OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery

OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery

OFF PEAK - Lambley Nursery


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www.lambley.com.au<br />


We offer more plant varieties for sale on our website than in this catalogue. David<br />

Glenn’s Garden Notes can also be found there. www.lambley.com.au<br />


We take a great deal of care in growing, selecting, packing and dispatching our<br />

plants. Our policy is to replace plants which do not arrive in a good condition.<br />

If there is a problem please let us know within 24 hours as we will not be able to take<br />

responsibility after that time.<br />


Plants will be dispatched as quickly as possible. Due to the large number of orders<br />

when the catalogue is first sent out there may occasionally be some delay. Please<br />

let us know if you need plants delivered by a certain time.<br />


Open every day from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Closed Christmas day.<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong>, ‘Burnside’, Lesters Road, Ascot, Victoria, 3364<br />

Phone: (03) 5343 4303 Fax: (03) 5343 4257<br />

E-mail: lambley10@bigpond.com<br />

Website: www.lambley.com.au<br />

ASCOT is 12km north of the Western freeway, which by-passes Ballarat, on the<br />

C287 Ballarat-Clunes-Maryborough Road about halfway between Miners Rest and<br />

Clunes.<br />

Drought tolerance and frost hardiness.<br />

If plants are described as being drought tolerant it means that they flourish here at<br />

<strong>Lambley</strong> with a minimum of watering, about four times a year. All plants are frost<br />

hardy down to –5C unless otherwise stated.<br />

Cover Image: ‘Rosa sweginzowii in the Dry Garden, <strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong>’<br />

This catalogue has been printed using soy based inks on environmentally sustainable paper.

“Poppies and Other Miracles”<br />

An exhibition of new paintings by Criss Canning<br />

Monday 30th April until Saturday 19th May<br />

at Metro Gallery 1214 High Street, Armadale, Victoria 3143<br />

The Exhibition will be opened by Gordon Morrison, Director of the Art Gallery of Ballarat on the<br />

evening of Wednesday 2nd of May. You are invited to have drinks with the artist on opening night.<br />

The Director of Metro Gallery, Alex McCulloch, will be happy to give private previews by appointment.<br />

Tel No 0488300300 Metro Gallery 03 95008511 alex@metrogallery.com.au<br />

“Wild Poppies” (detail), © Criss Canning 2011<br />


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Achillea ‘Credo’<br />

When Criss and I were last in England<br />

we went to Wisley. The Achillea trials<br />

were being held in Portsmouth Field<br />

next to M25. The roar of the traffic was<br />

so awful that we nearly turned back<br />

before we got to the trials. Achillea<br />

‘Credo’, raised by the great German<br />

nurseryman, Ernst Pagels, was one of<br />

the best plants there. It has creamy<br />

lemon flat heads of flowers for a long<br />

period over grey green foliage. We use<br />

it in our double flower borders. 100cm x<br />

60cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’<br />

We’ve used this fine New Zealand<br />

raised Agapanthus in some mass<br />

plantings in Melbourne City Council<br />

gardens and seeing well established<br />

plants flowering in the Flagstaff and<br />

Alexandra Gardens opened our eyes to<br />

this plant’s strengths. It makes 180cm<br />

tall stems topped by large heads of dark<br />

violet-purple flowers over upright rather<br />

greyish green evergreen foliage. 180cm<br />

x 90cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Agastache aurantiaca ‘Copper Rose’<br />

Copper Rose Hummingbird Mint<br />

This is a new, larger flowered and more<br />

vigorous selection of A. aurantiaca. It<br />

makes a soundly perennial plant some<br />

100cm tall and 80cm wide with a long<br />

succession of tubular, copper-apricot<br />

flowers which age to rose-copper. Our<br />

resident New Holland Honeyeaters feast<br />

on the nectar of its flowers from<br />

mid-summer until late autumn. I cut it<br />

back to the basal new growth during<br />

winter. Drought tolerant.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Allium carinatum<br />

ssp. pulchellum f. album<br />

The rare and exquisite but easily grown<br />

pure white form of this summer/autumn<br />

flowering allium. 30cm tall flower stems<br />

carry graceful loose heads of icy white<br />

flowers for two months or more. We<br />

grow it through low growing perennials<br />

in a sunny spot. It will gently self sow<br />

and form handsome drifts. Pot grown.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Allium senescens ssp. montanum var.<br />

glaucum<br />

Curly Allium<br />

A summer and autumn flowering<br />

evergreen bulb which is happy in both<br />

dry and moist soils if well drained. Best<br />

in sun but happy in a little light shade.<br />

Once established it will produce many<br />

balls of soft amethyst flowers on 20cm<br />

tall stems over a prostrate mat of blue<br />

foliage. 20cm by 20cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Asphodelus aestivus<br />

