SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications


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frHE First Lay of Helgi Hundingsbani (referred to as<br />

H H I hereafter) is the most chivalric of all the eddaic<br />

poems. It is true that Helgi, the hero, has killed his<br />

father's slayer, King Hunding, but this is told in a couple<br />

of stanzas and it is a different exploit altogether that we<br />

are to hear about. Helgi is to save a valkyrie from<br />

marrying a man she does not want as her husband. The<br />

valkyrie, Sigrun, tells Helgi of the proposed match and<br />

says:<br />

en ek hefi, Helgi,<br />

HQl'5brodd kveoinn<br />

konung 6neisan<br />

sem kattar son.<br />

Helgi promises that he will die before such a thing happens,<br />

and the rest of the poem describes the great battle he has<br />

in order to free Sigrun.<br />

It has been generally agreed that Sigrun's words just<br />

quoted are an insult to Horibrodd, but there has not been<br />

general agreement as to what she really means when she<br />

describes the rejected suitor as oneiss sem kattar son.<br />

Gering thinks that oneiss "bedeutet hier gewiss 'schamlos,<br />

frech' ... wahrend das Wort an den iibrigen Stellen,<br />

wo es sich in der Edda findet, keinen verachtlichen<br />

Sinn hat" 1 To this Sijmons adds in parenthesis<br />

that the word could be translated in its usual,<br />

positive sense but interpreted here as ironical in intention.<br />

In the commentary to his Edda edition of 1932 Finnur<br />

Jonsson translates it as "en konge der ellers er daddelfri". 2<br />

Gering elsewhere glosses oneiss as "ohne Schande,<br />

1 Kommentar zu den liedern der Edda II (1931), 0Z.<br />

'De gamle Eddadiiite (1932), 186.

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