with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


£06 I gat na't by sea, I gat na't by Ian', But I gat it out of your owu ban'. Go take away my bridal gown, An' I'll follow him frae town to town. Ye need na leave your bridal gown. For I'll make ye ladie o' mony a town.

207 Lanely night comes on, A^ the house are sleepingj I think on the bonie lad That has my heart a keeping. When I sleep I dream, When I wauk Fm eirie; Sleep I canna get, For thinkin' o' my dearie, Lanely night comes on, A' the house are sleeping, I think on my bonie lad, An I bleer my een wi' greetin Ay wauken, O, wauken ay and wearie! Sleep I canna get, for thinkin o' my dearie. STANZA OF AN OLD SONG, Tune — Bonnie Dundee. Ye're like to the timmer o' yon rotten wood, YeVe like to the bark o' yon rotten tree Ye slip frae me like a knotless thread, An' yell crack your credit wi' mae than mca ! ;

£06<br />

I gat na't <strong>by</strong> sea, I gat na't <strong>by</strong> Ian',<br />

But I gat it out of your owu ban'.<br />

Go take away my bridal gown,<br />

An' I'll follow him frae town to town.<br />

Ye need na leave your bridal gown.<br />

For I'll make ye ladie o' mony a town.

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