Common Asphodel<br />

A southern European plant which grows<br />

in pine woods, olive groves and heavily<br />

grazed land from south west Spain to<br />

Greece. Sometimes evergreen it is<br />

generally dormant during the two hottest<br />

months. This asphodel makes 120cm<br />

tall branching spikes carrying hundreds<br />

of white stars and is in flower for a good<br />

eight weeks during spring. Sun or light<br />

shade.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />


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Aster x frikartii ‘Jung Frau’<br />

This is the Aster x frikartii that Dennis<br />

Norgate sold for so many years and it is<br />

one of the best of all Easter daisies. It<br />

produces its large well shaped cool<br />

lavender-blue flowers from February<br />

until May. It has been in the same spot<br />

in our double borders for nearly 10<br />

years. Once planted it is best left alone<br />

as it will sulk, or worse, if moved at the<br />

wrong time. Sun. 50cm x 60cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Aster amellus ‘Pink Zenith’<br />

Aster amellus is a widespread species,<br />

growing wild from Turkey to Kazakhstan.<br />

Much more tolerant of drought than the<br />

common Easter Daisies it also flowers<br />

for much longer. ’Pink Zenith’ has large<br />

soft cyclamen-pink, well formed flowers<br />

from early summer until quite late in the<br />

autumn. Sun loving, tough and<br />

free-flowering. 30cm by 30cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Aster amellus ‘Violet Queen’<br />

A long flowered Easter Daisy much<br />

tougher than most of its kind. It blooms<br />

for us from January until April. A native<br />

of Turkey and nearby countries it is<br />

happy in our torrid Australian summers.<br />

It needs a sunny spot and grows about<br />

20 cm tall and 30cm across. The<br />

violet-purple flowers are very showy.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Beschorneria yuccoides<br />

False Red Agave<br />

One of the wonders of the hardy plant<br />

world, drought tolerant and totally<br />

handsome. Beschorneria yuccoides<br />

makes a 100cm tall rosette of<br />

pewter-grey yucca like foliage, soft to<br />

the touch and not at all spikey. When<br />

large enough it sends a dramatic 2<br />

metres tall, red flower spike which<br />

carries bright green flowers enclosed in<br />

showy red bracts. Allow for a 90cm<br />

spread.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Brunnera ‘Dawson’s White’<br />

Variegated Siberian Bugloss<br />

This plant is happier in shade where its<br />

large creamy white variegated leaves<br />

are handsome the year round. During<br />

spring a cloud of sky blue, forget-me-not<br />

flowers floats above the foliage mound.<br />

It needs some supplementary watering<br />

during summer. 50cm x50cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Buddleja crispa<br />

This drought tolerant shrub is grown<br />

more for its handsome foliage than for<br />

its flowers, pretty though they are. In our<br />

dry climate garden it has made an<br />

upright shrub some 200cm x 180cm.<br />

The new leaves are like white felt which<br />

as they age turn grey. The 50cm long<br />

panicles of pink flowers are not nearly<br />

as densely packed as B.davidii. We<br />

grow it with the pewter-grey leaved<br />

Yucca ‘Ivory Towers’ and a swarm of<br />

mixed Scabiosa hybrids. We cut it back<br />

to 90cm after flowering.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />


Bulbinella nutans in the Dry Climate Garden, <strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong><br />

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Bulbinella nutans<br />

Whilst this plant grows in moist peaty<br />

soil in its native South Africa it has been<br />

very happy here in our dry garden for<br />

the past decade; the clumps increasing<br />

in size and beauty each year. The bright<br />

yellow torches, held on 120cm tall<br />

stems, shine during late July, August<br />

and early September. In late spring the<br />

leaves die down and the plant<br />

hibernates for the summer. 120cm by<br />

40cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Bystropogon canariensis<br />

I remember my late father being very<br />

taken by this when he visited Australia.<br />

He planted lots of it in my brother’s<br />

Monbulk garden. A frost hardy, drought<br />

tolerant evergreen shrub which from<br />

early summer until late autumn turns<br />

itself into cumulus clouds of soft grey<br />

flowers. Wonderful. It can get up to 2<br />

metres tall but with winter pruning about<br />

half that in our dry garden. Allow for a<br />

spread of a metre or a little more.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00

