Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...

Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ... Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...


26 She has kilted* up her green claithing, A little below the knee, And she has gane to the king's court, As fast as she could hie. And whan she cam unto the king, She knelt low on her knee; — There is a man into your court, This day has robbed me." Has he robbed ye o' your gowd, Or of your white money,-]- Or robbed ye o' the flow'ry branch, The flow'r of your bodie." He has na robb'd me of my gowd, Nor of my white money; But he's robb'd me o' the flow'ry branch, The flow'r of my bodie." O gin he be a bondsman, High hangit sail he be But gin he be a freeman, He sail weel provide for thee." * Kilted—tucked. f White Money—silver. ;

Tj The king has call'd on his nobles all, By therty and by three Sweet William should hae been the foremost, But the hindmost man was he. " Do ye mind yon Shepherd's dochter, Ye met on yonder hill, Whan a' her flocks were feeding round, Of her ye took your will." Then he's tane out a purse o' gowd, Tied up intil a glove ; — ; " Sae, tak ye that, fair may," he says, " And choice for you a love." O he's tane out three hundred pund, Tied up intil a purse— " See, tak ye that, fair may," be says, " And that will pay the nurse." " I'll neither have your gowd," she says, Nor yet your white money, But I will hae the king's grant, That he has granted me." He has tane her on a milk-white steed, Himself upon anither, And to his castle they hae rode, Like sister and like blither.

26<br />

She has kilted* up her green claithing,<br />

A little below the knee,<br />

And she has gane to the king's court,<br />

As fast as she could hie.<br />

And whan she cam unto the king,<br />

She knelt low on her knee;<br />

—<br />

There is a man into your court,<br />

This day has robbed me."<br />

Has he robbed ye o' your gowd,<br />

Or of your white money,-]-<br />

Or robbed ye o' the flow'ry branch,<br />

The flow'r of your bodie."<br />

He has na robb'd me of my gowd,<br />

Nor of my white money;<br />

But he's robb'd me o' the flow'ry branch,<br />

The flow'r of my bodie."<br />

O gin he be a bondsman,<br />

High hangit sail he be<br />

But gin he be a freeman,<br />

He sail weel provide for thee."<br />

* Kilted—tucked. f White Money—silver.<br />


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