Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...

Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ... Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...


72 Then up bespak him Robin Hood, As he to them drew near, — " Instead of boys to carry the bow, Two ladies we've got here !" So they had not been in gud greenwud, A twalmonth and a day, Till Rogee Roun was as big wi' bairn, As onie lady could gae. " O wae be to my stepmother, That garr'd me leave my hame, For I'm wi' bairn to Robin Hood, And near nine month is gane. " O wha will be my bouer-woman* Na bouer-woman is here! O wha will be my bouer-woman, Whan that sad time draws near! • Bouer-woman—attendant. —

73 — The tane was wedded to Robin Hood, And the tither to Little John; And it was a' owing to their step-mother That garr'd them leave their hame.

73<br />

—<br />

The tane was wedded to Robin Hood,<br />

And the tither to Little John;<br />

And it was a' owing to their step-mother<br />

That garr'd them leave their hame.

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