Campanula poscharskyana<br />

‘Blue Waterfall’<br />

Blue Waterfall Serbian Bellflower<br />

A beautiful new variety of this tough<br />

ground covering, shade loving bellflower<br />

with deeper blue flowers than the norm.<br />

The star shaped upward looking flowers<br />

are produced for a very long period<br />

during spring and early summer even<br />

into the autumn if the spent flower stems<br />

are removed. It grows 8cm tall with a<br />

spread of 60cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’<br />

One of the best of the ground covering<br />

Ceanothus making arching mounds of<br />

dark green, relatively large, evergreen<br />

leaves. During early spring “Dusty white<br />

buds develop into 2 inch long panicles<br />

of China-blue flowers”. These flowers<br />

contrast beautifully with the dark green<br />

foliage. This Ceanothus is both frost<br />

hardy and very drought tolerant. Our<br />

plants are growing on a hot dry bank<br />

which rarely if ever is watered. 120cm<br />

tall by 250cm wide.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Cistus salvifolia ‘Prostratus’<br />

This drought tolerant evergreen shrub<br />

makes a 120cm wide evergreen mat<br />

clothed in small sage like leaves. During<br />

late spring it is graced by hundreds of<br />

white, golden centred flowers redolent of<br />

a small single rose. It flowers with blue<br />

Scilla peruviana in the dry garden and<br />

spills onto the gravel path. It would be a<br />

fine subject to plant at the top of a<br />

retaining wall. 15cm x 120cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />


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Clematis ladakhiana<br />

Named for its home in the Ladakh<br />

region of Northern India, this vigorous<br />

climber is one of the easiest to grow and<br />

most drought tolerant of all Clematis. It<br />

has markedly dissected grey-green<br />

leaves and from mid-summer into the<br />

autumn carries bronze-yellow lanterns.<br />

The autumn seed heads are particularly<br />

handsome and warrant the popular<br />

English name, “Old Man’s Beard.” It will<br />

quickly cover a two metre high fence.<br />

200cm x 150cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Dianthus ‘Mars’<br />

Mars English Pink<br />

Dianthus ‘Mars’ makes tight tuffets of<br />

silver leaves 8cm x 30cm. During late<br />

spring it is covered with small, double<br />

crimson fragrant flowers. I’ve grown this<br />

plant, which originally came from<br />

Woodbank <strong>Nursery</strong>, for 30 years or<br />

more. Like all of its kind D. ‘Mars’<br />

prefers a sunny spot and tolerates<br />

dryness. 15cm x 30cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Dianthus ‘Old Velvet’<br />

Old Velvet English Pink<br />

The English pinks are the cottage<br />

garden relatives of carnations. They<br />

make a lovely garden edge (we use<br />

them as an edging plant in the<br />

vegetable garden) and are fabulous<br />

picked for posies. The fragrance is<br />

sweet and spicy but not cloying.<br />

Dianthus ‘Old Velvet’ is a fabulous old<br />

fashioned pink with semi double flowers,<br />

deep plum with white tracery. Tough<br />

and drought tolerant. Sun. 25cm x<br />

25cm. $8.00 each or 3 for $21.00

Erigeron glaucus ‘Seabreeze’ PBR<br />

We’ve been given this plant by our<br />

friends at PGA. Although all E. glaucus<br />

clones are low growing some have<br />

rather lax flower stems. Erigeron ‘Sea<br />

Breeze’ has flowers that sit neatly above<br />

the evergreen foliage giving a good<br />

mass spring and early summer display.<br />

Like all of its race this plant is tough sun<br />

loving and drought tolerant. It will also<br />

tolerates salt winds. 20cm x 30cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Eryngium campestre<br />

A rare British native which also grows<br />

throughout Europe and Turkey. G.S.<br />

Thomas writes “The glaucous green<br />

leaves are so dissected that they are<br />

little more than white veins with greygreen<br />

flanges.” The prickly flower heads<br />

are green too. A beautiful subtle plant<br />

which makes an interesting cut flower. I<br />

cut it to the ground during winter when it<br />

soon makes new basal foliage rosettes.<br />

Enjoys the sun and is drought tolerant<br />

when established. 50cm by 50cm<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Euonymus alatus<br />

Shrubs from China and Japan don’t<br />

generally do well here at <strong>Lambley</strong>. Our<br />

summer’s hot dry winds are too much<br />

for them. The deciduous Euonymus<br />

alatus is an exception. I planted one<br />

some years ago and it has never had a<br />

burnt leaf and always puts on a really<br />

good autumn display with foliage turning<br />

pink and crimson during April. This form<br />

is more graceful than E. alatus<br />

‘Compactus’ which is most usually<br />

available. 200cm x 200cm.<br />

$15.00 each<br />


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Furcraea quichuiensis<br />

Mecate<br />

This species is fairly new to us but is a<br />

fabulous foliage plant for a shady spot,<br />

even relatively dry shade when once<br />

established, although it is native to the<br />

mountains of southern Mexico where it<br />

gets regular rainfall. It eventually will<br />

make a two metre tall trunk topped by a<br />

two meter diameter rosette of wide grey<br />

yucca like leaves.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Geranium ‘Dylis’<br />

