A history of Spanish literature - Cristo Raul

A history of Spanish literature - Cristo Raul

A history of Spanish literature - Cristo Raul


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THE JUGLAR 27<br />

early verse, is used to lessen the strain on the juglar's<br />

was that the<br />

memory. The commonest arrangement<br />

juglar de boca sang the trovador's words, the juglar de<br />

ptfiola accompanying on some simple instrument, while<br />

the remendador gave the story in pantomime.<br />

All the world over the <strong>history</strong> <strong>of</strong> early <strong>literature</strong>s is<br />

identical. With the Greeks the minstrel attains at last<br />

an important post in the chieftain's train. Seated on a<br />

high chair inlaid with silver, he entertains the guests,<br />

or guards the wife <strong>of</strong> Agamemnon, his patron and his<br />

friend. Just so does Phemios sing amid the suitors <strong>of</strong><br />

has told us<br />

Penelope. It was not always thus. Bentley<br />

in his pointed way that "poor Homer in those circum-<br />

stances and early times had never such aspiring thoughts"<br />

and that " he wrote a<br />

as mankind and everlasting fame ;<br />

sequel <strong>of</strong> songs and rhapsodies to be sung by himself<br />

for small earnings and good cheer, at festivals, and other<br />

days <strong>of</strong> merriment." This rise and fall occurred in Spain<br />

as elsewhere. For her early trovadores vrjuglares, as for<br />

Demodokos in the Odyssey, and as for Fergus Maclvor's<br />

sennachie, a cup <strong>of</strong> wine "<br />

sufficed. Dat nos del vino si<br />

non tenedes dinneros," says the juglar who sang the Cid's<br />

exploits :<br />

" Give us wine, if you have no money." Gon-<br />

zalo de Berceo, the first Castilian writer whose name<br />

reaches us, is likewise the first Castilian to use the word<br />

trovador in his Loores de Nuestra Seilora (The Praises <strong>of</strong><br />

Our Lady) :<br />

"Aun merced te pido par el tu trobador"<br />

(Thy favour I irrplore for this thy troubadour.)<br />

But, though a priest and a trovador proud <strong>of</strong> his double<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice, Berceo claims his wages without a touch <strong>of</strong> false

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