with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


198 She's ta'en three links of her yellow hair, That hung down lang and yellow. And she's tied it about sweet Willie's waist. An' drawn him out of Yarrow. I made my love a suit of clothes, I clad him all in tartan. But ere the morning sun arose He was a' bluid to the gartan. Cetera desunt.

199 ROB ROY. ; ; : : Tune—A rude set of Mill Mill O Rob Roy from the Highlands cam Unto the Lawlan' border, To steal awa a gay ladie, To baud his house in order He cam owre the lock o' Lynn, Twenty men his arms did carry ; Himsel gaed in an' fand her out, Protesting he would marry. will ye gae wi' me, he saj's, Or will ye be my honey Or will ye be my wedded wife, For I love you best of any 1 winna gae wi' you, she says. Nor will I be your honey Nor will I be your wedded wife^ You love me for my money.

198<br />

She's ta'en three links of her yellow hair,<br />

That hung down lang <strong>and</strong> yellow.<br />

And she's tied it about sweet Willie's waist.<br />

An' drawn him out of Yarrow.<br />

I made my love a suit of clothes,<br />

I clad him all in tartan.<br />

But ere the morning sun arose<br />

He was a' bluid to the gartan.<br />

Cetera desunt.

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