This is a hybrid between G. sanguineum<br />

and G. procurrens with the cut foliage<br />

and growth habit of the former and the<br />

dusky magenta-purple flowers of the<br />

latter. It soon forms a carpet some 60cm<br />

across and is happy in sun or light<br />

shade. 15cm by 60cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Halimiocistus wintonensis<br />

‘Merrist Wood Cream’<br />

I hadn’t seen this plant for 20 years or<br />

more until I dropped in on Malcolm<br />

Harris at Stoneyford near Colac several<br />

years ago. In Mr Harris’s garden this<br />

evergreen shrub was 70cm tall by<br />

100cm across. On the day I was there it<br />

was covered by exquisite creamy yellow<br />

flowers with a showy maroon centre. To<br />

my mind this has one of the most<br />

beautiful flowers of any shrub. It is<br />

happy in any sunny spot and is drought<br />

tolerant.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Hesperaloe parviflora<br />

There are few plants as beautiful, as<br />

architecturally interesting and as tough<br />

as this. A native of northern Mexico and<br />

parts of Texas, it tolerates extremes of<br />

heat, cold and drought as long as the<br />

soil is well drained. The narrow<br />

succulent foliage has rolled margins<br />

edged with curls of cotton like threads.<br />

During summer and autumn two metre<br />

tall flower stems carry hundreds of deep<br />

pink to red inverted bell flowers<br />

Evergreen clumps 90cm x 100cm<br />

eventually. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Iris foetidissima ‘Variegata’<br />

One of the best evergreen foliage plants<br />

for dry shade, Iris foetidissima<br />

‘Variegata’ is suited to difficult and not<br />

so difficult areas under trees tolerating<br />

drought very well when once<br />

established. The arching deep green,<br />

broadly sword shaped leaves are boldly<br />

striped cream. The flowers which are<br />

rarely produced are worth close<br />

attention. 60cm x 60cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Iris pallida ‘Amethystina’<br />

One of the most beautiful of all the<br />

bearded iris, Iris pallida ‘Amethystina’<br />

has been one of the stars of our dry<br />

garden for more than ten years. The<br />

beautiful blue-green sword shaped<br />

foliage is clean the whole season long.<br />

90cm tall stems carry several wonderful,<br />

classically shaped, amethyst flowers<br />

during October and early November.<br />

Happy in any sunny spot. 90cm tall by<br />

60cm wide.<br />

$15.00<br />


Massed Lilium ‘LA Hybrids’ in the vegetable garden<br />

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Kniphofia ‘Winter Cheer’<br />

‘Winter Cheer’ is one of the delights of<br />

winter when the large flower heads,<br />

scarlet with a yellow skirt, are produced.<br />

In very cold areas frost may burn the<br />

tender buds as they first emerge from<br />

the foliage clump. The larger growing<br />

kniphofias are tolerant of drought and<br />

this is no exception. I cut the leaves<br />

down to about 15cm. after flowering has<br />

finished as this keeps everything tidy.<br />

150cm x 100cm. Sun.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Lepechinia salviae<br />

The Chilean Pitcher Sage is one of the<br />

stalwarts of our dry garden where it<br />

makes strongly upright shrubby growth<br />

with large, handsome grey, arrow<br />

shaped leaves. From mid summer until<br />

quite late in autumn the stems are<br />

topped by large spikes of dark purple<br />

pink flowers. Much visited by our<br />

resident New Holland Honey Eaters who<br />

enjoy this plant as much as we do. We<br />

cut it to the ground during winter. Sun.<br />

150cm x 100cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Lilium LA Hybrids<br />

These are a fairly new strain of Lilium hybrids and are a cross between L.<br />

longiflorum and the Asiatic hybrids hence the name LA. Easily grown and with<br />

larger, longer lasting flowers than the Asiatics, they make superb cut flowers and<br />

good garden plants. All the varieties below are self-supporting and flower during late<br />

spring and summer. Plant the bulbs 12cm below the soil in a sunny fertile spot.<br />

