pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigations

pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigations

pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical investigations


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Journal of Herbal Medicine <strong>and</strong> Toxicology 4 (2) 113-118 (2010)<br />

ISSN : 0973-4643 Original Article<br />



Rakesh K. Sindhu*, Neeru Vasudeva <strong>and</strong> S.K. Sharma<br />

Division of Phytochemistry <strong>and</strong> Pharmacognosy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru<br />

Jambheshwar University of sci. &Technology, Hisar, 125001, India.<br />

*Corresponding author email: E-mail: rakeshsindhu16@gmail.com<br />

Received 4th Feb, 2010, Revised- 13th April, 2010, Accepted- 2nd May,2010<br />

ABSTRACT: Phytochemical studies of the Verbesina encelioides Benth. Roots were<br />

carried out in present study. Morphology of the plant, microscopy of the root. Total<br />

ash, acid insoluble ash, water insoluble ash <strong>and</strong> sulphated ash were 7.86%, 5.45%,<br />

4.32%, 7.80% respectively. The extractive values i.e. petroleum ether, chloroform,<br />

ethyl acetate, ethanol <strong>and</strong> aqueous extract were 5.7%, 10%, 5.5%, 4.5%, 10.5%. The<br />

alcoholic <strong>and</strong> aqueous extracts were screened for presence of amino acid <strong>and</strong><br />

carbohydrates. The extracts showed the presense of two amino acid viz. nor-lucine<br />

<strong>and</strong> ornithine <strong>and</strong> two carbohydrates, D-ribose <strong>and</strong> sucrose. The <strong>preliminary</strong><br />

<strong>phytochemical</strong> screening of alcoholic <strong>and</strong> aqueous extracts was performed. The<br />

presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins, phenolic compounds, <strong>and</strong> sterol in<br />

alcoholic extract was observed. Flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins, amino acids<br />

<strong>and</strong> phenolic compounds were present in aqueous extract.<br />

Key Words: Verbesina encelioides Benth., <strong>pharmacognostical</strong>, <strong>phytochemical</strong> screening,<br />


Pharmacognostical study is the <strong>preliminary</strong> step in<br />

the st<strong>and</strong>ardization of crude drugs. The detailed<br />

<strong>pharmacognostical</strong> evaluation gives valuable<br />

information regarding the morphology, microscopical<br />

<strong>and</strong> physical characteristics of the crude drugs.<br />

Pharmacognostic studies have been done on many<br />

important drugs, <strong>and</strong> the resulting observations have<br />

been incorporated in various pharmacopoeias [1].<br />

There are a number of crude drugs where the plant<br />

source has not yet been scientifically identified. Hence<br />

pharmacognostic study gives the scientific information<br />

regarding the purity <strong>and</strong> quality of the plant drugs [2].<br />

Verbesina is a small genus native to the Southwestern<br />

United States <strong>and</strong> Maxican platueau, the species of<br />

which occur primerly in the arid grass <strong>and</strong> scrubl<strong>and</strong>s.<br />

Some species have ornamental <strong>and</strong> economical value.<br />

Verbesina encelioides (Astracae) is weedy <strong>and</strong> has<br />

extentedsed into several regions of the world. Other<br />

species are i.e. (Verbesina boliviana, Verbesina<br />

cinera, Verbesina eggersi, Verbesina gignonta,<br />

Verbesina macrophylla etc.) Verbesina encelioides<br />

[(Cav.) Benthum & Hooker fil. Gray], Synonym:<br />

Ximenesia encelioides, Common name: Crown beard<br />

[3, 4]. The plant is used traditionally to treat stomach<br />

diseases, heamorrhoides. The roots are used for<br />

retention of water, bladder inflammation <strong>and</strong> also as<br />

a blood purifier [5]. Leaves are used as a poultice to<br />

relieve sore legs to treat rheumatism <strong>and</strong> the juice is<br />

used as a laxative [6]. The major phytoconstituents<br />

from the different parts are terpenoids, flavonoids,<br />

aromatic compounds etc.[7]. The present study was<br />

for identificattion of plant <strong>and</strong> explored for the<br />

<strong>phytochemical</strong> <strong>and</strong> screening of biological active<br />

