The Poetic Edda Index

The Poetic Edda Index

The Poetic Edda Index


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Harbarthsljoth<br />

40. "In the host I was | that hither fared,<br />

<strong>The</strong> banners to raise, | and the spear to redden."<br />

Thor spake:<br />

41. "Wilt thou now say | that hatred thou soughtest to bring us?"<br />

Harbarth spake:<br />

42. "A ring for thy hand | shall make all right for thee,<br />

As the judge decides | who sets us two at peace."<br />

[39. Thjalfi: Thor's servant; cf. note on stanza 14.<br />

40. To what expedition this refers is unknown, but apparently Othin speaks of himself as allied to the foes of the gods.<br />

41. Hatred: so Regius; the other manuscript has, apparently, "sickness."<br />

42. Just what Othin means, or why his words should so have enraged Thor, is not evident, though he may imply that Thor<br />

is open to bribery. Perhaps a passage has dropped out before stanza 43.]<br />

{p. 134}<br />

Thor spake:<br />

43. "Where foundest thou | so foul and scornful a speech?<br />

More foul a speech | I never before have heard."<br />

Harbarth spake:<br />

44. "I learned it from men, | the men so old,<br />

Who dwell in the hills of home."<br />

Thor spake:<br />

45. "A name full good | to heaps of stones thou givest<br />

When thou callest them hills of home."<br />

Harbarth spake:<br />

46. "Of such things speak I so."<br />

Thor spake:<br />

47. "Ill for thee comes | thy keenness of tongue,<br />

If the water I choose to wade;<br />

Louder, I ween, | than a wolf thou cryest,<br />

If a blow of my hammer thou hast."<br />

Harbarth spake:<br />

48. "Sif has a lover at home, | and him shouldst thou meet;<br />

More fitting it were | on him to put forth thy strength."<br />

[44. Othin refers to the dead, from whom he seeks information through his magic power.<br />

48. Sit: Thor's wife, the lover being presumably Loki; cf. Lokasenna, 54.]<br />

{p. 135}<br />

Thor spake:<br />

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