeay<br />

Birthday<br />

Wirrappa<br />

BlMBA<br />

Burando<br />

Wirrcminna<br />

Cdbo. Hstd. Xg.<br />

Cdbo. Sdg.<br />


Wilgena<br />

TAWCBOLA 763 63 1 71<br />

Malbooma<br />

Lyons<br />

354; M. Camp -<br />

Wynbrinq<br />

Mt. Christie<br />

41 6 M. Camp<br />

Barton<br />

lmmarna<br />

Qoidea<br />

WATSON ' 25 1 29 29<br />

522 M. Camp I - / l 1 2 8<br />

Fisher<br />

COOK I 71 1 85 48<br />

PIXEA - WOOMERA (Stores Sidlng, Woomera West) - Eudd rallcar S nuns<br />

Each section time is for the section terminating at the station against which it appears, after run-<br />

ning non-stop from the previous staticn against which a figure appears in the same column.<br />

The sectional running times include provision for the permanent speed restrictions on account of<br />

curves, etc.

10<br />

NILEAGES l<br />

f rcsm<br />

Junct. / 1 ' I<br />

I107f / .l<br />

Mileages, Station Facilities and Engine Loads<br />

COOK - WLGOORLIE (Down)<br />


/<br />

569<br />

594i<br />

623<br />

639<br />

6553<br />

688<br />

7074<br />

742<br />

757<br />

- COOK SXT*(tfleFIW(wlY<br />

2531 5943 M. Camp T<br />

282 Hughes $UXT(Pl<br />

16<br />

,<br />

639 M. Camp T<br />

163 Deakin T(T*)<br />

32 Reid $UXT(f*)WY<br />

19t Forrest UT(T*)<br />

34$/ Mundrabilla $UXT(T*I<br />

5 757 M. Camp<br />

3120<br />

I<br />

3030<br />

2340<br />

77 1; 14$ Loongana<br />

800f 29$ Nurina<br />

827; 2 7 / Haig<br />

8729 j45$ RAWLINPIA<br />

902; 1 2921 Naretha<br />

913 / lOf/ 913 Miles<br />

13 / 926 M. Camp<br />

$UXT(T*)wY<br />

UT(T*lw<br />

SUXT(T*)<br />

$XT*(f*)elW(w)Y<br />

SUXT<br />

U<br />

(T*l<br />

2452<br />

1424<br />

1353<br />

1 2313<br />

l<br />

S UXY<br />

950 1 9;; 950 M. Camp<br />

9774 1 274, Zanthus $UXT(T*)iwY<br />

1002 / 24+ Coonana UT(T*)w<br />

1018 1 l6 j 1018 M. Camp<br />

!021 1<br />

3 l Chifley $UXT<br />

1039 18 l Karonie JUXT(T*I<br />

I057 18 Randells U<br />

107 1 4 144, Curtin $UXT(T*)<br />

10922 1 2 1 f Golden Ridge (T1<br />

I 105 12; PARKESTON SXT*(FlEeFJLW(wlY<br />

22 KALGOORLlE SXJR(w1<br />

1610<br />

161 Q<br />

231 5<br />

777<br />

800<br />

l<br />

l<br />

ENGmTE LOADS (Tons)<br />

Length<br />

of 1 Class GM<br />

cmss-<br />

31 80<br />

1419 I<br />

l<br />

On the line, distances are marked by mile-posts, and pegs at the intervening half-m~les, all reading<br />

from Port Plrie Junction.<br />

F. Four traction motors (GM 1 to 11).<br />

S. Six traction motors (GM 12 and onwards).<br />

The specified load indicates the maximum tonnage permitred on departure from the statlon agalnst<br />

which it is shown, and continues in force through all sections until a fresh figure appears In the same<br />

column.<br />

? Double GM unit - 920 tons.<br />

5 The tonnage which may be hauled by two locomo~ves is the combined load of the locomotives used.<br />


Sectional Running Times<br />

COOK - KALGOORLIE (Down)<br />


I<br />

1 Budd Car<br />

I l<br />

Budd Car l Class G31<br />

I / and traller 1<br />

I 70 1 6 5 ' 60 1 50 40<br />

i m.p.h. / m.p.h. l m.p.h. / m.p.h. m.p.h.<br />

-p<br />

l I<br />

l<br />

; Thro. / Stopg. / Thro. / Stopg. ' Thro. I Thro ! Stopg. I Th~o Stopg<br />

1<br />

l I l<br />

l<br />

I l l l l l<br />

COOK / 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

594$ M. Camp 1 l - 3 4 - 43<br />

Hughes 5 2 51 l 9 7- 0 4 0 8 8 4 9<br />

I l 1 - 1 - j 24 3 2<br />

639 M. Camp I 23 ' 1 - - 2 9<br />

i Dea kin -<br />

Reid 62 I l 78 1 88 49 109 56<br />

Forresf - I - 3 O I - 34<br />

Mundrabilla i 52 / 58 1 73 47 1 90 6 0<br />

l 757 M. Camp l - 1 - 22 - 2 9<br />

Loongana 33 1 40 / 22 52 2 7<br />

Nurina l i - i 46; 49<br />

I I<br />

Haig 54<br />

70 43 92 4 7<br />

l<br />

j 85<br />

RAWLINNA 42 I 49 79<br />

Narefha 3 0 I 36 44 44 54 54<br />

9 13 Miles I - 20<br />

926 M. Camp - 23<br />

Kitchener 36 1 1 45 52 25 63 2 6<br />

I<br />

i<br />

950 M. Camp - - - l 16 ' 22<br />

I l l<br />

Zanthus 3 8<br />

60 1 48 74 5 6<br />

Coonana - l i 'I - 4 0 5 1 1 - 55<br />

101 8 M. Camp i 1 - 1 - 1 2 8 1 - 3 o<br />

Chifley 5 2 1 l 1 6 9 78 7 8 7 8<br />

Karonie 19 1 I 27 39 I 39 40 40<br />

Randells 1 l 1 ' l 1<br />

29 - 3 3<br />

Curtin 34 1 1 49 l 5 3 1 9 50 2 6<br />

Golden Ridge I 1 1 - - 3 3 1 - 40<br />

PARKESTON 1 I 42 48 1 I9 64 27<br />

KALGOORLlE 1 l l 8 - 1 - - l -<br />

I l 1 I l<br />

Each section time 1s for the sectlon terminating at the station against which ~t appears, after run-<br />

ning non-stop from the previous staticn agalnst TT-hich a figure appears in the same column.<br />

The sectional running times include provision for the permanent speed restrictions on account of<br />

curves, etc.<br />


12<br />

&+f"fiIeeges, Station Facilites ced Engine Loads<br />


/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />


Length<br />

1<br />

l<br />

!Srn Sect- 1<br />

&a]poorli~<br />

'Onal<br />

I<br />

- 1 KAhGOORElE SXJR(w1<br />

25 2f PARKESTON SXT*(T*lEeFJ!.W(wlY<br />

15 1 124 / Golden Ridge<br />

364 21; I Cwrtin $UXT(T*)<br />

505 144 / Randells U<br />

68; 1 18 ICaronie SUXTIP)<br />

86$ 18 I Chifley $UXT<br />

892 3 /1018M.Camp<br />

105: 16 Coonana UT(T*Iw<br />

130; / 24i Zanthus $UXT (T*)lwY<br />

157: 1 27f / 950 M. Camp<br />

of Class GM<br />

Cr085j<br />

in=<br />

60 1 50 m.p.h. 40 m.p.h.<br />

i (feel)<br />

F. S. F. S.<br />

I- ----l<br />

l<br />

1 809 'k 520<br />

: 777<br />

H 720 5 800 1 § 770 H 860<br />

I<br />

1 1 I<br />

l<br />

j 2315<br />

1 1<br />

!<br />

8 l<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1417<br />

1 318i3 I<br />

l ! i I<br />

l 5 778 H 850 1 H 850 H 940<br />

l<br />

: 1610 l I<br />

i I I<br />

I<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

167; /<br />

18 15<br />

94 Kitchener $UXT<br />

141 I 926 hA. Camp (T*)<br />

1<br />

I<br />

5616<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1<br />

1944' 13 ,913 Miles<br />

2054 l I0l idareha<br />

235 29i 1 WRWLIfdPdA<br />

280; 1 45; Huig<br />

U<br />

SUXP<br />

S)~T*(f*)elV\!(w)Y<br />

SUXT(TX)<br />

2313<br />

1353<br />

I 1424<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

3074 ' 27$ / Nurina UT(T*Iw 1 l<br />

3364 I 29 l Loengara $UXT(Y*)wY 1 2452 l<br />

3504 1 14; ; 757 hl. Camp<br />

3 655 / 15 l Mundrabilla $UXTIT*I 2340<br />

i<br />

400$ / 34; 1 Forrest UT(T*)<br />

4 192 1 19; I Reid<br />

SUXTlT*) WY<br />

452 1 32; / Deakin P(T*I<br />

468; / 165 / 639 M. Camp T<br />

48a$ / 16 1 Hughes ZUXT (T* 1 3120<br />

/ /<br />

513 1<br />

538$<br />

l<br />

281 5944 M. Camp T<br />

25$ COOK SXT*(T*)eFIWLw)Y<br />

l<br />

1 1357<br />

On the line, distances are marked by mile-posts, and Pegs at the intervening half-miles, all read-<br />

ing from Port Pirie Junction.<br />

F. Four traction motors (GM 1 to 11). 1<br />

S. Six traction motors (GM 12 and onwards).<br />

The specified load indicates the maximum tonnage permitred on departure from the station againsr<br />

which it is shown, and continues in force through all sectic,ns until a fresh figure appears in the same<br />

column.<br />

i Double GM unit - 920 tons.<br />

5 The tonnage which may be hauled by two locomotives is the combined load of the locomotives used.<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1 I l<br />

l<br />

!<br />

I<br />


ST...TIONS 1<br />

I<br />



Golden Ridge<br />

Curtin<br />

Randells<br />

Karonie .<br />

Chifley<br />

10 18 M. Camp<br />

Coonana<br />

Zanthus<br />

950 M. Camp<br />

Kitchener<br />

926 M. Camp<br />

91 3 Miles<br />

Moretha<br />


Haig<br />

Nurina<br />

Loongana<br />

757 M. Camp<br />

Mundrabiila<br />

Forrest<br />

Reid<br />

Deakin I - I<br />

639 M. Camp '<br />

Wughes<br />

5942 M. Camp<br />

COOK<br />

Sectional Running Times<br />

KALGQORLlE - COOK (Up)<br />


Class GM<br />

Each section time is for the section terminating at the station against which it appean, after run-<br />

ning .ion-stop from the prenous staticn against irhich a figure appears in the s-e column.<br />

m e sectional running times include provision for the permanent speed restrictions on account of<br />

curves, etc.<br />


14<br />

Miieages, Station Faciiites and Engine Loads<br />



1 I Lengtn<br />

of ' Class GM<br />

! crossfrom<br />

ing<br />

loop , 60 50 m.p.h. I 40 m.p.h.<br />

1 1 ' f e e m.p.h. I I<br />

F. 1 S. F. I.<br />

---P--<br />

I l<br />

538; - COOK S#T*(T*)eFIW(wlY 1357 t 520 1770 / 1850 1 850 § 940<br />

5712 33 Fisher T[T*I I l I<br />

585; 14 , 522 M. Camp T I l<br />

I<br />

6044 18;l WATSOM $UXT* (T* 1 2320 / 1<br />

I<br />

6244 20 / Goidea UT(T*) 2310 I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