3 of any one kind for $6.00 10 for $15.00<br />

Lilium ‘Arcachon’<br />

Lilium ‘Cavalese’ Lilium ‘Eyeliner’<br />

Lilium ‘Orriolo’<br />

Lilium ‘Batistero’<br />

Lilium ‘Pavia’<br />


Lilium ‘Lesley Woodriff’ in the vegetable garden<br />


Lilium ‘<strong>Lambley</strong> Trumpet Strain’<br />

A wonderful strain of drought tolerant,<br />

self-supporting lilies ranging in colour<br />

from cream to lemon and mostly with a<br />

claret reverse, each one as beautiful as<br />

the last. In our dry garden they grow<br />

nearly 2 metres tall with very little extra<br />

watering.<br />

3 bulbs for $9.00 or 10 for $25.00<br />

Lilium ‘Leslie Woodriff’<br />

The best lily in our garden, L. ‘Leslie<br />

Woodriff’ produces 2 metre tall, selfsupporting<br />

stems each carrying a couple<br />

of dozen flowers, white with dark<br />

cherry-red centres. It flowers with us<br />

during late January and February. It will<br />

take a year or so to reach two metres in<br />

height but flowers well even when<br />

smaller.<br />

$9.00 each bulb or 3 for $24.00<br />

Lilium regale<br />

This is the true, old fashioned<br />

Christmas Lily. Lilium longiflorum seems<br />

to have usurped the name in latter<br />

years. Beautiful fragrant flared trumpets<br />

of crystalline white, claret backed<br />

flowers. It starts with during the second<br />

week of December. It is pretty drought<br />

tolerant too as we’ve had it growing in a<br />

garden bed near the house which is<br />

barely watered. Sun or light shade.<br />

120cm x 30cm.<br />

3 bulbs for $10.00 or 10 for $30.00<br />


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Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’<br />

Six Hills Catmint<br />

This is the catmint featured in the<br />

English coffee table gardening books.<br />

We grow it in front of a stone wall in a<br />

bed that is never watered. Grey leaves<br />

set off lax sprays of ethereal, hazy<br />

lavender-blue flowers. We cut it to the<br />

ground after Christmas and again in late<br />

autumn or winter. This cutting back<br />

keeps it looking fresh and keeps it<br />

flowering for 6 to 7 months. 50cm x<br />

85cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Pelargonium reniforme<br />

Pelargonium reniforme is one of an<br />

interesting and beautiful group of frost<br />

hardy South African Pelargoniums. It’s<br />

been growing in our dry garden for three<br />

years and has performed so well we<br />

have planted another large patch by the<br />

side of a gravel path. Evergreen with<br />

round hairy greyish green scalloped<br />

leaves about the size of a fifty cent coin.<br />

It flowers from spring until winter with<br />

dozens of magenta moths hovering well<br />

above the foliage. Foliage makes 25cm<br />

x 30cm. $9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Penstemon ‘Firebird’<br />

(syn. P. ‘Schoenholzeri’)<br />

An old vigorous variety raised in<br />

Switzerland in the 1930s. “A glowing<br />

shade of red...” narrowly tubular flowers<br />

are a joy from late spring until winter. A<br />

particularly long lived cultivar P. ‘Fire<br />

Bird’ is a tough plant which needs very<br />

little supplementary watering. I water it<br />

half a dozen times a year at the most.<br />

90cm x 90cm. Sun.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00

Penstemon ‘Sour Grapes’<br />

This famous variety has soft green,<br />

amethyst and blue, narrowly tubular<br />

flowers. Happy in a sunny spot and<br />

needs very little extra watering. 80cm x<br />

60cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Penstemon ‘White Bedder’<br />

The best white penstemon although it<br />

does have an occasional hint, and it is<br />

just a hint, of pink in the flower.<br />

Penstemons are such tough generous<br />

plants flowering their hearts out for so<br />

long that we can take them for granted.<br />

They seem to need replacing every 4 or<br />

5 years. Easily done as they often have<br />

rooted side shoots or of course we are<br />

happy to supply them. 60cm x 60cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Penstemon ‘Willy’s Purple’<br />

One of the tallest of the race with very<br />

upright leafy stems and spires of dark<br />

wine purple, waxy flowers. Tough sun<br />

lover which gets by with very little water.<br />

120cm x 70cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />


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Perovskia ‘Blue Spires’<br />

Russian Sage are tough drought<br />

tolerant sun loving plants. This form<br />

makes a billowing plant with finely<br />

dissected grey leaves clothing strong,<br />

whitish stems topped by long spikes of<br />

lavender blue flowers. Best given a fair<br />

bit of space to accommodate its<br />

billowing habit. Plant a good inch below<br />

the pot soil line. We cut Russian Sage to<br />

the ground in winter. Best planted in<br />

groups. 100cm x 70cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Phlomis grandiflora ‘Lloyd’s Variety’<br />

