Apple Lisa XENIX Text Processing -

Apple Lisa XENIX Text Processing - Apple Lisa XENIX Text Processing -


6;6 Summary of Escape Sequences and Number Registers 6-26 6.6.1 Escape Se-quences for Characters, Indicators, and Functions 6-26 6.6.2 Predefined General Number Registrs 6-28 6.6.3 Predefined Read-Only Number Registers 6-28

6.1 Introduction N rofl' and troff are the XENIX text processing formatting programs. N rofl' can be used to output text to terminals, lineprinters, and letter-quality printers. Trofl' can be used to output text to a number or phototypesetters and laser printers. Both programs use identical commands, which are interspersed with lines or text. The· commands used by both programs allow you to control the style or headers and footers, footnotes, paragraphs, and sections. You may specify font and point size, spacing, multiple column output, and local motions to create overstriking and line drawing effects. Because nrofl' and trofl' are highly compatible with each other, it is almost always possible to prepare input acceptable to both. By using conditional input, you may add commands which are specific to either program. 6.1.1 Invoking nrofl' and trofl' The general form of invoking the formatters on the command line is: or nroff options files troff options files where optione represents any or a number or option arguments and file represents a list or files containing the document to be formatted. An argument consisting or a single minus sign (-) is taken to be a filename corresponding to the standard input. Ir no filenames are given, input is taken from the standard input. The options may appear in any order so long as they appear before the filenames. They are: -olist Prints only pages whose page numbers appear in liet, which consists of comma-separated numbers and number ranges. A number range has the Corm N-M and means pages N through M; an initial -N means from the beginning to page N, and a final N- means from N to the end. -nN Numbers first generated page N. -sN Stops every N pa.ges. Nrofl'will halt prior to every N pages(default N = 1) to allow paper loading or changing, and resume upon receipt or a newline. Trofl' will stop the phototypesetter every N pages, produce a trailer to allow changing cassettes, and will resume after the phototypesetter "start" button is pressed. -m name Prepends the macro file / uer/lib/tmac. name to the input files.

6.1 Introduction<br />

N rofl' and troff are the <strong>XENIX</strong> text processing formatting programs. N rofl' can<br />

be used to output text to terminals, lineprinters, and letter-quality printers.<br />

Trofl' can be used to output text to a number or phototypesetters and laser<br />

printers. Both programs use identical commands, which are interspersed with<br />

lines or text. The· commands used by both programs allow you to control the<br />

style or headers and footers, footnotes, paragraphs, and sections. You may<br />

specify font and point size, spacing, multiple column output, and local motions<br />

to create overstriking and line drawing effects.<br />

Because nrofl' and trofl' are highly compatible with each other, it is almost<br />

always possible to prepare input acceptable to both. By using conditional<br />

input, you may add commands which are specific to either program.<br />

6.1.1 Invoking nrofl' and trofl'<br />

The general form of invoking the formatters on the command line is:<br />

or<br />

nroff options files<br />

troff options files<br />

where optione represents any or a number or option arguments and file<br />

represents a list or files containing the document to be formatted. An argument<br />

consisting or a single minus sign (-) is taken to be a filename corresponding to<br />

the standard input. Ir no filenames are given, input is taken from the standard<br />

input. The options may appear in any order so long as they appear before the<br />

filenames. They are:<br />

-olist Prints only pages whose page numbers appear in liet, which consists<br />

of comma-separated numbers and number ranges. A number range<br />

has the Corm N-M and means pages N through M; an initial -N<br />

means from the beginning to page N, and a final N- means from N<br />

to the end.<br />

-nN Numbers first generated page N.<br />

-sN Stops every N pa.ges. Nrofl'will halt prior to every N pages(default<br />

N = 1) to allow paper loading or changing, and resume upon receipt<br />

or a newline. Trofl' will stop the phototypesetter every N pages,<br />

produce a trailer to allow changing cassettes, and will resume after<br />

the phototypesetter "start" button is pressed.<br />

-m name Prepends the macro file / uer/lib/tmac. name to the input files.

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