6444 / 20 i lnmarna T<br />

1 I I l<br />

1 l<br />

675$ 3 l Barton $UXT(T*I IY 8 3045 ,<br />

1 ,<br />

l<br />

6912 16 1416 M.Camp T l 1<br />

7 10: 19 j Mt. Christie $UXT(T*) 2320 l<br />

730; 1 194 Wynbring $UXTtT*l 2340 l I<br />

l<br />

753$ 123 354+ M. Camp T I 1<br />

7552 / 2+1 Lyons $UXT 3060 : I i<br />

770; 14; Malbooma UTt<br />

l i<br />

789; 19$j 3 18 M. Quarry U l l<br />

1<br />

794 / 4,' TARCQOLA SXT*(T*)eflW[w)Y 1496<br />

806 ' 12 Wilgena U I<br />

842; , 36: KllMGOQNYA $XT*(Y*)fVVY 3040<br />

I<br />

862) / 20; Kultanaby U l<br />

l<br />

l l<br />

8734 l I l4 Cdambo. Sdg. UT<br />

l<br />

I i<br />

/<br />

l 1<br />

876s 3 1 Cdbo. Hstd. Xg I l<br />

I i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

8944 i 17*/ Wirraminna $UXT(T*)iwV 2334, I<br />

9 144 / 20 i Burando T l /<br />

I<br />

l I<br />

9383 / 24fi PlMBA $XT (T* JIY<br />

300%, 1<br />

l l<br />

957) 1 19 Wirrappa U (T*) tw I l , ' 1 : I<br />

972 / 14li Birthday U<br />

l l<br />

9774 52 McLeay $UXT 2314 1 l<br />

9802 1 3 Woocalla UTt<br />

999 1 18& Bookaloo UXT(T*) Wt l<br />

10 174 18tl Hesso<br />

$UXT<br />

1034: l<br />

:<br />

2307<br />

174 73 Miles UTt<br />

l05 l + 1 16$l PT. AUGUSTA SXT*EeFJLORW(w)Y i 1200<br />

I / / l<br />

! l<br />

l 1<br />

WOOMERA (Srore Siding, Woomera West) - Plmba - 4% miles. Crossing loop, Woomera West- 100 feet.<br />

On the line, distances are marked by mile-posts, and pegs at the intervening half-miles. all reading<br />

from Port Pirie Junction.<br />

F. Four traction motors (GM 1 to 11).<br />

S. Six traction motors (GM 12 and onwards).<br />

The specified load indicates the maximum tonnage permitted on departure from the station against<br />

which it is shown, and continues in force through all sections until a fresh figure appears in the same<br />

column.<br />

? Double GM unit - 920 tons.<br />

§ The tonnage which may be hauled by two locomotives is the combined load of the locomotives used.<br />

l<br />


lrnrnarna<br />

Sectional Running T imes<br />


SECTIONAL RUI'iiG TIMES (Minutes)<br />

Class G31<br />

'I WOO3IERA (Stores Siding, Woomera West) - PIBIEX - Bud6 railcar: 8 mins.<br />

Each section time is for the section terminating at the station against which it appears, after run-<br />

ning nonstop from the previous station against which a figure appears in the same column.<br />

The sectional running times include provision for the permanent speed restrictions on account of<br />

curves, etc.



Electric train staff system under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

3 9 41<br />

Stocli or Gocds Schools Railcar , Stock or Goods<br />

Conditional Daily School Days Condl. Dailv<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 50 m.p.h. 1 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h.<br />

PT. PlRlE JCT. - - d.<br />

Pt. Germein - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Baroota - - - -<br />

Mambray Creek - - -<br />

Nectar Broolr - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Winninowie - - - -<br />

STlRLlNG NTH. - - a.<br />

d.<br />

BT. AUGUSTA - - a.<br />

Adelaide - - d.<br />

Pt. Pirie Jcf. - a.<br />


PT. PIIUIE JCT. - d.<br />

Port. Germein - a.<br />

d.<br />

Baroota - - -<br />

Mambray Creek - -<br />

Nectar Brook - a.<br />

d.<br />

'Hinninowie - -<br />

STIRLING PITH. - a.<br />

d.<br />

PT. AUGUSTA - a.<br />

I<br />

(From Quorn Road<br />

crossin.?. See page<br />

23).<br />

Beg. Goods, Thrus. Budd and Trailer Budd and Trailer<br />

Condl. Other Days Saturclax<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />

- l<br />

12.35 I<br />

- 30<br />

1 .l 5 l<br />

(To Marree Thur.) ,<br />

l<br />

a.m.<br />

11.50 576<br />

12.07 pm.<br />

12,35 636, 712<br />

c.e.<br />

C.G.<br />

1 .U2<br />

1 .C4<br />

C.C.<br />

1.23<br />

1.18<br />

C.C.<br />

C.G.<br />

1.45<br />

- 3 0<br />

1.47<br />

6.G.<br />

2.1 0<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - I 2.45 t<br />

l<br />

I<br />

l I 5.15 pm. 9<br />

* Leaves platform 12.45 p.m. (departure advertised to public) for crossinq loop or Sub.<br />

$ Fonvnrd to 'UT-ooniera 2.G p.m. Wednesdays md Fridays.<br />

3 Fonvard to 31arree 5.15 pm. >Iondays and Thursdays.<br />

f 15 nlinutes earlier from Port Gernlein to Nectar Brook on Wednesdays. Saturdays and Sundays.<br />


18<br />


Electric train staff system under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

63 1 70 6 7<br />

Reg. Goods Tue. * Schools Railcar Stock or Goods<br />

Days Conditional ex. Sun.<br />

Conditional ex. Sun.<br />

-p School<br />

l<br />

Adelaide - - - d. - - -<br />

I<br />

Pf. Pirie Jct. - - a. -<br />

, - -<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 40 m.p.h. I 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h.<br />

PT. PlRlE JCT. - d. 2.00<br />

I<br />

-<br />

l<br />

p.m. p.m. p.m.<br />

3.25 30<br />

I<br />

Pt. Germein - - a. 2.28 I 3.51<br />

30 I - 68<br />

d. 2.30 4.1 0<br />

Baroofa - - - - - -<br />

Mambray Creek - - - -<br />

STIRLING NTH. - a. 4.1 4 4.42 5.29<br />

d. - 70 i -<br />

4.50 *<br />

I<br />

I -<br />

I<br />

PT.AUGUSYA - - a. 5.01 * - 1 -<br />

;<br />

Pt. Auqusta - - d. - - I -<br />

Express<br />

Rez. 31. T. Fast Goods Fast ;\Eixed<br />

77.. F. Sat. I Sun. X. IT. I T. Th.<br />

Condl. Sun. / F. Sat. ,<br />

m?-<br />

J 11.<br />

!<br />

Adelaide - - - d. 1.05 pm. 1 1.05 p.m. i i - 1.05 pm. **<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. - - a. 4.15 p.m.14.15p.rn.t/ - ' 4.15 pm. **<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED / 70 m.p.h. *I / 60 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h.<br />

PT.. BIRIE JCT. - d.<br />

Pt. Gerrnein - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Baroota - - - - -<br />

Mambray Creek - -<br />

Nectar Brook - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Winninowie - - -<br />

STIRLING NTH. - a.<br />

d.<br />

PT.AUGUSTA - - a.<br />

4.53<br />

C.P.<br />

C.P.<br />

I<br />

' 6.28<br />

1 C.G.<br />

i C.G.<br />

l<br />

1 C.G.<br />

i C.G.<br />

l<br />

j 7.49<br />

8.00<br />

i<br />

Pt. Auaurta - - d. l 1 6.50 i 8.45 D I 8.45 p.m.<br />

! Shunt Goods<br />

/ af. m-. F.<br />

/<br />

/<br />

l<br />

i<br />

j<br />

7.00<br />

7.28<br />

-<br />

7.50 46<br />

/<br />

i C.G.<br />

C.G.S.<br />

1 9.40<br />

C.G.S.<br />

* Re,dar Goods to Port Au,qsta, Tuesdays.<br />

i. Sundays (conill,) and Saturdays: Adelaide dep. 12.55 p.m.: Port Pirie Junction, arrive 4.36 p.m<br />

5 Port AuFsta depart 10.40 pm. Sundays and 3Iondays.<br />

:: Conclitionrcl connection ex. Adelaide on Thursdays.<br />

rz . . On Wednesdays, works with trailer (65 m.p.h.) and departs Port -4uPsta 6.15 pm. for Xarree.<br />



. ;<br />

Adelaide - - - - - -<br />

I Pt. Pirie JcS. - - - - -<br />

Electric train staff system urider Train Control, Port AugusSa .<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 5Q m.p.h. 70 m.p.h.<br />

PT. BlRlE JCT. - - - -<br />

'P,. Germein - - - - - a.<br />

Baroofa - - - - - - - C.P.<br />

Mambray Creek - - - - - C.P.<br />

Nectar Brcok - - - - - a.<br />

Winninowie - - - - - C.P.<br />

STlRLlNC NTH. - - - - a.<br />

PT. AUGUSTA - - - - a.<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - - -<br />

DOWN<br />

9.45 p.m. for Woomerat<br />

10.00 p.m. for Marree ;<br />

Budd railcars: For staff exchange, etc., one minute is tabled at Port Germein, and 2 minutes at Wectar<br />

Lip<br />

Budd railcars: For staff eschange, etc., one minute is tabled at Nectar Brook, and 2 minutes at Port<br />

'I Germein. However, i~ is espected rhat 13 minures will normally be taken at each place.<br />

411 up audd car scheclules include time Ibetveen Nectar Brook and Port Germein) for<br />

TWO conditional stops of 30 seconds each. If ccnditional stops are made betveen Stirling 3-orth and<br />

Nectar Brook, or if a total of more than two conditional stops are made, the excess time mayr if neces-<br />

sary, be bcolred as a delay. If no conditional stops (or only one) are made between Nectar Brook and<br />

Port Germein, time should be regained accordingly.<br />

The rime allowed for a stop is:<br />

Eudd car - One minute acceleration, pl~rs actual standing time.<br />

Euclcl car and trailer - 12 minutes acceleration, plus act~~al stancling time.<br />


20<br />


Electric train staff system under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

Stock or Goods Eudd<br />

Conditicnal dailr Saturday<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - a. 1.00 a.m.<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 50 m.p.h. 70 m.p.h.<br />

a.m. am.<br />

PT. ALICUSTA - - d, - 1.30<br />

Winninowie - - - - - - I<br />

, Stccf: or Goods<br />

' Conditicnal dailv<br />

C.P. -<br />

Nectar Brook - - - a. 5 2.57 1.56 2.33<br />

d. 12.53 1.57 2.35<br />

Mambray Creek - - - - C.P.<br />

Baroota - - - - - - C.%. -<br />

Pt.. Germein - - - U. 1.41 2.26 3.21<br />

d. 1.43 2.28 3.23<br />

PT. PIRE JCT. - - - a. 2.1 5 2.44 3.55<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. - - - d. - 3.00 a.m. -<br />

Adelaide - 3 . - 6.20 a.rn.<br />

l<br />

14 8 6 728<br />

Shunt Goodq Stocl; 01 Goods Eudd and Trailer<br />

Non. to Sat. Condl daily Saturday<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - a. - - I -<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 40 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h. , E5 m.p.h.<br />

a.m. am. i a.m.<br />

l<br />

PT. AUGUSTA - - - d. 1.45 1 - 6.30<br />

STIRLING NTH. - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Winninowie - - - - -<br />

Nectar Brook - - - a.<br />

d.<br />

Mambray Creek - - -<br />

Baroota - - - - - -<br />

BP. Germein - - - a.<br />

d.<br />

1.57 -<br />

3.00 72<br />

C.G.S.<br />

3.45<br />

4.00<br />

C.G.S.<br />

C.C.<br />

4.58<br />

- 23<br />

5.25<br />

6.33<br />

6.40<br />

C.G.<br />

6.58<br />

6.59<br />

C.G.<br />

&.C.<br />

7.32<br />

7.34<br />

PT. BlRlE JCY. - - - a. I 5.55 7.1 i I 7.51<br />

-<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. - - - d. I - 8.02 a.m.<br />

Adelaide a. I - - 1 1.40 a.m.<br />



Electric train staff system under Train Control, Por+ Augusta<br />

34 * 3 9<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - a.<br />

- -<br />


Budd and Trniler<br />

Non. to Fri.<br />

+<br />

65 m.p.h.<br />

Schools Railcar<br />

School days<br />

-<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

PT. AUGUSTPI - - - d.<br />

STIRLING NTH. - - a.<br />

d. l<br />

Winninowie - - - - -<br />

a.m. a.m.<br />

(TO Quorn Road<br />

Crossing. See page<br />

23).<br />

C.G.<br />

Nectar Brook - - - a.<br />

7.58<br />

d.<br />

!<br />

7.59<br />

Marnbray Creek - - - C.G.<br />

Baroota - - - - - - l C.C.<br />

8.32 -<br />

Pt. Germein - - - a. 1<br />

d. 1 8.34 ! -<br />

I<br />

PT. PlRlE JCT. - - - -<br />

a. 8.51<br />

41 1<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. - - - - d. ' 9.12 a.m. 1 -<br />

