with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


18 TO DAUNTON ME. The two following old stanzas to this tune have some merit: To daunton me, to daunton me, ken ye what it is that'll daunton me ? — There's eighty eight and eighty nine. And a* that I hae borne sinsyne. There's cess and press and Presbytrie, 1 think it will do meikle for to d^iunton me. But to wanton me, to wanton me, ken ye what it is that wad wanton me ? To see gude corn upon the rigs. And banishment amang the Whigs, And right restored where right sud be, 1 think it would do meikle for to wanton me."'^ * A third verse runs thus : But to wanton me, to wanton me, O ken ye what maist wad wanton me? To see king James at Edinb'rough Cross, Wi' fifty thousand foot and horse, And the usurper forc'd to flee, O this is that maist wad wanton me.

19 THE BONIE LASS MADE THE BED TO ME* " The Bonie Lass made the Bed to me/' was composed on an amour of Charles II. zvhen sculking in the North, about Aberdeen, in the time of the usurpation. He formed une petite affaire with a daughter of the House of Port-letham, zvho was the lass that made the bed to him : two verses of it are, I kiss'd her hps sae rosy red. While the tear stood bhnkin in her ee I said my lassie dinna cry. For ye ay shall mak the bed to me. She took her mither's winding sheet. And o't she made a sark to me ; Blythe and merry may she be. The lass that made the bed to me. When Januar whid was blawing cauld^ As to the North 1 took my way, The mirksome night did me enfauld^ I knew na where to lodge till day, c 2

19<br />


" The Bonie Lass made the Bed to me/' was<br />

composed on an amour of Charles II. zvhen sculking<br />

in the North, about Aberdeen, in the time of the<br />

usurpation. He formed une petite affaire <strong>with</strong> a<br />

daughter of the House of Port-letham, zvho was the<br />

lass that made the bed to him : two verses of it<br />

are,<br />

I kiss'd her hps sae rosy red.<br />

While the tear stood bhnkin in her ee<br />

I said my lassie dinna cry.<br />

For ye ay shall mak the bed to me.<br />

She took her mither's winding sheet.<br />

And o't she made a sark to me ;<br />

Blythe <strong>and</strong> merry may she be.<br />

The lass that made the bed to me.<br />

When Januar whid was blawing cauld^<br />

As to the North 1 took my way,<br />

The mirksome night did me enfauld^<br />

I knew na where to lodge till day,<br />

c 2

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