compounds.<br />


The plant of Vebesina encelioides Benth. root was<br />

collected during the month of the July 2007 from Village<br />

Dinod, Bhiwani (Haryana), North India.<br />


Journal of Herbal Medicine & Toxicology<br />

Table 1 : Behaviour of root powders with different chemical reagents<br />

Sr. No Treatment Color of powder<br />

1 Powder as such Light brown<br />

2 Powder + 1 N HCl Dark brown<br />

3 Powder + 1N NaOH No change<br />

4 Powder + Acetic Acid Light pinkish<br />

5 Powder + 5% Ferric chloride Creamish<br />

6 Powder + Picric acid Greenish yellow<br />

7 Powder + HNO3 + Ammonia solution Light brown<br />

8 Powder + 5% Iodine Dark brown<br />

9 Powder + 1N HNO3 Blackish green<br />

Table 2 : Fluorescence nature of root powder under ultra violet (UV) <strong>and</strong> visible radiations<br />

Sr.<br />

no. Treatment<br />

114<br />

Long UV<br />

(365 nm)<br />

Short UV<br />

(254 nm)<br />

Visible<br />

1 Powder as such Dark brown Light brown Light brown<br />

2 Powder + 1N HCl Light brown Light brown Light brown<br />

3 Powder + 1N NaOH Light brown Light yellow Light brown<br />

4 Powder + 50% HNO3 Light green Light brown Light brown<br />

5 Powder + Acetic acid Light brown Light yellow Light brown<br />

6 Powder + Picric acid Light brown Dark brown Light brown<br />

7 Powder + 1N NaOH in methanol Light greenish Dark brown Light brown<br />

8 Powder + FeCl3 Creamish Light brown Light brown<br />

9<br />

Powder + 1N NaOH in methanol + Nitrocellulose in<br />

amyl acetate<br />

Light yellowish Light greenish Light brown<br />

10 Powder + 1N HCl + Nitrocellulose in amyl acetate Light greenish Brown Light brown<br />

11<br />

Powder + 1N NaOH + Nitrocellulose in amyl<br />

acetate<br />

Table 3 : Determination of Ash Values of Verbesina encelioides Benth<br />

Yellowish green Light green Light brown<br />

S. No. Ash type Percentage of Ash<br />

1. Total ash 7.8% w/w<br />

2. Acid insoluble ash 5.32% w/w<br />

3. Water soluble ash 3.94% w/w

Table 4 : Extractive values of root powder with various solvents<br />

115<br />

Sindhu et al.<br />

Sr. No. Solvent Extraction period (h) Colour of extract Extractive value (%) w/w<br />

1. Petroleum ether (60-80°C) 24 Light brown 5.7<br />

2. Chloroform 24 Light brown 10<br />

3. Ethyl acetate 24 Yellowish brown 5.5<br />

4. Ethanol 24 Brown 4.5<br />

5. Aqueous 24 Dark brown 10.5<br />

Table 5 : Amino acids analyzed by paper chromatography<br />

Sr. No. Amino Acids Rf Value Amino acids detected<br />

1. Alanine 0.32 –<br />

2. 2-Aminobutyric acid 0.70 –<br />

3. Arginine 0.15 –<br />

4. Aspartic acid 0.16 –<br />

5. Glutamic Acid 0.18 –<br />

6. Glycine 0.16 –<br />

7. Histidine 0.14 –<br />

8. Lysine 0.18 –<br />

9. Methionine 0.37 –<br />

10. Norleucine 0.10 +<br />

11. Ornithine 0.10 +<br />

12. Phenylalanine 0.25 –<br />

13. Tyrosine 0.47 –<br />

+ve : Detected; –ve : Not detected Solvent system : n-butanol : water: glacial actic acid (4:1:1, upper phase)<br />

