L - Gurmat Veechar

L - Gurmat Veechar

L - Gurmat Veechar


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In tenns of its literary value, Shah Mohammed's jangnamah<br />

may not be all that notable. But, in tenns of its social and cultural<br />

significance, it is unsurpassed. Three things combine to make<br />

it exceptionally significant.<br />

One, the poem was written after the ftrst Anglo-Sikh War.<br />

In other words, the second such war which was to lead to the<br />

annexation of the Punjab by the East India Company had yet<br />

to take place. That important developments, social as well as<br />

political, began to occur even in the wake of the ftrst Anglo Sikh<br />

War, becomes evident from a close reading of the poem. To quote<br />

the translator, "AII wealth is today garnered by the sons of<br />

moneylenders and gumashtas in the main. II In other words, a<br />

class of commercial entrepreneurs came into existence as soon<br />

as that war was over and the British settled down to appropriate<br />

Ranjit Singh's empire. It was this very class which was to rise<br />

into prominence during the later years. But then, the author was<br />

obviously not in a position to foresee what would happen later.<br />

However, what he observed with his own eyes is referred to by<br />

him. Taking into account the later history of the state of Punjab,<br />

one cannot but admire the incisiveness of the poet in noting what<br />

would not have been noted by those who were not so observant.<br />

The second thing that stands out (and it has been underlined<br />

by Nijhawan) is Shah Mohammed's complete and unconditional<br />

identiftcation with the Khalsa Darbar. Even six years after the<br />

death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, his loyalty to the regime<br />

established by him had not diminished in any way. If anything,<br />

he laments the cracks that had appeared in the structure built<br />

by Ranjit Singh. He talks of the various intrigues that were taking<br />

place and does so with a feeling of deep regret. Instead of<br />


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