with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


116 But fickle fortune frowns on me, And I maun cross the raging sea ; But while my crimson currents flow, I'll looe my Highland lassie, O. Within the glen, S^c. Altho' thro' foreign climes I range, I know her heart will never change, For her bosom burns with honor's glow. My faithful Highland lassie, O. Within the glen, Sfc. For her I'll dare the billow's roar For her I'll trace a distant shore That Indian wealth may lustre throw Around my Highland lassie, O. Within the glen, S^c, She has my heart, she has my hand, By secret truth and honor's band 'Till the mortal stroke shall lay me low, I'm thiue, my Highland lassie, O. nearly the whole of the night : His agitation was so great, that he threw himself on the side of a corn stack, and there conceived his sublime and tender elegy—his address To Mary in Heaven. Ed,

117 Farewel, the glen sae hushyj 01 Farewelf the plain sae rashy, O To other lands I now must go. To sing my Highland lassie, O GUDE YILL COMES, AND GUDE YILL GOES. This song sings to the tune called The bottom, of the punch bowl, of which a very good copy may be found in M'Gibbon's Collection. gude yill comes, and gude yill goes, Gude yill gars me sell iny hose, Sell my hose, and pawn my shoon. For gude yill keeps my heart aboon. 1 had sax owsen in a pleugh, And they drew teugh and weel eneugh I drank them a' ane by ane. For gude yill keeps my heart aboon. Gude yill, S^c, 1 had forty shillin in a clout, G ude yill gart me pyke them out That gear should moule I thought a sin, Gude yill keeps my heart aboon. Gude yill, S^c,

116<br />

But fickle fortune frowns on me,<br />

And I maun cross the raging sea ;<br />

But while my crimson currents flow,<br />

I'll looe my Highl<strong>and</strong> lassie, O.<br />

Within the glen, S^c.<br />

Altho' thro' foreign climes I range,<br />

I know her heart will never change,<br />

For her bosom burns <strong>with</strong> honor's glow.<br />

My faithful Highl<strong>and</strong> lassie, O.<br />

Within the glen, Sfc.<br />

For her I'll dare the billow's roar<br />

For her I'll trace a distant shore<br />

That Indian wealth may lustre throw<br />

Around my Highl<strong>and</strong> lassie, O.<br />

Within the glen, S^c,<br />

She has my heart, she has my h<strong>and</strong>,<br />

By secret truth <strong>and</strong> honor's b<strong>and</strong><br />

'Till the mortal stroke shall lay me low,<br />

I'm thiue, my Highl<strong>and</strong> lassie, O.<br />

nearly the whole of the night : His agitation was so great, that<br />

he threw himself on the side of a corn stack, <strong>and</strong> there conceived<br />

his sublime <strong>and</strong> tender elegy—his address To Mary in Heaven.<br />


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