Spray reagent : Ninhydrin<br />

Table 6 : Carbohydrates analyzed by paper chromatography<br />

Sr. No. Carbohydrates Rf Value Carbohydrate Detected<br />

1. Galctose 0.646<br />

2. Maltose 0.60 -<br />

3. Lactose 0.622 -<br />

4. D-Ribose 0.525 +<br />

5. Sucrose 0.629 +<br />

6. Fructose 0.666 -<br />

7. D-Xylose 0.711 -<br />

8. L-Arabinose 0.666 -<br />

+ve : Detected; –ve : absent Solvent system : n-butanol : glacial acetic acid : water (2:1:1)<br />

Spray reagent : Anisaldehyde in sulphuric acid

Journal of Herbal Medicine & Toxicology<br />

Table 7 : Prelimenry <strong>phytochemical</strong> screening<br />

Sr. no. Plant Constituents Test / Reagent Ethanol extract Aqueous extract<br />

1. ALKALOIDS<br />

Mayer’s reagent<br />

Dragendroff’s reagent<br />

Wagner’s reagent<br />


Killer-Killani test<br />

Sodium nitropruside test<br />

Borntrager test<br />


Molisch’s reagent<br />

Fehling solution<br />

4. STEROLS<br />

Liebermann-Burchard’s test<br />

Salkowski test<br />

Hesses reaction<br />

Hersch reaction<br />

5. SAPONINS<br />

Foam test<br />

Sodium bicarbonate test<br />


Ferric chloride solution<br />

Lead acetate solution<br />


Biuret test<br />

Millon’s reagent<br />

Ninhydrin reagent<br />


Shinoda/Pew test<br />

Ammonia test<br />

+ve: Present; -ve: Absent<br />

The plant material was taxonomically identified <strong>and</strong><br />

authenticated by Dr. H.B. Singh, Head, Raw materials<br />

Herbarium <strong>and</strong> Museum division, with<br />

ref.no.NISCAIR/RHMD/Consult/2007-08/890/74.<br />

The voucher specimen has been deposited in the<br />

116<br />

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-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