Adelaide<br />

1<br />

- - - - a. 12.47 -<br />

~.m.<br />

l 74 l 75<br />

l 12<br />

Goods 31, T. Th. F. F3st JIised l Stock Condl.<br />

(Condl Sun.) \X7ed, Sat. (Not Thur.)<br />

, r 4.43 am. I I<br />

l<br />

~ h F. . Sun.<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - - 8.5 1 a.m. j<br />

5.53 a.m. i I<br />

l<br />

l M. T. 1<br />

l<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 1 50 rn,p.h. I 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h.<br />

PT. AUGUSTPI - - - d. I<br />

STIRLING NTH. - - l<br />

a. ,<br />

Winninowie - - - - - I<br />

Necfar Brook - - - a. / 8.53<br />

Marnbray Creek - - - -<br />

Baroota - - - - - - ,<br />

Pt. Germein - - - a. , 9.33<br />

-<br />

d. 9.35<br />

PT.BIRIEJCT. - - - a. 10.05<br />

-<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. - - - - d. I<br />

Adelaide - - - - a. -<br />

d.<br />

" No. 222 3Iondzvs: So. 592 Thursdavs.<br />

1 I<br />

$ Port luzusta jrr. 7.05 a.m. from \i'oon~era on 3Ionda~-s and Thursdays: and 7 n.m. from 3Inrree ct:~<br />

Tuesdays ancl Fridns-S.<br />

*' On S:lt~rclays, Port Germein dep. 1 p.m., Port Pilie Junction arr. 1.32 p.m.<br />

3 Saturd&ys onl?;. On lX7ednesclags when Express running. clep. Port Pirie Junction 1.35 p.m., arr. -%dolaicle<br />

5.30 p.m.<br />


22<br />


Electric train staff system under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

1 3 6 1 3 0 6 8<br />

Espress / Goods Non. = Eucld I<br />

RI, T, Th, F. Sat. RI, TT-. Th, F.<br />

Condl Sun Wed.<br />

Pt. Augusta - - - a. 11.10 am. 1.00 p.m S<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 60 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h. I 70 m.p.h. 4<br />

a.m. pm.<br />

PY.AUGlJ48A - - d. l l .25 3.00<br />

STIRLING NTH. - - U. - 1 12.27 $<br />

3.08 - 1<br />

d. l 1.34 1-05 4.1, 51 3.QB<br />

Winninowie - - - - - C.?.<br />

i -<br />

Nector Brcal: - - G. 1 1.53<br />

i .36<br />

3.27<br />

E1 l<br />

5 T - 6 5<br />

d. 11.55 " 1 1.53 3.26<br />

Manbray Creek - - - -<br />

1<br />

- C.P.<br />

Baroota - - - - - - C.P.<br />

R. Germe:n - - a. '12.26 pm. 2.31 3.59<br />

2.28 753, 712 1<br />

62<br />

67<br />

d.<br />

I 2.5g 4.01<br />

PP.PBWIEJCP. - - a. l2.5L 3.7 g 4.1 8 - 57 i p 67 - 73<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct.<br />

Adelaide -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

d. 1 a.<br />

1.35 p.m. *<br />

5.30 p.~,. *<br />

1 - 5.40 p.m.<br />

9.47 p.n.<br />

I 1 70 36 4 6 5 2 1 90<br />

j B U ~ I Sumday ~ ~chooic railcar ~rocl; cond! ~roci: CCII~I ~uda<br />

(Condl. T, Sat.) School clays 1 Condl<br />

Pt. Augusta - a. - i<br />


PT. AUCIJSTA - d.<br />

STIRLING NTH. - a.<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

pm.<br />

-<br />

'<br />

I<br />

,<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

l<br />

pm.<br />

- 1 I<br />

- !<br />

70 m.p.h.<br />

p.m.F '5 - 77.<br />

8.30 79<br />

8.37<br />

d.<br />

Winninowie - -<br />

Nectar Brook - a.<br />

d.<br />

8.25 8.38<br />

- - , C.P.<br />

l<br />

- 7.06 77, 1 8.56 1 8.56<br />

-83, -<br />

7.20 79 ' 8.58 187 , 8.58 83<br />

Mambray Creek - - - I \ - 1 C.?.<br />

Baroota - - - C.P. - l 1 C.P.<br />

I<br />

Pi.. Cermein - a. 4.41 - 8.02 83, 9.40 1 9.26<br />

- 187 /<br />

d. 443 - 8.04 ,, 9.42 i 9.28<br />

PT. PlRlf JCT. - a. 5.00 75 I - 8,36 ** l 10.14 9.44 93<br />

- -p<br />

Pt. Pirie Jci. - d. 5.34 p.m. Sun. - - I<br />

1 -<br />

, -<br />

Adelaide - - a. 1 9.48 pm. Sun. ' - - i -<br />

* On Saturday (and Sundays. conditional). Port Pifie Junction clep. 1.20 p.m.; .4delaicle arr. 5.16 p.m<br />

f Re,@ar Goods es. Port Au~usta, R1onda;vs.<br />

O Arrives Port Augusta es. RIarree 1 p.m. BIonch~s and Thursdays, ancl works with trailer (G5 m.p.h.).<br />

** On Sundays, Port Gernlein dep. 8.40 pm.; Port Pirie Jct. arr. 9.10 p.m.<br />


l<br />

I<br />



Each day, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays and school vacations), a railcar will<br />

convey children from Stirling North township (Qccrn Road Crossing) and station to Cudmore Hill level<br />

crossing (for Willsden Primary School) and to Port Sugusta, and return to schedules shown below.<br />

No. 39<br />

No. 70<br />

Stirling North . ..... d.<br />

Quorn Road Crossing . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Stirling North . ..... a.<br />

d.<br />

Cudmore Hill Crossing a.<br />

d.<br />

Port Augusta ...... a.<br />

a.m.<br />

1<br />

Port Aussta ...... d.<br />

8.05 1<br />

Cudmore Hill Crossing s.<br />

8.i0<br />

8.13 7<br />

Stirling North ...... a.<br />

8.17<br />

,Q$' DOWN Quorn Road Crcssing . . d. a.<br />

8.41<br />

d.<br />

8.45 a.m.<br />

Stirling North ...... a.<br />

p.m.<br />

4.10<br />

1.14 I<br />

4.17<br />

4.34<br />

-1.37 (<br />

4.42 , DOWN<br />

NOTES:<br />

d. 4.17 ,<br />

(a) School chiIdren mill entrain and detrain at Quorn Road Crossing i50m. 67ch.1, Stirling Nortl?,<br />

Cudmore Hill Crossing (55x11. 24ch.), and Port Augusta platform.<br />

!b) When approaching the Quorn Road Crcssing each morning, esceprional care is to be es-<br />

ercised, due to the presence of children. The Guard must travel in the vestibule with the<br />

door open, and maintain a sharp lookout on the side opposite the Driver's seat, and be<br />

prepared to stop the car in an emergency by use of the appropriate bell code, viz. 3 rings.<br />

Extreme vigilance is to be exercised also by the Driver.<br />

(C) At Cudmore Hill Crossing, the railcar is to stop adjacent to the low level platform provided.<br />

Detraining and entraining at this point will be under the supervision of a school teacher,<br />

but Railway staff are to exercise care and assist as necessary.<br />

(d) Tickets or passes are not required by bona-iide school children travelling o,n these services.<br />

If room is available, passengers other than school children may be accepted if in posses-<br />

sion of a free pass, or on payment of the prescribed fare. The Guard must submit a state-<br />

ment showing details of passengers conveyed.<br />

te) The Stationmaster, Stirling Pr'orth, is to maintain a record of the daily trips conveying<br />

school children, and render an account to the Education Department each month.<br />

(f) The railcar is to be cleaned and serviced at Stirling North, and also cleaned, serviced and<br />

watered at Port -4ugusta.

..............<br />

..........<br />

.........<br />

Adelaide d.<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. d.<br />

Pt. -4ugusta .a.<br />


Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Port Augusia<br />

TABLED MAX. S?EED 712 m.p.h.<br />

PORT ATJGUST-4 ...... cl.<br />

73 iMiles ............ -<br />

EIesso .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

Boolialoo ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

............<br />

Woocalla 2.<br />

d.<br />

McLeay .... ........ a.<br />

d.<br />

Birthdal- .............. -<br />

Wirrappa .........<br />

295 313 3 9 3<br />

Budd<br />

Condltlonal<br />

Tuesday<br />

l<br />

Shunt Goods<br />

Tuesday<br />

'<br />

1<br />

I<br />

Shunt Goods<br />

(Alxernative)<br />

l<br />

(When No. 295<br />

a.m.<br />

1220<br />

C.?.<br />

1'7.66<br />

1.00<br />

-<br />

C.P.<br />

-<br />

C.P.<br />

1.52<br />

Pimbn .............. a. 2.52<br />

i - 17%<br />

cl. 1 3.00<br />

WOOJEER.% WEST .... a.<br />

Burando .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

Wirranlinna .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

Coolldambo H'stead. Xg. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Coondambc Siding ...... a.<br />

d.<br />



Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

43<br />

1 Shu ' - -<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 40 m.p.h. 40 m.p.h. ?+-Lq<br />

,' - 4<br />

a.rniozThur.'/<br />

PORT AUGUSTA . . .. .. d. -<br />

73 Miles . . .. . . . . . . . . a. 8.04<br />

d. 8.29 9 c, I'<br />

Hesso . . . . . . . . .. . . . . a. - 9.00<br />

d.<br />

Bookaloo . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

10.25<br />

11.04<br />

d.<br />

11.29<br />

woocalla .. . . .. . . . . . . a. 12.00 +<br />

4<br />

. .<br />

,?<br />

- 436 _/<br />

L+-<br />

/ r ~ ~ *<br />

d.<br />

McLeey . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

12.50 p.m.<br />

12.58<br />

d.<br />

Birthday . . .. . . .. . . . . a.<br />

1.04<br />

1.32<br />

d.<br />

Wirrappa .. . . .. .. . . . . a.<br />

1.42<br />

2.11 am. Fri.<br />

d.<br />

Pimba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

WOOMERA \VEST.. . . a.<br />

Burando . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a.<br />

am.<br />

10.00<br />

-<br />

2.41<br />

3.31 p.m.<br />

579, 474<br />

-<br />

4.41<br />

d.<br />

Wirraminna . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

C.G.<br />

11.45 530<br />

5.23<br />

- 5.59 -<br />

d. 17.15 p.m. 7.03<br />

Coondambo H'stead Xg. . . - - 09<br />

1.3-<br />

Coondambc Siding . . . . . . a. C.G.S. I a2<br />

- a36<br />

d. 5.13<br />

mGOONYA . . . . . . . . . . a. 2.00 9.09<br />

d. 7.30 10.45<br />

Wilgena .. .. .. .. .. .. . . a. C.G.S. 11.49<br />

d. 13.04 p.m.<br />

TARCOOLA . . . . . . . . . . a. 4.15 p.m. 12.28<br />

d. 3.00<br />

Malbc.oma . . .. . . . . .. . . a. 3.57<br />

d. 4.22<br />

Lyons .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a. 4.53<br />

d. 4.55<br />

3542 N. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a. 5.04<br />

d. 5 4<br />

Wynbring . . . . , . . . . . . . a. 6.12<br />

d.<br />

7.05<br />

-<br />

-<br />

3It. Christie . . . . . . . . . . a. 4 . .a6 -<br />

d. 826<br />

416 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . d. 9.07<br />

d. p.m. Sat. 9.37<br />

Barton .. . . .. . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Immarna . . . . . . . . .. .. a. l<br />

