Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...

Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ... Ancient Scottish ballads, recovered from tradition, and never before ...


MARY HAMILTON. This north country version of the popular bal- lad of 6 The Queen's Marie,' differs greatly from the copy published in the Border Minstrelsy, A^ol. 3, p. 87. The reader is referred to the in- troductory note to that copy for the story upon which this ballad is apparently founded. The Editor has heard the two following stanzas re- peated as belonging to another version My father is the Duke of Argyle, My mother's a lady gay; And I, mysel, am a daintie dame, And the king desired me. He shaw'd me up, he shaw'd me doun, He shaw'd me to the ha', He shaw'd me to the low cellars, And that was waist of a'. :

c Whan MARY HAMILTON. I was a babe, and a very little babe, And stood at my mither's knee, Nae witch nor warlock* did unfa uld The death I was to dree. But my mither was a proud woman, A proud woman and a bauld; And she hired me to Queen Mary's bouer When scarce eleven years auld. O happy, happy, is the maid That's born of beauty free Warlock—wizard. !


This north country version of the popular bal-<br />

lad of 6 The Queen's Marie,' differs greatly <strong>from</strong><br />

the copy published in the Border Minstrelsy,<br />

A^ol. 3, p. 87. The reader is referred to the in-<br />

troductory note to that copy for the story upon<br />

which this ballad is apparently founded. The<br />

Editor has heard the two following stanzas re-<br />

peated as belonging to another version<br />

My father is the Duke of Argyle,<br />

My mother's a lady gay;<br />

And I, mysel, am a daintie dame,<br />

And the king desired me.<br />

He shaw'd me up, he shaw'd me doun,<br />

He shaw'd me to the ha',<br />

He shaw'd me to the low cellars,<br />

And that was waist of a'.<br />


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