Fabaceae / Papilionaceae

Fabaceae / Papilionaceae

Fabaceae / Papilionaceae


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(Xii)<br />

1.1<br />

3.5<br />

Deserts:<br />

The arid zones of Sindh represent 17 percent of the arid land of Pakistan and can be classified<br />

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as subtropical deserts. These cover an area of over 68,000 km of the province and can be<br />

roughly divided into three even-sized distinct regions: Thar, Nara and Kohistan, out of which a<br />

total area of 14.09 million hectares (MHA), 9.28 MHA form rangeland in these areas (IUCN,<br />

2004).<br />

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Thar covers 23,000 km and has a population of nearly one million people. This region is<br />

mainly in the Tharparkar, Mithi and Umer Kot districts and extends southwards along the<br />

Rann of Kutch. Its climate is arid in the north, and semi-arid in the south depending on the<br />

rainfall 02 which varies from north to south.<br />

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Nara is located in Khairpur Mir District stretches over 22,000 km . Its upper portion lays in<br />

Sukkur (population 908,373,000), Khairpur (population 1,546,587,000), Shahid Benezirabad<br />

(Nawabshah) (population 1,071,533) and Sanghar (population 1,453,028) districts. Thar and<br />

Nara are located on the left side of the river and form the eastern boundary of the province<br />

(IUCN, 2004).<br />

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Kohistan region covers 23,000 km and occupies four percent of the total landmass of the<br />

province, consisting of parts of Dadu (90 percent of the area with a population of 1,688,811),<br />

Larkana (6 percent of the area with a population of 1,927,066) and Thatta (4 percent of the<br />

area with a population of 1,113,194). Kohistan lies along the western boundary between<br />

Sindh and Balochistan and extends in the South along the Indus Delta (Qazi, 2003).<br />

These three regions are distinctly marked with sandy hills steep slope and vast low lying flat<br />

areas locally known as patt. The vast sandy tracts are broken up by undulating sand dunes<br />

and/or barren mountains. Though the living condition is inhospitable but these are often<br />

characterized by ecosystem consisting of unique flora and fauna. Flora consists mostly of<br />

stunted scrub and bush although trees such as the Prosopis cineraria occasionally dot the<br />

landscape. The nutritive grasses provide fodder for the livestock that comprise of cattle,<br />

camels, goats, and sheep. The Ibex of Kohistan and the Gazelle deer and peacocks of<br />

Tharparkar are animal species unique to this region.<br />

3.6<br />

Rangelands:<br />

The rangelands also known as protected forest are the areas which provide fodder for cattle<br />

species in desert and dry mountainous area and refuge for mammals, indigenous and<br />

migratory birds and reptiles. Rangelands are a critical component of the arid zones of Sindh<br />

covering an area of 0.457 million ha. The rangelands in Sindh are mostly state property and it<br />

is necessary that they are managed in an integrated manner to ensure productivity in a<br />

sustainable manner (IUCN 2007).<br />

4.0<br />

Biodiversity profile:<br />

Biodiversity is a term used for all forms of life on earth and its variability among living<br />

organisms from all sources. Every part of the earth has distinct features of plant, animal and<br />

microorganisms depending on its climate and geology. It plays an important role in ecosystem<br />

functions that provide support, regulations and cultural services essential for human wellbeing.<br />

People rely on biodiversity for food, medicine and other raw materials of their needs<br />

(IUCN 2007). Sindh is rich with floral and faunal diversity and is a blend of elements from<br />

different origins.

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