-<br />

-<br />

+<br />

+<br />

-<br />

-<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

herbarium section of the Pharmacognosy Division,<br />

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru<br />

Jambheshwar University of Science <strong>and</strong> Technology,<br />

Hisar for further reference. The roots were dried<br />

under shade, sliced into small pieces, pulverised using<br />

-<br />

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+<br />

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+<br />

+<br />

-<br />

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+<br />

+<br />


a mechanical grinder <strong>and</strong> stored in an air tight<br />

container for further use.<br />


The crude drug was evaluated for organoleptic<br />

properties shape, size. colour, odour, taste, fracture<br />

<strong>and</strong> texture were noted as per Wallis [8]. Quantitative<br />

microscopy was determined by methods prescribed<br />

by Trease <strong>and</strong> Evans [9].<br />

The ash values, extractive values with various reagents<br />

<strong>and</strong> were determined as per the WHO guideline [10].<br />

The behaviour of powdered roots with various<br />

chemical reagents was studied [11]. The fluoroscence<br />

characters of the powder with various acids were<br />

observed under visible light <strong>and</strong> UV light as per the<br />

procedure [12]. Extractive values were performed<br />

with various solvents like petroleum ether, chloroform,<br />

ethyl acetate, alcohol <strong>and</strong> water was performed as<br />

per Indian Pharmacopoeia [14]. Amino acids analyzed<br />

by paper chromatography. Preliminary <strong>phytochemical</strong><br />

tests of the extracts were performed using specific<br />

reagents through st<strong>and</strong>ard procedures [15] .<br />


The <strong>pharmacognostical</strong> studies i.e. morphological<br />

study of the root of the plant was performed. The<br />

root is a typical tap root. The fresh roots were light<br />

yellowish color which turned light brown on drying.<br />

The bark of the root was thin. The roots are long,<br />

thick, hard <strong>and</strong> cylindrical about 1 mm to 1.2 cm in<br />

diameter having smooth surface with secondary<br />

rootlets. The root breaks with short fracture when<br />

dry. It has characteristic odor <strong>and</strong> in transverse section<br />

it shows the features of a dicoat root (Figure 1). The<br />

microscopy of root revealed the presence of Cortex,<br />

Cutical, Epidermis, Primary phloem, Xylem<br />

parenchyma, Xylem vessels (Figure 2). Behaviour<br />

of root powders with different chemical reagents<br />

(Table 1). Fluorescence nature of root powder under<br />

ultra violet (UV) <strong>and</strong> visible radiations (Table 2). Total<br />

ash, acid insoluble ash, water insoluble ash <strong>and</strong><br />

sulphated ash were 7.86%, 5.45%, 4.32%, 7.80%<br />

respectively (Table 3). The extractive values i.e.<br />

petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol <strong>and</strong><br />

aqueous extract were 5.7%, 10%, 5.5%, 4.5%, 10.5%<br />

(Table 4).. The alcoholic <strong>and</strong> aqueous extracts were<br />

screened for presence of amino acid (Table 5) <strong>and</strong><br />

carbohydrates (Table 6). The extracts showed the<br />

presense of two amino acid viz. nor-lucine <strong>and</strong><br />

ornithine <strong>and</strong> two carbohydrates, D-ribose <strong>and</strong><br />

sucrose. The <strong>preliminary</strong> <strong>phytochemical</strong> screening of<br />

alcoholic <strong>and</strong> aqueous extracts was performed. The<br />

presence of flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins,<br />

phenolic compounds, <strong>and</strong> sterol in alcoholic extract<br />

117<br />

Sindhu et al.

Journal of Herbal Medicine & Toxicology<br />

was observed. Flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins,<br />

amino acids <strong>and</strong> phenolic compounds were present<br />

in aqueous extract (Table 7). This is first ever<br />

<strong>pharmacognostical</strong> study carried out on the roots of<br />

Verbesina encelioides Benth.<br />


[1]. Sharma SK (2004). Recent approach to herbal<br />

formulation development <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardization, http/<br />

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[2]. Dhanabal SP, Suresh B, Sheeja E <strong>and</strong> Edwin E.<br />

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[6]. Parrota JA. Healing plants of penisular India CABI<br />

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[7]. Bohlmann F, Grenz M, Gupta RK, Dhar AK, Ahmed<br />

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[8]. Wallis TE [1989]. Text Book of Pharmacognosy (CBS<br />

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[9]. Evans WC [1996]. Trease <strong>and</strong> Evans.<br />

Pharmacognosy, WB Sacenders Company Ltd.<br />

London, 14 th Edn. pp. 194.<br />

[10]. WHO [1998]. Quality Control methods for medicinal<br />

plants material. World Health Organization, Geneva,<br />

AIT US publisher <strong>and</strong> distributor Delhi.<br />

[11]. Brain KR <strong>and</strong> Turner TD. The practical evaluation of<br />

phytopharmaceuticals, Wright-Scientechnia, (1975)<br />

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[12]. Kokoshi J, Kokoski R <strong>and</strong> Slama FJ. Fluorescence<br />

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[14]. Peach <strong>and</strong> Tracey MV. Modern Methods of Plant<br />

Analysis, Vol. III (Springe<strong>and</strong> Verlag, Berlin) (1955)<br />

321-322.<br />

The Editorial board of JHMT regrets the publishing of manuscript entitled<br />

“Neuroprotective effects of Asparagus racemosus Linn. root extract : An<br />

experimental <strong>and</strong> clinical study”; as it has been published elsewhere. This mistake<br />

had been due to over sight.

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