SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications


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Treatment of Sources in the Volsunga saga 317<br />

vivid picture of 'letting him get away' is turned into the<br />

plain 'spare him'. (rob) Hyggia myndak might have been<br />

considered too deliberative a phrase, 'I should think'<br />

becoming simply 'I think', but there was no real need to<br />

substitute aila for hyggia, a good prose word. The<br />

compiler may have felt that an alliteration between<br />

horskr and hygg would be undesirable. (IIa) (mynda-)k.<br />

It is worth noting that the compiler regularly avoids the<br />

suffixed ek. (IIb) (er)at. The archaic and poetic verbal<br />

negative suffix -a, -at is regularly discarded in favour of<br />

eigi or a changed construction. (12) The use of horskr by<br />

the compiler is one of the comparatively rare instances of<br />

his retaining a word that hardly ever occurs in prose. The<br />

same word appears e.g. Fm. 35/1 where the compiler<br />

substitutes vitr (VS 34/lO). (13) The addition ofPa mcelti<br />

in fimmta at the beginning of the passage forms an<br />

appropriate transition between two otherwise formally<br />

undifferentiated speakers (cf.(7) above).<br />

C<br />

(Br. 18-19) 'Ixd reyndi pat, / er rioit hafoi, / m60igr, a<br />

vit I min at bioia, I hve hergl(Jtuor I hafoi fyrri I eioom.<br />

haldit I vio inn unga gram: II Benoond of lit, I brugoinn.<br />

gulli, I margdyrr konungr, I a meoal okkar: / eldi ooro<br />

eggiar I titan g(Jrvar, I en eitrdropom / innan [doar .. .'<br />

(VS 59/33-35) 'ok pa reyndi pat, er hann kom til odr, hve<br />

hann helt sina eioa, at hann lagOi okkar i milli it snarpeggjaoa<br />

svero fiat er eitri oar hert.'<br />

The treatment of these stanzas shows tendencies<br />

similar to those already observed. (I4a) Hergloiuor,<br />

'destroyer of hosts', i.e. warrior, is rendered with hann.<br />

(I4b) Benoond, 'wound-wand', appears as seers. (I4c)<br />

m60igr and margdyrr konungr are too high-flown for<br />

the compiler's taste and both are reduced to hann.<br />

(IS) lagoi is substituted for the more poetic of tet.<br />

(16) brugoinn gulli is passed over as an unnecessary<br />

descriptive detail. (I7a) The change from rioit hafoi

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