This tough drought tolerant, evergreen<br />

shrub hails from Turkey. We grow it in<br />

our dry garden where its silver leaves<br />

and whorls of yellow claw like flowers<br />

are handsome the year round. We give<br />

it a light trim during winter to keep it tidy.<br />

It flowers on new wood from spring until<br />

autumn. 100cm x 100cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Pittosporum tobira ‘Wheeler’s Dwarf’<br />

A fine coastal plant resistant to salt<br />

winds and also happy inland growing in<br />

sun or shade. This new low growing<br />

form makes a neat round evergreen<br />

shrub to about a metre in height and a<br />

little more across. The foliage is dark<br />

glossy green and handsome. It rarely<br />

needs clipping as its habit is neat and<br />

tight. Tough and drought tolerant.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00

Pterocephalus pinardii<br />

Dwarf Pincushion Plant<br />

A charming low growing evergreen<br />

sub-shrub for the front of a sunny border<br />

or in the rock garden. Mauve-pink<br />

pincushion flowers stud the plant<br />

throughout spring and are followed with<br />

lovely fluffy seed heads. 20cm tall by<br />

40cm across.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />

Romneya coulteri<br />

Californian Tree Poppy<br />

One of the wonders of the plant world<br />

the Californian Tree Poppy carries huge<br />

pure white flowers with a rich yellow<br />

central boss (The flower has been<br />

likened to a giant poached egg.) on top<br />

of stiff branches clothed in handsome<br />

large grey cut leaves. It makes a large<br />

suckering shrub which needs a fair bit of<br />

space. It is happy in the toughest of<br />

spots and prefers it dry. 150cm x<br />

200cm.<br />

$12.00 each<br />

Salvia fruticosa ‘Greek Skies’<br />

A beautiful little grey foliaged shrub<br />

which we got from Judy Forrester’s<br />

<strong>Nursery</strong> in Apollo Bay a couple few<br />

years ago. Happy in the spartan<br />

conditions of our dry climate garden<br />

where it grows near Euphorbia x martinii<br />

on the east side of an olive tree. Salvia<br />

‘Greek Skies’ has spear shaped leaves,<br />

grey green edged with silver, and showy<br />

soft mauve flowers. Tough drought<br />

tolerant and sun loving. 80cm x 70cm.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />


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Salvia ‘Magenta Magic’<br />

A fabulous new offering producing long<br />

wands carrying deep magenta flowers<br />

above a vigorous bush some 80 cm or<br />

so tall. It flowers from summer through<br />

the autumn into winter and is happy in<br />

sun or light shade. A hardy and drought<br />

tolerant plant. 100cm by 90cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Salvia nemorosa ‘Blue Hills’<br />

Softer and more nearly true blue than<br />

other Salvia nemorosa types this is a<br />

wonderful addition to this group. Gentle<br />

mauve-blue flower spikes on a tidy low<br />

growing plant, from spring until winter.<br />

Like all the Salvia nemorosas we cut<br />

this to the ground during winter and also<br />

when the first flush of flowers starts to<br />

look tired in midsummer. This Salvia<br />

then is in flower for more than 20 weeks.<br />

35cm x 35cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Salvia nemorosa ‘Snow Hills’<br />

There aren’t many good white flowered<br />

salvias besides this one. Salvia ‘Snow<br />

Hills’ is a sport of S. ’Blue Hills’ and<br />

makes dwarf tidy clumps of stiff upright<br />

stems which carry spikes of clean white<br />

flowers. It has grown well in the dry<br />

climate garden here at <strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong><br />

flowering for 10 weeks during late spring<br />

and early summer. We cut it back to the<br />

ground in late December and get<br />

another 10 weeks of flowers in the<br />

autumn. 35cm x 35cm. Sun.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Salvia x superba ‘Tanzarin’<br />

An import from Europe with particularly<br />

elegant spikes of rich violet-blue flowers<br />

enclosed in persistent purple bracts.<br />

The first flush of flowers is in the spring<br />

and early summer. If cut back to the<br />

ground once the first flowering has past<br />

it gives another display in late summer<br />

and autumn. 80cm x 60cm. Sun.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Salvia greggii ‘Ritambelle’<br />

Last year we imported this from Olivier<br />

Filippi’s nursery in the South of France.<br />

It has all the virtues of the species and<br />

carries long stems of soft salmon-pink,<br />

cream throated flowers which age over<br />

time to a creamy peach-pink. Happy in<br />

any sunny spot and a joy during its long<br />

summer/ autumn flowering period. 70cm<br />

by 70cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Salvia ‘Royal Bumble’<br />

