with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


26^ Note VIII. A pigmy scraper on a fiddle, Wha us*d to trystes and fairs to driddle. To driddle. A contemptuous phrase applied to the walking or other motions of people who are de^ formed, or diminutive in stature. Note IX. At kirns an* weddings ive'se be there, An' O ! sae nicety's we will fare / We'll bouze about, Sfc. A Scotch wedding lasted three or four days in an- cient times : Feasting, dancing, and other merri- ment, afforded rare doings for the strolling •min- strels. Note X. And while I kittle hair on thairms. i, €. while I rub a horse-hair bow upon cat-gut= Note XL Wi' ghastly ee, poor Tweedle-dee Upon his hunkers bended. '

^63 To sit on one^s hunkers, to sit with the hips hang- ing downwards, and the weight of the body depend- ing on the knees. No. XII. An* hy that stoivpe, my faith an' hope, An* hy that dear Keilbagie ! ! If e'er ye want, or meet fivi' scant. May I ne'er iveet my craigie This is a deeply-solemn oath for a tinker ; but it must be remembered that his resources never failed while any of his neighbours' property remained unse- cured. The faith to be put in their curses is pro- verbial. That dear Keilbagie. Keilbagie is a well-known kind of whiskey, in great request among the jovial inhabitants of Po s i e Na n s i e's barn. Note XIII. Her lord, a wight of Homer's craft, The* limpin' wi* the spavie, He hirpled up, and lap tike daft, An* shor'd them ' Dainty Davie* 0* boot that night.

^63<br />

To sit on one^s hunkers, to sit <strong>with</strong> the hips hang-<br />

ing downwards, <strong>and</strong> the weight of the body depend-<br />

ing on the knees.<br />

No. XII.<br />

An* hy that stoivpe, my faith an' hope,<br />

An* hy that dear Keilbagie<br />

! !<br />

If e'er ye want, or meet fivi' scant.<br />

May I ne'er iveet my craigie<br />

This is a deeply-solemn oath for a tinker ; but it<br />

must be remembered that his resources never failed<br />

while any of his neighbours' property remained unse-<br />

cured. The faith to be put in their curses is pro-<br />

verbial.<br />

That dear Keilbagie. Keilbagie is a well-known<br />

kind of whiskey, in great request among the jovial<br />

inhabitants of Po s i e Na n s i e's barn.<br />

Note XIII.<br />

Her lord, a wight of Homer's craft,<br />

The* limpin' wi* the spavie,<br />

He hirpled up, <strong>and</strong> lap tike daft,<br />

An* shor'd them ' Dainty Davie*<br />

0* boot that night.

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