with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


2^6 mon civilities of the day passed between us, but no- tbing more. We never visited. I understood he possessed a great singularity of character ; but he was ever polite and civil to me. Early in September, 1803, I frequently heard a great swearing and noise in his chambers, and, on meeting his laundress on the stairs, I asked her the cause of the disturbance I had heard. She answered, that she believed her master was out of his mind, for his conduct in every respect proved him so; and that she was greatly afraid that in his delirium he would do himself or her an injury. She said she had taken him his dinner the day before, but that he had not touched it, and that he never ate animal food. She was then going to him, but expressed a fear that he would burst into a rage, and abuse her as I had heard him before. The last time she was in the chambers, he had shut him- self up ; however, she left his dinner upon the table, and was then going to see if he had eaten it. I said, as she had expressed herself fearful, I would go with her to her master, which I accordingly did. I saw his dinner on the table, but he was still shut up in his room. I asked the laundress whether he had any relations in town. She said he had not ; but that he had a nephew somewhere in the North, who had lived with him for many years, but that Mr. Ritson hsid turned him out of his house for eating animal

£27 food, I desired her to endeavour to find out some of his relations or friends, and to apprize them of his unhappy situation, and in the meantime to be very careful of him. *^ On the 10th of September, about nine o'clock in the evening, on my return to my chambers, my ser- vant told me that Mr. Ritson had been making a great noise, and that there was a great light in his room, which had alarmed the people in the Steward's office. I went immediately to the Steward's office^ and looking from his window, 1 saw Mr. Ritson's room strewed with books and loose papers, some of which he was gathering up and throwing on the fire, which occasioned the great blaze they had seen. He had a lighted candle in his hand, which he carried about in a very dangerous manner. The Steward not being at home, I sent for him to represent to him Mr. Ritson's extraordinary conduct. However, being much alarmed, I went to Mr. Ritson's chambers, and knocked at the door several times, but could get no admission. At last a key was obtained from the laundress ; and Mr. Quin, the steward, and myself, with two porters, entered his chambers. He appeared much confused on seeing us, and asked how we came in ? We told him by means of the laun- dress's key. He then asked what we wanted ^ Mr.

2^6<br />

mon civilities of the day passed between us, but no-<br />

tbing more. We never visited. I understood he<br />

possessed a great singularity of character ; but he was<br />

ever polite <strong>and</strong> civil to me. Early in September,<br />

1803, I frequently heard a great swearing <strong>and</strong> noise<br />

in his chambers, <strong>and</strong>, on meeting his laundress on<br />

the stairs, I asked her the cause of the disturbance I<br />

had heard. She answered, that she believed her<br />

master was out of his mind, for his conduct in every<br />

respect proved him so; <strong>and</strong> that she was greatly<br />

afraid that in his delirium he would do himself or her<br />

an injury. She said she had taken him his dinner the<br />

day before, but that he had not touched it, <strong>and</strong> that<br />

he never ate animal food. She was then going to<br />

him, but expressed a fear that he would burst into a<br />

rage, <strong>and</strong> abuse her as I had heard him before. The<br />

last time she was in the chambers, he had shut him-<br />

self up ; however, she left his dinner upon the table,<br />

<strong>and</strong> was then going to see if he had eaten it. I said,<br />

as she had expressed herself fearful, I would go <strong>with</strong><br />

her to her master, which I accordingly did. I saw<br />

his dinner on the table, but he was still shut up in<br />

his room. I asked the laundress whether he had any<br />

relations in town. She said he had not ; but that he<br />

had a nephew somewhere in the North, who had<br />

lived <strong>with</strong> him for many years, but that Mr. Ritson<br />

hsid turned him out of his house for eating animal

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