Another exciting first release of a Salvia<br />

imported from France last year. The<br />

glowing red velvet flowers with dark<br />

almost black calyces are displayed on<br />

long stems held well above the foliage.<br />

Sun loving and drought tolerant. 80 cm x<br />

60 cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />


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Salvia ‘Silkes Dream’<br />

One of the most exciting Salvias in our<br />

trial gardens, with glowing tangerine<br />

flowers displayed on long stems held<br />

well above the foliage. Salvia ‘Silkes<br />

Dream’ is a hybrid between S. darcyi<br />

and S. microphylla. It grows to 100cm x<br />

90cm, though smaller in our dry garden.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Santolina rosmarinifolia ‘Primrose Gem’<br />

Primrose Gem Cotton Lavender<br />

Two years ago I spent a day with my<br />

son Ric Glenn, now head gardener at<br />

Dulwich Park in London, at Beth<br />

Chatto’s marvellous nursery near<br />

Colchester. One of the plants I bought<br />

that day was Santolina ‘Primrose Gem’.<br />

It makes a symmetrical mound of very<br />

dark green leaves which is covered<br />

during early summer with moonlight wan<br />

billy buttons. Tough, sun loving and<br />

drought tolerant. 60cm x 80cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Sedum ‘Munstead Red’<br />

One of the best Sedum with upright red<br />

stems with blueish leaves. The cauliflower<br />

like heads of deep red flowers are<br />

produced during summer and hold well<br />

into autumn. Sun. 60cm x60cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Stachys thirkei<br />

Miniature Lamb’s Ears<br />

This beautiful little plant will suit areas in<br />

the garden where the typical Lamb’s<br />

Ears would grow too big. It has the usual<br />

felted silver Lamb’s Ear leaf but is<br />

smaller in all its parts than the type and<br />

there is no time during the summer<br />

when it looks scruffy. Drought tolerant<br />

and sun loving. Foliage mounds<br />

make10cm x 30cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Stylophorum dyphyllum<br />

A plant of the Eastern US woodlands the<br />

Celandine Poppy has grown in the same<br />

spot in my garden for 15 years. It is in<br />

complete shade during summer but gets<br />

more light during its early spring until<br />

early summer flowering period. Yellow<br />

poppies, the size of a 50 cent coin, are<br />

held on 30cm tall stems. The large oaklike<br />

basal leaves, green above greyish<br />

beneath, are handsome in themselves<br />

30cm by 30cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Tanacetum densum ssp. amani<br />

Hot dry rocky mountain slopes in Turkey<br />

is the home of this beautiful little<br />

evergreen silver foliage plant. A<br />

compact near prostrate sub-shrub<br />

covered by intense silver, Prince of<br />

Wales Feather leaves. It makes a fine<br />

foil for small spring bulbs. It’s best<br />

planted in a well drained position in full<br />

sun where it will get by on very little<br />

water. It is more likely to suffer from over<br />

watering than under watering. 15cm x<br />

35cm. Sun. drought tolerant.<br />

$8.00 each or 3 for $21.00<br />


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Trachelospermum asiaticum<br />

There can’t be many better evergreen<br />

ground cover plants than this woodland<br />

plant from East Asia. As long as it is<br />

watered it will grow quite happily in sun<br />

and shade. It makes dense mats of dark<br />

glossy green leaves and produces<br />

exquisite fragrant jasmine like flowers. It<br />

will grow happily under trees and shrubs<br />

as long as the shade isn’t too deep.<br />

25cm x 70cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Tunica saxifraga<br />

A mat forming perennial with short<br />

needle like grass leaves. During late<br />

spring, summer and autumn 30cm lax<br />

stems are covered with double, pink<br />

flowers rather like the flowers of<br />

Gypsophila ‘Bristol Fairy’ so beloved by<br />

florists in my youth. It stays tidy<br />

throughout the season. A good plant for<br />

the rock garden it is drought tolerant and<br />

prefers a sunny spot. 10cm x 30cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Verbascum atro-violaceum<br />

This is a small growing Verbascum.<br />

Soundly perennial and drought tolerant<br />

this Central Asian native is relatively<br />

new to cultivation. In my garden it<br />

makes a small neat evergreen rosette of<br />

violet tinted green leaves. For many<br />

months from spring well into summer it<br />

produces 50cm tall flower stems which<br />

carry a long succession of dark violetpurple<br />

flowers. It needs a sunny spot.<br />

30cm x 15cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00

Yucca gloriosa ‘Nobilis’<br />

A fine Yucca which Jeremy Francis of<br />

Cloudehill imported from Beth Chatto<br />

over twenty years ago. It doesn’t grow<br />

too big, some 150cm tall by 100 cm<br />

wide, so is fine for a relatively modest<br />

sized garden where its sword shaped,<br />

pewter grey leaves form handsome<br />

foliage rosettes. A 100cm. tall flower<br />

spike carries dozens of large, rose-pink<br />

budded, white bells during late spring<br />

and summer. A classic which has been<br />

grown in English gardens for nearly a<br />

century. $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Yucca recurvifolia ‘Variegata’<br />