12.31<br />

1.38<br />

-<br />

d. 1.58<br />

Ooldea .. . . . . . . . . . . . . a. 2.32<br />

d. 3.00<br />

576<br />

677 10.11 p.m.<br />

= 636, 675<br />

TVATSON . . . . . . . . . . . . a. 3.34<br />

d. 5.45<br />

522 M. Camp . . .. . . . . . . a. 6.3<br />

d. 6.51<br />

Fisher .. .. . . .. . . .. .. a. 7.19<br />

d. 7.44 / /"<br />

COOK .. .. . . , . . . (AT) a. 8.41 ., '1<br />

P S{-<br />

674<br />

- 530, 736 !<br />

* No. 535 may depart Port Augusta platform at or after 6.45 am. (as adrertised to public).<br />


&, ;L .<br />


2 6<br />

POET ATGCSTS ...... c:.<br />

F"<br />

1 3 3iiies ............ Z.<br />

d.<br />

Hess~ .............. 3.<br />

d.<br />

Eookaloo ............ Z.<br />

a.<br />

STJoocalla a.<br />

............<br />

6.<br />

fiIcLen3- .......... . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Eirthday .............. 2.<br />

d.<br />

SVirrappa Z.<br />


Electric train staff sysiem, under Train Control, Pori Augusia<br />

............<br />

f d.<br />

Pit11bs .............. 3..<br />

cl.<br />

13700SIER1 WEST . ... 3.<br />

..............<br />

d.<br />

..........<br />

Euralldo a.<br />

IT7irrmlinna a.<br />

d.<br />

Coondanlbo E'sieacl. Xp. .. 2.<br />

d.<br />

Coolldambc Siding ...... r;.<br />

d.<br />


Fast Goods Fast Goods<br />

, ,<br />

Fast JIiseci<br />

Aaelalde .............. d.<br />

Pt. - Pirie Jct. .......... ci<br />

Pt. Augusta .........<br />


l<br />

-<br />

6.00 o.m L- ~~-<br />

F 1.20 - p.m.<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

-<br />

l<br />

i<br />

1<br />

Sum, 31.<br />

-<br />

firm R-<br />

Y."" p.111,<br />

(.a0 - pm.<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

l I<br />

Tu, Thur.<br />

- -<br />

I.U2 l>.Rl. 3<br />

,. o.uu -- p.m.<br />

5.00 p.m,<br />

50 r;?*p.h.<br />

11.n1. m -3<br />

I is;, 520<br />

POET SUGCiSTX ...... cl. ! R ,S* i *n ,.l .<br />

3Ialbooma ............ a. / -S,<br />

d. 1 I<br />

-<br />

t l<br />

9<br />

P.m.<br />

'l .S9<br />

i 8.02<br />

8.30<br />

5.32<br />

S.39<br />

Lyons .............. a. 8.20<br />

d. 1 8.22 1<br />

3544 M. Camp .......... a. / . - l<br />

llT~-nbril~g ............ : 1 i 5.39<br />

9.06<br />

9.18<br />

cl. 1 9.08<br />

..........<br />

l 9.24<br />

31t. Cl~ristie S. 1 9.4G<br />

1<br />

cl<br />

9.48<br />

1U.lY<br />

416 M. Camp .......... a. - l 10.62<br />

cl.<br />

10.54<br />

Gartcn .............. a. 1036<br />

i ...... -<br />

d. 10..5S 6813<br />

Immarna ............ a,<br />

.l-..;u p.m.<br />

cl. - l 12.31<br />

Ooldea .... .......... 3. l 12.26 p.1:1.<br />

cl. j 12:25<br />

\l;ATSOS ............ 1.03<br />

i -<br />

...<br />

74, 7;;<br />

1.45<br />

522 31. Camp .......... a. - , " -.-A 01<br />

-<br />

0 0r(<br />

!<br />

Fish~v ..............<br />

': -%cl~-ertised cleparture time fro111 Por; -4i.1za-in -r::tinn. ,., ,.,<br />

f .advertised drparture ti111+, from Port .lugu-;rn .t.~til:~l: 9.45 p.11,.<br />

+ 20 ~nint~tes e~lriier, Port -4ug1sti1 de11:lrr ro 3i!ni~:;. wrist. on >I~>ncia>- 1liqjlts n-!l?.. -.... .,., LL...LcLL,L-J-Ah<br />

Eudd rmls.<br />



CoOIC . . . . . . . . \ (AT) d.<br />

I (PT) d.<br />

5943 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

639 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Deakin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Forrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

B'lundrabilla . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

757 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Loongana . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

Loongana . . . . . . . . . . . . d.<br />

hTurina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Naretha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

913 Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

(Lime Sdg.) . . . . . . . . d.<br />

926 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

950 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Zanthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Coonana .. . . .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Chifiey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Pandells . . . . . . .. . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Curtin . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Golden Ridge . . . . . . :. . . a.<br />

d.<br />

PARICESTON . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

i<br />

I<br />

535<br />

Slow R&ed<br />

Monday when ! 1 Tuesdalr when<br />

RIonday No. 175 runs 1 / No. 336 runs<br />

l<br />

am. l<br />

2.30<br />

LOO<br />

1.43 i<br />

2.03 I<br />

2.53 l<br />

3.13 i<br />

a.m.<br />

Tues.<br />

I<br />

1.25<br />

a.m.<br />

Wed. - n--<br />

6.30<br />

7.25 I I<br />

1.47<br />

2.07<br />

3.03 p.m.<br />

275,<br />

374<br />

8-10<br />

8.44 l<br />

12.05 p.n I<br />

12.45<br />

1.05<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1.45 p.m. ,( L i,(,?~it<br />

-<br />

qt-,<br />


i<br />

a.m.<br />



Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Port Augusta<br />

520<br />

I Slolr JIised<br />

1<br />

Thursday f Friday<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED I 40 m.p.h. 40 m.p.h,<br />

l<br />

P;fTCICEST3X . . . . . . . . d. ,<br />

Golden Eidge . . . . . . . . . . a. ,<br />

d. j<br />

Coonana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. i<br />

d.<br />

Zanthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

Zanthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d.<br />

950 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

IGtchener . . .. . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

926 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

913 Wiles . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

(Lime Siding) . . . . . . d.<br />

Naretha .. .. .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Haig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a<br />

d.<br />

Nurina .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Lmngana . . . . . . . . . . . . a<br />

Eoongam . . . . . . . . .. . . d.<br />

757 M. Camp .. . . . . . . . . a<br />

Forrest . . . . .. .. . . . . . . a 1<br />

Deakin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

639 M. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

5942 M. Camp . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

COOK .. . . .. .. \ (PT) a.<br />

i (AT) a.<br />

ST'hen 3-0. 575<br />

I not running<br />

1<br />

1<br />

a.m.<br />

Fri.<br />

-<br />

4.30 4ii<br />

5.20<br />

5.50<br />

1 6.08<br />


,<br />

I When 3-0. 575<br />

i Express runs<br />

a.m.<br />

Fri.<br />

-<br />

4.30<br />

5.20<br />

5.50<br />

6.08<br />

6.10<br />

6.36<br />

6.56<br />

7.19<br />

6.09<br />

8.29<br />

8.54<br />

9.42 a.m. 575,<br />

3.00 pm. 636<br />

4.19<br />

5.19<br />

6.06<br />

6.31<br />

7.20 p-m.<br />

-- a79

Perth . . . . . . . . . . . . .. d. --<br />

Kalgoorlie . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />


d.<br />

Golden Eidge . . . . . . . . . . -<br />

Curtin . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Randells . . . . .. .. . . .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Haronie . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

950 31. Camp . . . . . . . . . . -<br />

Iiitchener . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

936 X. Camp . . . . . . . . . . -<br />

913 Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

(Lime Sdg.) . . . . . . cl.<br />

Nnretha . . .. .. .. .. .. .. a.<br />

cl.<br />

R-?I\VLINNB . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Haig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d<br />

Nurina .. . . .. . . .. .. . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Loongana . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

757 X. Camp . . . . . . . . . . -<br />

3Iumdrabilla . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Forrest . . . . . . .. . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Reid .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Deakin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

639 M. Camp . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

594: 31. Camp . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

' d.<br />

COO . . . . .<br />

(.?IT.) a.<br />

(*?IT) d.<br />


Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Porf Augusta<br />

1<br />

36 74 i<br />

Express Fast Goocis<br />

Re=: SLUI, 31, FT, Th. Sun, T, W, F, Sat.<br />

F.<br />

l<br />

76<br />

Fast 1)Iised<br />

Non, Thur.<br />

Cc,ndl. T, Sat.<br />

6.20 n.m *<br />

-<br />

6.00 pm Sun: 4.55 pm Wecl.<br />

7.35 am >)Ion: 7.05 am Thu~,.<br />

50 m.p.h.<br />

3.41<br />

9.24<br />

9.25<br />

10.11<br />

10.17<br />

Cc,<br />

11.17<br />

11.19<br />

C G<br />

11.57<br />

9.31<br />

9.35<br />

10.09<br />

11.39 am.<br />

V2.00 noon<br />

'' On Sunclnys. Perth depart 6.00 p.ill.<br />

$ On Sundays, Iialgoorlie arrive 7.51 a.m.<br />

B Passenger carriages shuntecl from IG1lgoorLie passenger stntion uniter local armngemenrs.<br />


3 3


i 1<br />

l<br />

f<br />

i<br />

!<br />

1<br />

Electric train staff system, under Train Control, Port Augusfa<br />

74 74 76<br />

Fast Goods Fast Goods Fast Blised<br />

Wed, Thur, Sat. Sun, Mon. Tue, Fri.<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h. 50 m.p.h.<br />

COOIi . . . .<br />

i-<br />

(PT) a. 10.05 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 10.09 a.m.<br />

(AT) a. 11.35 am. 11.35 a.m. 11.39 a.m.<br />

(AT) d. 12.00 noon 12.00 noon 12.00 noon<br />

Fisher .. .. . . .. . . a. 12.45 p.m.<br />

i<br />

d.<br />

522 AI. Camp . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

WATSON . . . . . . . . a<br />

- 1.28 p.m.<br />

2.05 77, 3i9<br />

- 1.28 p.m.<br />

12.46<br />

1.06<br />

1.07<br />

1.37 - 277, 579<br />

j<br />

d. 2.05<br />

2.05<br />

i Ooldea . . . . . . . . . . a. 2.37 s35 2.37 2.37<br />

l d. 2.43 2.43 2.43<br />

Immarna . . .. .. .. a. - 3.23<br />

1<br />

d. - - 3 2-1<br />

Barton . . . . . . . . . . a. 4.12 4.12 4.16<br />

i ' 1 l<br />

I /<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

!<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

l<br />

I<br />

l<br />

i<br />

I<br />

d.<br />

416 M. Camp . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Mt. Christie . . . . . . a.<br />

4.14<br />

-<br />

5.27<br />

4.14<br />

-<br />

5.27<br />

1.22<br />

1.57<br />

4.58<br />

5.37<br />

d.<br />

!I7~mbring . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

3541 Al. Camp . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Lyons . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

IIalbooma .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

TARCOOL4 .. .. .. a.<br />

5.29<br />

6.03<br />

6.05<br />

-<br />

-<br />

6.4i<br />

6.19<br />

-<br />

-<br />

,.c<br />

.a9<br />

5.29<br />

6.03<br />

6.05<br />

-<br />

6.47<br />

6.49<br />

-<br />

W<br />

6.09 -<br />

5.43<br />

6.18 - 535<br />

6.24<br />

7.06<br />

7.07<br />

7.13<br />

7.15<br />

7 43<br />

7.44<br />

8.26<br />

d.<br />

STilgena . . . . . . . . . . -<br />

IiIh-GOONTA . . . . . . s ~,<br />

d.<br />

Coondambo Sidlng . a.<br />

d.<br />

Coondambo Kstd. Xg a.<br />

d.<br />

Il'irranlinna . . . . . . a<br />

d.<br />

Burando .. .. .. .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Pimba . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Wirrappa . . . . . . . . -<br />

