SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications


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216 Saga-Book of the <strong>Viking</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

of northern Norway, bounded on north, east and west by<br />

the ocean.P so even if they were not Lapps, they may fairly<br />

be called Lapland sorcerers.<br />

Their exploits are often recorded in the islendinga sflgur<br />

and konunga sogu», In Vatnsdcela saga (and in a somewhat<br />

variant version in Landnamab6k), for example,<br />

Ingimundr I:>orsteinsson speaks with a wise woman<br />

described as Finna ein fjr,;lkunnig, who is telling the<br />

fortunes of the company at a feast. She tells him he is<br />

to travel to Iceland, which surprises Ingimundr because<br />

that is one land he has resolved never to visit. Later he<br />

finds he has lost a prized amulet with the image or mark<br />

of Freyr on it, and is told it has made its way to Iceland<br />

and is hidden at the place he must settle. Three Finnar<br />

are employed to find it. They go to Iceland in spirit.<br />

The journey takes three days, during which time they<br />

live apart, giving instructions that their names are not to<br />

be spoken. Then they reappear, complaining of the<br />

difficulty of the imposed task, but having identified the<br />

spot where the amulet lies. 3 Agrip tells of Haraldr<br />

harfagri's son, Rognvaldr or Ragnarr, by a Lapp woman<br />

called Snjofrior, d6ttir Sudsa finnkonungs. He took after<br />

his mother, and was called seibmabr, pat er spdma]»,»<br />

Heimskringla tells that Snj6fri6r died, but her body did<br />

not decay over a period of three years, while Haraldr,<br />

distracted, watched over her, leaving his kingdom to take<br />

care of itself. 5 From the same source we learn that<br />

Gunnhildr, who later married Eirikr b1660X, studied<br />

sorcery with two Finnar who practised a number of<br />

useful arts - they hit whatever they aimed at, and could<br />

kill at a glance. 6 Presumably because of her education<br />

Gunnhildr has an unsavoury reputation in the sagas: she<br />

2 Egils saga, 36. Saga references are to the fslenzk Fornrit texts unless<br />

otherwise stated; the numbers refer to pages.<br />

• Vainsdcela saga, 29, 33-6. See further D. Stromback, Sejd: Texistudier i<br />

nordisk Retigionshistoria (I935), 67 ft.<br />

• Finnur J6nsson, Ag.ip af Noregs konunga sQgum (Altnordische Sagabibliothek<br />

18, 1929), 3.<br />

• Haralds saga ins harfagra, 126-7.<br />

• ibid., 135-6.

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