A friend imported tissue cultured plants<br />

of this new variegated Yucca a few<br />

years ago. This plant makes evergreen<br />

rosettes of beautiful subtly variegated<br />

foliage about 90cm tall by 90cm wide.<br />

During spring or summer it sends up 2<br />

metres tall flower spikes which carry<br />

dozens of large white bells. It will take<br />

any amount of drought but is also happy<br />

in parts of the garden which are watered.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Late Summer in the Dry Garden<br />


Ornamental Grasses in the Double Borders, <strong>Lambley</strong> <strong>Nursery</strong><br />


Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’<br />

This ornamental grass makes a strong<br />

vertical statement. A cloud of hazy<br />

mauve flowers on 180cm tall stems are<br />

produced during early summer and<br />

slowly age to creamy beige and then to<br />

golden brown as it moves into winter. It<br />

needs a little summer irrigation and will<br />

grow in sun or light shade. Although the<br />

foliage clumps are evergreen we cut<br />

them to the ground in July to tidy them<br />

up. 160cm x 100cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’<br />

The true ‘Gracillimus’ not a seed<br />

introduction. This makes a 100cm tall<br />

clump of slender elegant foliage<br />

developing an interesting swirl during<br />

the season. In late autumn and winter it<br />

has lovely autumn tones of orange, gold<br />

and coffee. The late autumn flower<br />

stems reach 200cm and carry rich<br />

purple-pink heads. Happy in sun or very<br />

light shade. Although it needs an<br />

occasional watering during summer it is<br />

tough. 200cm x 100cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purpureus’<br />

A smaller growing feather grass making<br />

handsome foliage clumps of arching<br />

leaves. The silver-pink tinged flowers<br />

are produced in early autumn. Later the<br />

foliage changes from green through<br />

bronze tints to, in a good season,<br />

orange red and brown. 120cm x 100cm<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />


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Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’<br />

Blue Switch Grass<br />

This is totally different in both leaf colour<br />

and outline to the other Panicums that<br />

we list. Panicum ‘Heavy Metal’ makes<br />

clumps of stiff upright stems clothed in<br />

blue leaves. The autumn flowers, held<br />

above the stems, are bluish at first and<br />

then turn to oat gold. We grow this in the<br />

dry garden. Sun. 1000cm x 80cm.<br />

$10.00 each or 3 for $27.00<br />

Panicum virgatum ‘Rubrum’.<br />

Red Prairie Switch Grass.<br />

Fountain like clumps of fine arching<br />

leaves are topped by a cloud of maroon<br />

midge-like flowers during autumn. Late<br />

in the season the foliage turns bronze<br />

red and finally to straw gold during<br />

winter. We grow it in the double borders<br />

with Sedum and Perovskia as well as in<br />

the dry garden. 100cm by 80cm.<br />

$9.00 each or 3 for $24.00<br />

Poa labillardieri ‘Suggan Buggan’<br />

A fabulous form of this native grass with<br />

arching mounds of evergreen foliage,<br />

blue and graceful. Typical upright stems<br />

of flowers bluish in bud ageing to straw.<br />

Cut back to about 15cm immediately<br />

after flowering. 100cm x 100cm. Sun or<br />

at most very light shade. The best blue<br />

leaved grass we grow if given space to<br />

breathe and display its beautiful form.<br />

$12.00 each or 3 for $33.00


Over the last three years Adele Film Productions have worked with me to make a<br />

series of DVDs about dry climate gardening. All the shooting has been done here in<br />

our garden. I think the DVDs have some of the best garden film work I’ve ever seen.<br />

Filming took place almost every fortnight over a period of two years.<br />

There is now a DVD for each season, four altogether, Spring, Summer, Autumn and<br />

Winter. Each DVD is about one and a half hours long.<br />

The complete set of DVDs are finished and available from the nursery at $29.95<br />

each or $119.80 the set including postage.<br />

www.lambley.com.au<br />

Will Robertson is the director and cinematographer of this series of DVDs. Will is<br />

second to none when it comes to filming gardens. I know of no other garden filming<br />

which comes anywhere near the beauty of Will’s work. It has taken more than three<br />

years to produce the DVDs.<br />

<br />


32<br />

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