Birthday . . . . . . . . -<br />

MeLeay . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

Woocalla . . . . . . .. a.<br />

d.<br />

Bookaloo .. . . .. . . -<br />

Hesso . . . . .. . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

73 Miles .. . . . . . . .<br />

Tassie Street .. . . . . a.<br />

d.<br />

PORT AUGUSTA . . a.<br />

Pt. Au-gusta . . . . . d.<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct. . . . . . . a.<br />

Adela~de . . . . . . . . . . a.<br />

8.15<br />

-<br />

9.32<br />

9.34<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

10.52 - 75<br />

11.20<br />

-<br />

12.49 - a.m.<br />

77, 579<br />

-<br />

-<br />

2.18<br />

I<br />

2.20<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

3.26<br />

3.28<br />

- l<br />

4.18 !<br />

4.38<br />

4.43 am. l<br />

8.00 am.<br />

10.05 a.m.<br />

-<br />

1<br />

8.15<br />

-<br />

9.32<br />

9.34<br />

-<br />

1 -<br />

- 10.52<br />

c-<br />

1 D<br />

11.20<br />

-<br />

1'2.49 a.m. - C_<br />

- 2-10 4 1 187,<br />

-<br />

-<br />

v - 3.28<br />

313<br />

': 3.30<br />

-<br />

l34<br />

" 4.36<br />

-<br />

5.28<br />

5.48<br />

5.53 a.m.<br />

8.00 a.m.<br />

10.05 n.m.<br />

-<br />

l<br />

10.45<br />

C G<br />

11.07 %.m. - 12.40<br />

1.19<br />

1.30<br />

1.37<br />

138<br />

- 2.08<br />

379, 677<br />

2.50<br />

3.29<br />

3.30<br />

4.24<br />

4.34<br />

C G<br />

C G<br />

6.02<br />

6.04<br />

6.11<br />

6 12<br />

S G<br />

7.20<br />

7.26<br />

C G<br />

5.21<br />

8.46<br />

S.51 a.m. W, Sat.<br />

9.30 a.m.<br />

11.40 a.m.<br />

-<br />

No. 295 Eudd runs, No. 174 worlis 45 minutes later from Pimba to Port Augnsta.<br />

-%delaide arr. 9.48 pm. Wednesday, 5.15 p.m. Saturday.<br />




(PT) a. 4 (AT) a.<br />

(AT) d.<br />

WATSOh- ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

Ooldea .............. a.<br />

cl.<br />

Bnrton .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

416 ;\X. Camp .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

AIt. Christie ........... a.<br />

d.<br />

Wynbring ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

35-41 11. Camp .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

Lyons .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

bIalhooma ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

TARCOOLA .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

'IiINGO0NP;h a.<br />


Elecfric train staff system, under Train Control, Porf Augusfa<br />

..........<br />

d.<br />

\5'irraminnn .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

WOO>IERA \VEST .... d.<br />

Pimba .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

Wirrappa ............ a.<br />

cl.<br />

Birthday ............ -<br />

3IcLeay .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

Woocalla .............. a.<br />

cl.<br />

Bookaloo ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

Hesso .............. a.<br />

d.<br />

73 Miles .............. -<br />

Tassie Street .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

PORT AUGUSTA ...... a.<br />

..........<br />

..........<br />

..............<br />

Pt. Augusta<br />

Pt. Pirie Jct.<br />

d.<br />

a.<br />

Adelaide a.<br />

22<br />

Budd and trailer<br />

Reg: 171011, Thur.<br />

Condl: Tue, Fri.<br />

am.<br />

&Ion., Thur.<br />

C.G.<br />

5.20<br />

G.20<br />

C.G.<br />

36<br />

Express<br />

Reg: Sun, M, W,<br />

Th, F.<br />

Condl. Tue, Sat.<br />

60 m.~.h.<br />

C.P.U.<br />

-<br />

4.12<br />

4.20<br />

5.26<br />

C.P. - 77, 79<br />

6.28<br />

6.38<br />

52<br />

Shunt Goocils<br />

Reg: \3'ednesBay<br />

Concll: Thur. esc.<br />

40 mash.<br />

p.m<br />

-<br />

-<br />

12.25<br />

C.G.3.<br />

C.S.<br />

1.53<br />

1.69<br />

C.G.S.<br />

-<br />

C.G.S.<br />

* -4rrire -%delaide 5.16 p.m. Saturdays.<br />


- 57<br />

3.05<br />

3.41<br />

5.00<br />

5.40<br />

5.45 pm.

34<br />


Eleciric irain staff sysiem, under Train Confrol, Porf Augusia<br />

520 40 692<br />

Slow Mixed I Cdl. Sh. Goods I<br />

Sundav<br />

B I ~ (Not Sun, ~ Mon.) ~ / ~ Frida-j ~<br />

TABLED MAX. SPEED 40 m.p.h. 40 m.p.h. 40 m.p.h. 1<br />

a.m.<br />

COOK ........ (4T) d. i 4.30 i l<br />

Fisher ............ a. 1 5.27<br />

d. ' 5.33 1 1<br />

522 11. Camp ........ a.<br />

d.<br />

WATSON .......... a.<br />

a.<br />

Ooldea ............ a.<br />

d.<br />

Immarna .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

........<br />

d. / 12.12<br />

>It. Christie ........ a. j 12.53<br />

416 11. Camp a. / 12.06 p.m.<br />

d. I 12.59<br />

W7~nbring<br />

d.<br />

3%; al. Camp ........ a.<br />

/ 1.51<br />

2.45<br />

-<br />

.......... a. l 1.40 l<br />

Blalhooma ..........<br />

d 1 2.51 1<br />

TARCOOLA ........ a. 4.47 p.m. - 136<br />

d.<br />

Wilgena .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

El--GOONT-4 ...... a.<br />

I<br />

1<br />

7 . qri 177<br />

."U - - l .a4<br />

5.M<br />

9.12<br />

a.m.<br />

I -<br />

8.30 "> 79<br />

C.G.S.<br />

-<br />

-. 10.15 --<br />

d.<br />

Coondamha Siding .... a.<br />

d.<br />

Coondambo Hstd. Xa -<br />

'<br />

10.12<br />

11.10<br />

11 qn --.-U<br />

C c<br />

F<br />

sn 535<br />

.&".X"<br />

, C.G.S.<br />

-<br />

-<br />

12.40 p.m.<br />

Burando .......... a.<br />

d.<br />

1<br />

I-.*I<br />

13.59<br />

i nq ,<br />

1.05<br />

-<br />

d. i<br />

Bookaloo .......... a. j<br />

d. '<br />

Hesso ............ a. '<br />

73 Miles .......... a.<br />

.<br />

d. 1<br />

70<br />

m.p.h.<br />

p.m.<br />

Friday<br />

in nn<br />

L"."" -<br />

675<br />

-.-U<br />

i 10.15<br />

j C.G.S. 1 10.43<br />

- i 10.44<br />

- .- .<br />

I C G.S.<br />

6.15 -<br />

6.46 i C.G.S.<br />

6.56 -<br />

11.47<br />

11.48<br />

12.14 a.-. Sat.<br />

d.<br />

5.47 l -<br />

12.36<br />

Tassie Street ........ a. ! I 1<br />

10.00 1 11.34<br />

d.<br />

/ ZO i l<br />

1314 a.m. -<br />

PORT -4UGUSTA .... a.<br />

10.45 pm. E.19 a.-. 1.00 am. Sat<br />

Port Augusta ........ d.<br />

I -<br />

I 1.30 a.m<br />

Port Pirie Jn. ........ a. , l -<br />

I - ' 2.44 a.m:<br />

Adelaide .......... a. I 6.20 am.<br />



(In marshalled order, reading from front)<br />

Sun. 170 1 -<br />

'car I' " -<br />

187 (Car 3) -<br />

- P. Au,wsta<br />

- P. Pirie Jn.<br />

- P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Augusta<br />

Woomera VJ.<br />

Fwd. to 3Iarree<br />

-<br />

1 (Car 2) - P. Pirie Jn. P. -4ugusta 3vd. to 3Iarree<br />

Mon. 222 1 - 1<br />

257 1 (Car 1) 1 Car 2)2 -<br />

368 1 (Car 1) 1 (Car 2)'"<br />

373 1 - -<br />

Tue. 334<br />

I'<br />

- -<br />

11 (Car 1) 1 Car 2): -<br />

-<br />

- 1<br />

- 1<br />

Woomera TJ.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Sugust2<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. -4ugusta<br />

P, -4ugusta<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Augusta<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. -4ugusta<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. -4ug11sta<br />

P. Augusta<br />

P. -4ugusta<br />

To 3Iarres SO. 369<br />

To Telford SO. 369<br />

Wed. 434<br />

457<br />

468<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

1 P. Sugusta<br />

1 P. Pirie Jn.<br />

- P. Augusta<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

Woomera W.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

-<br />

-<br />

473 1 (car 1) 1 (Car 21.' - P. Pirie Jn. P. F-ugusta -3rcl. to Marree<br />

Thur. 522 1 - 1 Woomera W. P. Pirie Jn.<br />

-<br />

557 1 I Car 1) 1 Car 211 - P. Pirie Jn. P. Augusta 3vd. ic 3Iarree (A)<br />

568 1 (Car 1) 1 (Car 2)'" - P. -4uguste P. Pirie Jn. %X LIarree (A)<br />

FT~. 634<br />

617<br />

1 I Car 1) l Car 3)1 - P. -4ugusta<br />

1 (Car 1) - - P. Pirie Jn.<br />

'1 (Cars) - 1 P. Pirie Jn.<br />

1- - 1 P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. Pirie Jn.<br />

P. -4ugusta<br />

Woomera VJ.<br />

P. Au,wsta<br />

EX 3Izrree<br />

-<br />

To 3Iarree<br />

by So. 693<br />

668 1 - - P. Augusta P. Pirie Jn.<br />

-<br />

673 1 - - P. Pirie Jn. P. ..\u,gusta -<br />

692 1 - - Woomera TT. P. Pirie Jn. +arms part<br />

of To. 187<br />

Sat. 728 1 1 P. August2 P. Pirie Jn.<br />

753 1 - l P. Pirie Jn. P. -4ug11sta<br />

!A) Alice Springs connection. . E31 76. = E31 78.<br />

Schools railcars Nos. 39 and 70 (School days):-<br />

One DH railcar.<br />

One Erill sitting-up trailer (Class E). (Semi-permanently couplscl for driving from =![her end).<br />

One DH railcar.

[ 1 1 Express trains.<br />


The composition of Express trains will be 2s arranged by tile Superintendent (Passenger Services!<br />

(21 Mixed and Goods Wains<br />

Passenger carriages to he attached as follo%~s:-<br />

(a) One passenger carriage:<br />

No. 535 Siox\y Blised. Port Sugustz to Parkeston Z<br />

S-o. 520 Slo~i- Mised. Parkeston to Port Augusta ;<br />

(h) One passenger carriage and ol;e passenger dinette carriage:<br />

h-0. 379 Fast Mised, Port Pirie Junction tc Parkestcn ;<br />

No. 579 Fast Mised. Port Pirie Junction TO Parkeston f<br />

No. 576 Fast Blised. Parkeston tc Po~t Pirie Junction. f<br />

No. 774 Fast Goods, Parkeston to Por-, Pirie Junction<br />

(c) One passenger dinette carriage:<br />

No. 777 Fast Goods. Port Pirie Junctioc tc Parkeston<br />

No. 276 Fast Mixed. Parkeston to Por: Pirie Junction f<br />

(d) A passenser dinette carria~~ is atrache2 iG otile:' Fast Goods train: conveying drivers sf<br />

semi-trailers. as arranged by the Superintenden-, (Transportation).<br />

$ Shunted to and frc,m Kalgoorlie passenger siation under local arrangements.<br />

(3) Combined pay, postal and brake-var:<br />

(HP. 67) ~~orke regularl:; as follo\T';s:-<br />

Working (Pay week1 KO. 535 Por~ Au~uste to Parkeston<br />

Empty (Alternate n-eek) KO. 520 Parkeston to Port Au-wsta.<br />

The Guard's cornparrmen; of this vac is to he marshalled nest to the passenger carriage<br />

(41 Provision store service vans<br />

One van<br />

(VP-4. 1339 and 1340) work regularly as folloor7s:-<br />

h-o. 535 Port Augusta tc Cook.<br />

No. 520 Cook to Pcrt Au-gusta.<br />

One van h-o. 520 Parkeston to Cook.<br />

No. 535 Cook to Parkesion.<br />

(53 Butcher's service vans<br />

(FA 640 and 658) work regularly as fo1lon~s:-<br />

One van No. 535 Port August2 tc Parkeston.<br />

(Alternate weeiis) Nc. 520 Parkeston to Port Aug~~sta.<br />

One van WO. 520 Parkeston to Port Augusta.<br />

(Alternate weeks) KO. 535 Port -4ugusta to Parkesion.




Pms :-<br />

(a) -4ny maximum speed prescribed for the ~hole of the line concerned.<br />

(b) The maximum permitted speed for the locomotive, railcar, etc.<br />

(c) The maximum permitted speed fcr the rolling-stock attached to the train.<br />

(d) Any special rate of speed prescribed for particular kinds of locations or movements, whereever<br />

they occur.<br />

(e) -4ny permanent local speed restriction on account of curves, etc.<br />

(f) Any special tempcrary speed restriction.<br />

2. Each type of restriction is set out separately below.<br />


NIL<br />


Single unit run-<br />

Cab leading ": ing in reverse<br />

miles per hour<br />

(i) Eudd railcars (Class CB), single or in multiple:<br />

withouttrailer - - - - - - - - 70<br />

with Brill trailer attached at rear - - - 65<br />

(ii) GM class locomotives - - - - - - - 60 1<br />

(iii) XSU class 1ocomoti.r~es (on standard-gauge bogies) 50<br />

(iv) DH classrailcars - - - - - - - - - 50<br />

(v) lIDH class lccomotives - - - - - - - 30<br />

(vi) DE class locomotives - - - - - - - - 25<br />

(vii) Xotor inspection cars:<br />

Over level crossings provided n-ith flashing<br />

light signals - - - - - - - l0<br />

Elsewhere - - - - - - - - - 50<br />

(viii) Motor section cars:<br />

Over level crossings - - - - - - 10<br />

On curves of 20 chains' radius or less - 15<br />

Elsewhere - - - - - - - - - 20<br />

(is) Xotor quadricycles:<br />

Over level crossings - - - - - - 10<br />

Elsewhere - - - - - - - - - 15<br />

(S) Hand section cars - - - - - - - - 15<br />

(xi) Foot tricycles and hand trolleys - - - - 6<br />

miles per hour<br />

miles per hour<br />

NOTES<br />

9 A GM locomotive with the air-brake operative on only one bogie must be restricted in speed as<br />

f ollc.ws :-<br />

If light engine, or with three or fewer brdied bogie vehicles attached-<br />

Instationyards - - - - - - - - - 10<br />

On main line (level, or rising grade) - - - 30<br />

On main line (falling grade) - - - - - 10<br />

If attached to four or more bogie vehicles ii-i:h air-brake fully operative ~hereon - Normal<br />

speeds.<br />

I:iMultipleGM orNSUunit, drivenfrom rear cab - - - - - - - - - - 40<br />

** Or multiple DH unit, driven from rear cab<br />

" Or multiple unit driven from leading cab.<br />

i: Multiple Eudd railcar units, driven other than from leading cab of movement - 40

Speeds of Trains (Continued)<br />



Speeds of Trains (Continued 1<br />


(i) Individual curve restrictions:<br />

At each single restricted curve, a board is placed on the left-hand side of the line, as<br />

viewed by the Driver of an approaching train, and 20 chains (: mile) from the commence-<br />

ment of the curve in each direction. This board bears a figure which indicates (in miles per<br />

hour) the masimum speed permitted while the train is traversing the curve.<br />

When a special temporary speed restriction indicated by warning and caution boards (see<br />

under (f) below) estends over a single restricted curve, and requires a lower speed than<br />

the curve speed restriction to be observed, the curve restriction boards will be taken clown<br />

or covered over while the special temporary speed restriction is in force.<br />

(ii) "Blanket" curve restrictions:<br />

Where there is a series of restricted curves in close succession, a single "blanket" rc-<br />

striction covers the whole series of curves. In this case, each end of the restricted stretch<br />

is indicated by a pair of larger boards, one on each side of the track. These boards bear<br />

figures which indicate (in miles per hour) the maximum speed permitted until the train<br />

passes a similar pair of boards at the other end of the restricted area. On The back of the<br />

latter boards, the letter "Nu indicates that normal speed may be resumecl,<br />

VJhen one such "blanket" restriction is followed immediately by ano~her "blanket" re-<br />

striction of different speed, the pair of boards at the end of the first restriction bear, insresd<br />

of the letter "N," the maximum speed (in miles per hour) permitted over the area Of the<br />

succeeding "blanket" restriction.<br />

When a special temporary speed restricticn indicated bv warning and caution boards (see<br />

under !f) below) extends on to a "hlailket" curve restriction, the boards at the ends ?f<br />

the "blanket" restriction will not be taiien down or covered. These latter boards nlusr be<br />

taken as defining the local "speed of tL1e line," which in turn is modified by any lo\~er speed<br />

imposed by the special tempcrary speed restriction. -4ny warning board ifor a temporar!~<br />

Speed restriction) which is located within the area covered by a "blanket" restriction, will<br />

bear, on the back of the warning board, a speed plate indicating the permitted masimu~i<br />

speed for the continuing "blanket" restriction.

I<br />

l<br />

a<br />

40 Speeds of Trai ns Continaecll<br />

Pernmnent Iocal speed restrictiolis on account of curves, etc. (Continued)<br />

(iii) The following permanenE speed resrr~ct~on: exist.-<br />

4 1 Oh- INDMDLTXL<br />



i PEP,<br />

M. C. al. c. M. C. 11. C. HOU~<br />

3- LINE I<br />

W.. Pirie JR. I 00 00<br />

l<br />

R. Germein<br />

Nectar Brook<br />

51<br />

i<br />

00 )<br />

60<br />

Stirling North 51 69 52 21 15<br />

55 16 55 49 5 0<br />

Port Augusta 55 79 56 53 15<br />

56 53 56 73 (Down)* 20<br />

55 73 57 14 25<br />

57 24 57 56 4 5<br />

58 32 58 60 50<br />

60 02 60 55 60<br />

60 7% 61 43 50<br />

61 61 62 04 45<br />

62 33 68 25 50<br />

49 33 72 74 60<br />

75 24 79 42 50<br />

89 77 90 21 60<br />

Hesso<br />

82 11 94 45 50<br />

85 12 95 40 6 0<br />

96 04 97 60 50<br />

99 21 123 45 6 0<br />

123 66 125 00 50<br />

125 42 125 59 60<br />

1<br />

j<br />

l26 15<br />

126 78<br />

127 52<br />

128 52<br />

126 6&<br />

127 21<br />

128 02<br />

L 50<br />

60<br />

5 0<br />

McLeay<br />

6 0<br />

i 1 i<br />

134 09 ) i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1 1<br />

738 29<br />

139 25<br />

141 67<br />

142 40<br />

139 01<br />

141 20<br />

142 09<br />

14523<br />

l<br />

'<br />

,<br />

50<br />

6 0<br />

5 0<br />

60<br />

145 68 147 57 50<br />

i<br />

l<br />

148 36 15061 / 45<br />

151 43 154 47 3 5<br />

l I<br />

'<br />

154 60 156 15 5 0<br />

1 156 31 157 54 i 60<br />

159 28 35<br />

I 1 159 78 160 12 6 0<br />

1 160 33 160 59 35<br />

* Approach track circuit for flashing light signals, Tassie Street level crossing (5Gm 73 cb).

l<br />

i<br />

i<br />

1<br />

Speeds of Trains (Con~inuedl<br />

Permanent local speed restrictions on account of curves, etc (Continued)<br />

(iii) (Continued)<br />

i<br />

I<br />

1<br />



Wirrarninna<br />

I 181 47<br />

: 195 64<br />

300 48<br />

309 46<br />

289 28 '

RUIN I;IhiE (Cont.)<br />

Lyons<br />

Speeds of Trains (Continued<br />

Permanent local speed restrictions on account of curves, etc. (Continued)<br />

(iii) (Continued)<br />

Oh- nTDnmu-A.L<br />


PEP,<br />

M. C. M. C. AI. c. M. C. HOUR<br />

341 14 342 77 50<br />

345 04 345 22 60<br />

346 10 347 40 50<br />

349 78 350 23 6 0<br />

354 55 354 76 50<br />

355 31 360 38 6 0<br />

360 76 361 20 5 5<br />

362 76 366 22 60<br />

367 30 370 67 5 0<br />

376 15<br />

Wyabring 7 60<br />

380 20 )<br />

381 08 381 72 55<br />

382 32 382 46 60<br />

383 25 385 40 4 5<br />

387 22 387 40 5 5<br />

389 06 389 21 60<br />

391 21 397 46 55<br />

392 48 393 62 45<br />

394 11 395 70 5 5<br />

395 72 396 46 50<br />

Mt. Christie<br />

398 02 399 25 4 5<br />

400 05 401 56 60<br />

401 62 401 79 5 5<br />

402 14 403 27 6 0<br />

403 74 405 02 50<br />

406 60 406 75 50<br />

407 57 408 17 5 5<br />

408 62 408 76 60<br />

409 12 412 19 40<br />

412 20 415 40 5 0<br />

415 58 416 02 45<br />

416 35 427 76 60<br />

418 36 420 30 50<br />

420 30 420 44 60<br />

420 74 421 18 5 0<br />

421 23 421 40 5 5<br />

421 43 421 67 1 45<br />

421 76 422 13 1 5 5<br />

422 20 422 49 1 5 0<br />

423 10 423 40 j 60

3<br />

i<br />

Speeds of Trains (Continued)<br />

Permanent local speed restrictions on meount of curves, etc (Continued)<br />

hi) (Continued)<br />

I ON INDIDU-4L<br />

i<br />

:<br />

i<br />

i<br />

MAIN LINE (Cont.)<br />


M. C.<br />

1 423 47<br />

l<br />

424 39 424 71<br />

424 73 425 15<br />

425 33 425 46<br />

425 61 425 74<br />

426 31 426 51<br />

426 64 427 08<br />

427 l1 427 45<br />

427 53 427 71<br />

427 79<br />

428 62<br />

428 44<br />

429 39 1 ,<br />

429 56<br />

437 02<br />

430 27 1<br />

Oer'dea<br />

Watson<br />

Loengana<br />

l 437 01<br />

1 439 40 440 06<br />

i<br />

440 13 441 18 1<br />

441 71 443 36 j<br />

444 23 444 37 '<br />

445 50 447 02 ;<br />

447 03 447 34<br />

447 60 448 05<br />

448 48 450 07 I<br />

450 51 450 66 '<br />

482 38<br />

482 58<br />

485 57 496 03 1<br />

798 58 798 77<br />

799 21 801 19<br />

840 11 840 21

44<br />

bZ4I3* LINE (Cont.)<br />

Kittheiter<br />

Chifiey I<br />

Karonie<br />

Curtin<br />

Speeds of Trains (Continued)<br />

Pen~ianent local speed restrictions on account of cunres, etc. (Continued)<br />

iiii) (Continued)<br />

l<br />



M. C. M. C. j<br />

1008 11<br />

1008 52<br />

1032 42<br />

104'1 36<br />

1 -<br />


PER<br />

M. C. M. C. HOUR<br />

SIDINGS, ETC. miles<br />

per hour<br />

Stirling North - Over main line facing points ............................ 15<br />

power Station Spur Inside outermost points at Curlem- Point .................... 10<br />

Elsewhere on spur line :-<br />

When there is more than one train on the spur line at the same time 15<br />

When propelling .................................... 15<br />

When hauling, or light engine, and no other train is on the spur .... 40<br />

Port Augusta Yard Apex of triangle and Workshops pate (Direct road) ............ 10<br />

Workshops gate and Yacht Club ...................... 15<br />

Yacht Club and Yuda street crossing .................... 5<br />

Wharf sidings ........................................ 10<br />

Station and Tassie Street (Shunting movements over shunting neck<br />

or main line) ................................ 10

SIDINGS. ETC. (Cont.)<br />

Speeds of Trains (Continued l<br />

Permanent locd speed restrictions on account of curves, etc., (Continued)<br />

(iii) (Continued)<br />

Woomera Spur Apes of Pimba triangle and Woomerx (Technical Area) - - - - - 50<br />

Xaronie Eallast Spur Apes of Karonie triangle and ballast terminal - - - - - - - - - 20<br />

Parkeston Yard All yard sidings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15<br />


(i) Indications of special temporary speed restrictions will be given:-<br />

by placing of detonators and the exhibition of hand signals, denoting a speed of 15 m.p.h.<br />

or less, as prescribed in General Rules l40 and 2l.2 (a) and (b);<br />

or by the provision of warning and caution signal boards, after the issue of notifications,<br />

as prescribed in General Rules 212 (c) to (e) inclusive.<br />

(ii) Notification of the provision of warning and caution boards mill be given by the Chief<br />

Traffic Manager through the Weekly Notice at the first opporrunity after receipt of<br />

advice from the Chief Civil Engineer.<br />

However, in the event of such arrangements being set up at short notice, advice thereof<br />

may be issued by memorandum, telegraph or telephone, and must be conveyed to the<br />

affected Drivers and Guards by the Stationmasters at the appropriate stopping-stations<br />

nest in the rear of the 2oint of restriction, or in default by the Train Controller direct<br />

to the Trainmen.<br />

(iii) In emergency, a temporary limitation of speed may have to be imposed at any poinr. under<br />

circumstances which preclude tile possibility of any prior notice whatever. Enginemen and<br />

others concerned must always be on the look-out for hand-signals of this nature, and<br />

must be prepared to stop or to run at reduced speed as prescribed in General Rules 140<br />

and 212 (a) and (b). Such a look-out is specially necessary after rain, and at locations<br />

xvhere the track is lmoxvn to be particularly liable to damage by water or heat.<br />

(iv) If there is any doubt as to the safety of the tracli, Enginemen and others concerned niust<br />

promptly take appropriate precautions. If the track is found to be actually out of order,<br />

and if it is not clear that the necessary protection and repairs are being undertaken, the<br />

Guard (Fireman in the case of a light engine) must promptly report the facts to the Train<br />

Controller. If the Controller cannot be contacted, or if he so directs, the facts must be<br />

reported to the nearest Ganger or Stationmaster.<br />

(v) Eudd railcars (including those hs.uling Brill cars) may exceed by 5 m.p.h. any temporary<br />

local speed restriction of 20 m.p.h. or over, imposed on account of tracli conditions.<br />

3. GENERG. If any train fails to comply with any of the speed restrictions set out herein,<br />

the employee detecting the irregularity must bring the facts to the notice of his immediate senior<br />


46<br />


(i)<br />

Location<br />

(ii)<br />

Unit<br />

(iii)<br />


on these lines<br />

Port Pirie Junction Heavy-lift wagon See column (iv)<br />

PLF. 1347<br />

Port Pirie Junction ''Twin" motor car<br />

carrier RH. 78<br />

Road beneath<br />

crane.<br />

gantry<br />

Port Pirie Junctioll Semi-trailers. -<br />

etc. Juncticll platforni road.<br />

under foot'oridge.<br />

Gantrx- crane road.<br />

"Joe's road" ~n pantry<br />

area.<br />

Port Au,wsta<br />

Port Augusta<br />

Port Augusta<br />

Port Augsta<br />

Port Au-vsta<br />

Parkeston<br />

Heavy-lift waaon See coluunn (iv)<br />

EF. 1347<br />

"Tn-in" motor car Diesel servicin~ bays in U<br />

carrier RH. 78 Worlishcps.<br />

- etc. PY1ar.n llne (KO. 1 platform U<br />

Semi-trailers,<br />

- road) ~n statlon between<br />

scatlon name-board and<br />

10 vards , - . west of overhead<br />

pipeline.<br />

Crc.ssing loop and "shuntine<br />

neck," between 20<br />

yards east of Flinders<br />

Terrace overbrid,?e. and<br />

20 yards west or overhead<br />

pipeline.<br />

Anv locomotive Elevated road over coal<br />

OTHER THAK GM, bins.<br />

DE % &IDH classes<br />

GM and SIDE On W-agon weighbridge<br />

class locomotives table.<br />

(iv)<br />

AL4T \T70RIi<br />

on these lines OXLP<br />

Crossina loop.<br />

Triangle.<br />

Through road to transfer<br />

shed.<br />

Middle road to transfer area.<br />

"Joe's road" in gantry area.<br />

Main "Back PLoad," triangle<br />

to Tassie Street.<br />

Weighbridge locfp.<br />

End-loading ramp roads.<br />

Wheel-truinz loop.<br />

Wav and ViTorks siding.<br />

Heavy-lift ma~on See colunln (iv) Main line.<br />

RF. 13&7<br />

Crossinp loop.<br />

No. 3 road.<br />

Outer road to end-loading<br />

ramp.<br />

Parkeston Semi-trailers, etc. lYansfer platforni.<br />

Gantry road.<br />

West of Parlieston Heavy-lift wagon -4nv line west of Parkeston<br />

1347<br />

West of Parkeston Semi-traiiers, etc. -by line west of Parkeston<br />

-<br />

Budd railcar (CB) No. 5 platform U<br />

(C.R. "No. 2 road").<br />

All other locatio~n~, Heavy-lift wazon See coiumn (iv) Main line and reco-~ised<br />

T.A.PL. RF. 1347 crossinp loops.<br />

All other locatio,ns, Semi-trai!ers, etc.<br />

T.A.R. ,.<br />

See column (iv) Main line and recomised<br />

crossing loops.<br />

All locations, Semi-trailers, etc. Into c.r through buildings -<br />

T.A.P,. ,. or similar structures.<br />

NOTE (3 - Restrictions marked t refer to wagons laden with motor lorries, pantechnicons and similar<br />

high loading, which exceed khe nc,rmal loading gauge, but are within the "relaxed" dimen-<br />

sions in Clause 74 (7) of the General Appendix (Part 1).


(a) Expresses.<br />

Westbound Espresses must not leave Port Pirie Junction or Port Augusta ahead of time. EBst-<br />

bound Ekpresses must not leave Kalgoorlie ahead of time. At Port Augclsh, the advertised departure-<br />

time of No. 36 (for passengers es West Coast bus, Saturdays), is 11.05 a.m. If circumstances permit. No.<br />

36 may depart Port -4ugusta at that time on Saturdays, or earlier on other days, provided the Train<br />

Controller agrees it is advantageous to do so.<br />

Elsewhere, the Expresses may run ahead of time as circumstances permit. In general, Eastbound<br />

Ekpresses should not arrive at Port Augusta more than 21) minutes ahead of time, and Expresses should<br />

not run more than 30 minutes ahead of time elsewhere, but this will be subject to the direction CB the<br />

Train Controller.<br />

(bl Budd Railcars.<br />

Westbound Eudd railcars must not leave Port Pirie Junction or Port Augusta ahead of time, but<br />

elsewhere may run ahead of time as circumstances permit.<br />

Eastbound Budd railcars must not leave Wnomera or Pctrt Augusta ahead of time, but elsewhere<br />

may run ahead of time as circumstances permlt.<br />

(c) Fast and Slow Mixed Trains.<br />

Westbound Fast and Slow Mised trains must not leave Port Pirie Junction or Port Augusta<br />

ahead of the advertised time of departure from tile platform, but elsewhere may run ahead of time<br />

as circumstances permit.<br />

Eastbound Fast and Slow Mized trains must not leave Parkeston ahead of time, but elsewhere<br />

may run ahead of time as circumstances permit.<br />

(c41 Fast and Through Goods Trains.<br />

Fast Goods trains must not leave Port Augusta before the advertised time of departure from<br />

the platform; nor must they leave Parkeston ahead of time.<br />

Elsewhere, Fast and Through Gocds trains may start and run ahead of time.<br />

(el General.<br />

Running ahead of time is subject to the direction of the Train Controller at all times. When it<br />

is approved, all concerned must make every endeavour to advise the Fettling gangs, fcr the purposes<br />

of their safety, of any work in section which they may have to do with the trains, and (in the case<br />

of the Slow Mised trains) their convenience in obtaining supplies and pay.<br />


The schedules provide for conditional stops as follows:-<br />

( a) Expresses.<br />

The Espress schedules provide for a conditional stop of twc minutes at Kingoonya, only for the<br />

purpose of picking up (Westbound) or setting down (Eastbound) passengers holding sleeping berth<br />

reservations to (or from) Kalgoorlie or beyond; cr for the issue of a crossing notice or authorisation<br />

order. For each such stcip not made, at least 4 minutes should be regained in running.<br />

Expresses may also stop at Malbooma when required, to set down (Westbound) or pick up (East-<br />

bound) FIRST-CLASS fare-paying passengers from (or to) Port Augusta or beyond. The ?rXalbooma<br />

stop, when made, may be booked as a delay, to the estent of the actual duration of the stop, plus up<br />

to 7 minutes for acceleration.<br />

(bl Budd Railcars.<br />

At each place, west of Port Augusta, where a conditional stop is shown, the schedule includes<br />

time for a stop of 30 seconds and for acceleration. Fur each conditional stop not made, time should be<br />

regained in running, to the elrtent of l& minutes (Budd car only) or 2 minutes (Eudd car and trailer).<br />

Re conditional stops between Port Pitie Junction ancl Port AuPsta, see notes on page 19.<br />

(C) Fast and Slow Mixed Trains.<br />

At each place where a conditional stop is shown, the schedule includes one minute for standing<br />

time, and for acceleration 4 minutes (50 m.p.h. trains) or & minutes (40 m.p.h. trains).<br />

For each such stop not made, time should be regained accordingly in running.<br />

4 7

(d) Goods Trains.<br />

(1x1 CONDlTlONAL STOPS (Con~inued)<br />

In goods train schedules, the amount of time included to cover conditional stops (for roadside<br />

traffic or shunting), if not specifically stared, can be ascertained by comparing the time allowed<br />

between electric train smfY stations with the recognised through running time for the section as shown<br />

on pages 7 to 15.<br />

(e) General.<br />

The procedure for arranging and observing a conditional SLOP by any particular train is set out<br />

in note 5 on page 3.<br />


Except as othenvise provided in the Rules and Regulations, or in circumsrances of danger or acute<br />

emergency, trains may not stop at places where they are not tabled ro do so, nor may conditional stops<br />

be made for purposes other than those authorised in the schedules, withour the prior approval of the<br />

Chief Traffic Manager.<br />

Special stops by the Express trains will be authorised only in cases of real emergency or im-<br />

portance.<br />


( 1 Expresses.<br />

(a) Passengers. The Espress trains are authorised to convey only the following descriptions of pas-<br />

sengers:-<br />

(i) Passengers holding sleeping berth reservations from Port Pirie Junction or PO*; Auwsta (or<br />

beyond), or from Pimba (when required), Kingoonya (when required) or Tarcwla, to<br />

Kalgoorlie (or beyond); and vice versa.<br />

(ii) A limited number of FIP,ST-CL-4SS fare-paying passengers from Port Au-gusta (or beyond)<br />

to Malbooma (conditional srop): and vice versa.<br />

(iii) Passengers ex Coober Pedy mail vehicle from Kingoonya to Port Augusta or beyond (No.<br />

136 only).<br />

(iv) Passengers ex West Coast buses, from Port Augusta for Pcrt Pirie Junction or beyond (No.<br />

636 only).<br />

(v) Fruit Fly Inspectors from Port Augusta ro Pimba, and from Pimbz to Port Pirie Junction.<br />

(vi) Railway staff, compelled ro rravel on duix by Express rains, subject to the prior approval<br />

(permanent or special) of the Chief Traffic Manager.<br />

(vii) Holders of annual leave free passes and sleeping berth reservations, travelling from Port<br />

Augusta (or east thereof J or from I

(2) Budd Railcars.<br />


(a) Passengers. Budd railcars may convey passengers only to and from tabled and conditional<br />

stopping-places.<br />

(b) Van Traffic. Budd railcar services are authorised to convey only the reasonable minimum<br />

luggage of passengers, mails, newspapers and periodicals, books, medicines, small packages and con-<br />

signments of perishables, revenue-earning parcels traffic, and small parcels for Departmental staff.<br />

Also cartoned milk, cream and ice-cream containers (full or empty), heavy luggage of passengers, and<br />

returned empty containers ex revenue-earning parcels traific, on services provided with trailer.<br />

Traffic other than the foregoing is not to be accepted by Stationmasters or Guards for convey-<br />

ance by Budd car services, without special permission from the Chief Traffic Manager, which in the<br />

case of Departmental traffic must be sought in advance by the Branch concerned.<br />

In any event, the size and weight of paclcages nil1 be governed by the capacity of the vehicle<br />

concerned (i.e. Budd car or trailer), and the staff and time available for loading and off-loading.<br />

(3) Fast Mixed and Through Goods Trains.<br />

(a) Passengers. Fast mixed trains may convey passengers to and from tabled and conditional<br />

stopping-places; provided that they must not, without the prior approval cf the Chief Traffic Xanager.<br />

convey passengers from Malbooma (or east thereof) to Parkeston (or west thereof), or vice versa, es-<br />

cept the drivers of road vehicles pickabackecl by the same train.<br />

Through Goods trains not provided with a passenger coach must not convey passengers, except<br />

as laid down for drovers accompanying livestock conveyed by the zrain, or escept as specially approved<br />

by the Chief Traffic Manager.<br />

(b) Van TrnEic. Fast Mised and Through Goods trains are authorised to convey only the<br />

following descriptions of van traffic, and these only to or from regular or conditional stoppin:-places:-<br />

The minimum reasonable luggage and belong~ngs of passengers, mails, newspapers and periodicals,<br />

medicines, small packages and con~i~ments of perishables. small consignments of cartolled milk. cream<br />

or ice-cream containers (full or empty), revenue-enrnlng parcels tlaffic ancl the returned enlptx- containers<br />

thereof. small parcels fcr Departmental staff, bags of Departmental linen, ancl small packages and<br />

consignmenrs of other Departmental traffic.<br />

Traffic other than the foregoing, or to or from places where a regular or conditional stop is not<br />

tabled, is not to be accepted by Stationmasters or Guards, for conveyance by Fast Mised or Through<br />

Goods trains, without special permission frcm the Chief Traffic Manager, which in the case of Departmental<br />

traffic must be sought in advance by the Branch concerned.<br />

In any event, the size and weight of paclcages 1~611 be governed by the capacity of the bralce-van<br />

or other vehicle concerned, and the staff and time available for loading and offloading,<br />


(1 1<br />

Certain important operating instructions are extracted or summarised in the follo~ving pages,<br />

merely for quick and easy reference by Trainmen, etc. The fuller instructions in the General<br />

Appendis and elsewhere continue in full force, except for certain figures and minor details which<br />

are superseded by those sho~vn in this book, pending formal revision of the General Appendk.<br />

12) Computing Weight of Trains<br />

The gross weight of each vehicle is to be computed as Sol1ows:-<br />

COACITING VEHICLES: In accordance with the average tare weight shown on page 291<br />

or 294 of the General Appendix (Part I), or elsewhere, without adding anyLhing for the<br />

weight of any contents there may be. (EXCEPTION: 10 tons to be allowed for the<br />

contents of the mail van on Express trains).<br />


TIm CO-ACHING: The painted tare weight of the vehicle; plus the weight of the<br />

contents (if any), computed as follows:-

Cattle or horses .................... iO cl??t. each animal<br />

0 9 , ,I<br />

Calves .......................... ? I, .,<br />

Sheep ............................<br />

Pigs ............................ 1 " "<br />

\Tater in tank wagons: 10 Ibs, for each gallol? of water.<br />

Other trdfic: Weight of contents as shonn on \?-ago11 label.<br />

When the gross ureight of a \iragoll has been computed in this way for the purposes of<br />

train load, an odC 10 cwT. or above must be reckoned as one ton, and 211 odd figure of less<br />

than 10 cwt. must be dropped. This gives the gross weight of the vragon to the nearest<br />

hole ton.<br />

The total gross load of the train, n-her found by adding together the gross weights of the<br />

vehicies as computed above, may be allox7;ed to exceed the authorised load for the locon~otiveis) by<br />

anything up to 6 tons, but no more v.-ithoui the special permission of the Chief Mechanical Engineer.<br />

Whatever the authorised load !in weight'l io:. the loconlorive~s), the length of a rrain may not<br />

exceed 50 bcgie vehicles or the equivalent. except i13- special permission of the Chief Blechanical En-<br />

~neer. For this purpose two four-~~heeleci vehicle? equal one bogie vehicle. but four-wheeled vehicles<br />

must llot he attachecl to diesel-hauieci. trains xithou? the special per'mission of the Chief 3lechanical<br />

Engineer.<br />

(4) Marshcrliing of Mixe$ and Goods Trai~s<br />

(a! TTQlen a goods trail-! comprises iondec! and empty r-elliciee, the loaded vehicles should as<br />

far as possible be placed at. the enfint end of the rrain, bui any other special instructions regarding<br />

the marshalling order of vehicles ars no? TO be depar~ed from in ordor ta do this.<br />

(b'i T~ehicles not fitted with conlplete Westinghouse brake, or which have the Westinghouse<br />

brake cut out, may not exceed one-quarter o: the total load of e mixed troin, nor one-half of the<br />

total load of a goods train. nloreo-\:er, not more than three oi such vehicles may be marshalled<br />

together in an>- one place in the train. If there is a larger number of such vehicles than this, one<br />

or more rehic1c.s with the air brake fully operative must be placed between each group of three<br />

vehicles tor fewer) on \vl~ich it is not.<br />

(c) Open wagons Gb. 1089 and 1222. T~hen loaded xi-itn full tanks of wine, must be marshalled<br />

behind the brake-van. These wagons are fitted %ith a Piesrin:house bralie gauge, with hinged tail<br />

discs, and with brackets on which oil-burning side and tail lamps must be eshibired by night.<br />

(5 1 "Empty-Loaded" WesPinghouse Brahe Equipment on Certain Vehicles<br />

Certain standard gauge goods vehicles, denoted by a 110110~~~ white square painted on each side,<br />

are fitted ~vith a special "empty-loaded" version of the Westinghouse brake. The operating cock of<br />

the additicnal volume reservoir is opened or closed by operaring handles, showing "E (empty) or<br />

"L" (loaded), provided on both sides of the vehicle and working together through a rod connection.<br />

When the handle is in the "L position, additional air-braking power is provided.<br />

When the contents of one of these vehicles weigh half the tare weight or more, the operating<br />

handle should be in the "L" position.<br />

When the vehicle is empty, or the contents weigh less than half the tare weight, the handle<br />

should be in the "E" position.


(1 1 Time Zones<br />

(a) For train-working purposes, time is observed as follows:-<br />

Adelaide time, Port Pirie Junction to Cook (inclusive).<br />

Perth time (one hour, 30 minutes behind Adelaide time), Cook (esclusive) to Kalgocrlie.<br />

(h) Time-pieces must be adjusted as follows:-<br />

On DOWN trains:-<br />

Put back one hour, 30 minutes immediately before leaving Cook.<br />

On UP trains:-<br />

Advanced one hour 30 minutes immediately after arriving at Coolf<br />

diesel units:-<br />

Preparation Stabling<br />

(mins.) (mins.)<br />

Budd railcars-<br />

One car 45 30<br />

Each additional car 30 15<br />

G.M. loccmotives-<br />

Single unit<br />

Double unit<br />

These times include 15 minutes for the crew booking on or booking off duty r~spectively.<br />

t 3 1 Brake-Test Allowances<br />

The following are the ma-ximum normal allowances of time for the testing of brakes and final<br />

examinatkn of an outgoing train:-<br />

(a) When performed by a Train Esaminer, or other competent employee of the Mechanical<br />

Engineering Branch other than an Engineman of the train being tested:<br />

(i) Passenger trains of up to 530 tons, the passenger cars being fitted<br />

with roller bearings 12 mins.<br />

(ii) Passenger trains of up to 530 tons, the passenger cars being fitted<br />

with solid bearings and brasses<br />

14 mins.<br />

(iii) Passenger trains of over 530 tons 20 mins.<br />

(iv) Other trains:<br />

Up to and including 30 in length<br />

Over 30 and up to 50 in length<br />

Over 50 and up to 62 in length<br />

Over 62 and up to 80 in length<br />

Over 80 and up to 100 in length<br />

(b) When performed by an Engineman of the train being tested:<br />

Allowances as above, plus 5 minutes in each case.<br />

10 mins.<br />

15 mins.<br />

20 mins.<br />

25 mins.<br />

30 mins.<br />

The marshalling of the train should be completed in sufficient time for tests as set out above.<br />

Unless these allc.~vances are exceeded, any delay to the train cannot be booked against "Examiner"<br />

or "brake test," but must be booked against the shunting or other real cause.<br />

(41 Intermediate Attention to Passenger Carriages on Fast and Slow Mixed and Goods Trains<br />

Sitting-up carriages on Fast Mixed and Fast Goods trains, and on Slow Mixed trains, are to he<br />

internally cleaned (including lavatories) and watered at Tarcoola, Cook and Rawlinna. On the Slow<br />

1Mixed trains, similar cleaning is to be given also at Pimba. Earton, Loongans and Zanthus. The Guards<br />

and (where available) station staff should co-operate to carry out this and other station work to thl'<br />

best advantage and without delay to the train,<br />

On Westbound Fast Mixed trains, the water supply in the cars is to be topped up as necesSc- '<br />

at Port -4ugusta.

(5) Slow Mixed Trains : Special lastructions<br />

(a) The attention of all concerned is directed to the standing instructions regarding the work-<br />

ing of the Slow Mixed trains. The more importan: of them are summarised below.<br />

(b) Traffic requiring the assistance of ganp for offtoading.<br />

Stationmasters, Guards and Train Controllers must co-operate in ensuring that Gangers are<br />

dven advance notice (through the Roadmaster, or direct) when there is traffic on the train which<br />

will require the assistance of the gang for offloading.<br />

(c) Bulky or awhirard traffic for loading on route.<br />

When there is bulky or awkward traffic to be loaded en route, the Stationmaster or Ganger con-<br />

cerned must give adequate information to the Train Controller, so that a suitable wagon can be select-<br />

ed and all concerned be advised of its position in the train. The tramc and any lcading gear must<br />

then be placed as near as possible to the position where the vehicle is expected to come to a stand.<br />

(d) Work in section.<br />

If any work in section appears unlikely to be finished within any time-limit which has been<br />

*ed by the Train Controller, the latter's approval must be obtained by the Guard before the time<br />

is exceeded. This approval must be scught suffiaciently earl>- for the train to be moved on at the<br />

time originally appointed, if the Controller is not able to grant an extension of time.<br />

(e) Service of camps.<br />

Everything required for the service and watering of the camp, and all traffic for loading, must<br />

be in readiness befc,re the train arrives.<br />

whistle must be sounded as a final warning. as the train approaches the camp.<br />

Enlployees andior their dependents must ixmediately distribute themselves equally between the<br />

Stores van, the Butcher's van and the Pay van (when attached). The persons in charge of these<br />

vehicles must be kept continuously occupied until each has attended to the reasonable requirements<br />

of all customers.<br />

All available emplo~yees and their dependents must be served first. Non-Railway customers will<br />

then be served up to departure time.<br />

Sumping of water, and the offloading or loading of an)- traffic, must be started as soon as the<br />

train arrives.<br />

Provided all is otherwise ready, the train must be despatched as soon as the tabled allowance<br />

of time has expired, unless the Van Storeman or Butcher requests otherwise on any particular occa-<br />

sion. Reasons for any detention of the train for service purposes must be reported by the Stationmaster<br />

or Guard. However, allowance must be made for any unusual interruptic.n to the service through<br />

shunting, etc.<br />

All concerned must co-operate to avoid delay to the train. Any lack of co-operation must be re-<br />

ported by the Stationmastff or Guard to the Chief Traffic Manager, and local action to obtain an<br />

improvement must also be taken wherever possible.

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