with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns

with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns with critical observations and biographical notices, by Robert Burns


96 Then to his bags he flew wi' speed, About the drdne he twisted ; Meg up and wallop'd o'er the green, For brawly could she frisk it. Weel done ! quo' he— play up ! quo' she Weel bobb'd ! quo' Rob the Ranter *Tis worth my while to play indeed, When I hae sic a dancer. Weel hae ye play'd your part, quo' Meg, Your cheeks are like the crimson There's nane in Scotland plays sae weel, Since we lost Habbie Simpson.''^ the Editor, that when a boy (not more than twenty years ago) he was greatly struck with the sight of many of these old High^ land Pipers, straying, solitary, from parish to parish, reciting the deeds of the clans. • In every parish there were houses which the open heartedness of their possessors made welcome nightly habitations to these vagrant remnants of ancient chivalry. The piper's arrival spread like wild-fire among the little country villages. The old decayed men, the lads and lasses, with their rocks and knitting apparatus, flocked around the old piper, who, seated next the gudematiy on the lang-settle, in the intervals of his tunes touched on the tales of other times. The barbarity of fVilliam, in the vale of Glencoe; the Rade of Mar; or the year 1715 ; and the awful suf- fei'ings of misguided Catholic loyalty in 1745, were told with the exquisite mastery of native eloquence. The celebrated Piper of Kilbarchan«

I've liv'd in Fife, baith maid and wife, These ten years and a quarter Gin' ye should come to Enster Fair, Speir ye for Maggie Lauder. a^KANENT-MUIR. Tune— GlLLICRANKIE. " TraNENT-Muir" zms composed hy a Mr. Skirvin, a very worthy respectable farmer, near Haddington. I have heard the anecdote often, that Lieut. Smith, whom he mentions in the ninth stanza, came to Haddingtofi after the publication of the song, and sent a challenge to Skirvin to meet him at Haddington, and atiswer for the unworthy manner in which he had noticed him in his song.— " Gang awa back," said the honest farmer, " and tell Mr. Smith that I hae na leisure to come to Haddington; but tell him to come here; and Til tak a look o him; and if I think Fm fit to fecht him, ril fecht him ; and if no-r-Fll do as he did, —rU rin awa."— VOL. 1.

96<br />

Then to his bags he flew wi' speed,<br />

About the drdne he twisted ;<br />

Meg up <strong>and</strong> wallop'd o'er the green,<br />

For brawly could she frisk it.<br />

Weel done ! quo' he— play up ! quo' she<br />

Weel bobb'd !<br />

quo' Rob the Ranter<br />

*Tis worth my while to play indeed,<br />

When I hae sic a dancer.<br />

Weel hae ye play'd your part, quo' Meg,<br />

Your cheeks are like the crimson<br />

There's nane in Scotl<strong>and</strong> plays sae weel,<br />

Since we lost Habbie Simpson.''^<br />

the Editor, that when a boy (not more than twenty years ago)<br />

he was greatly struck <strong>with</strong> the sight of many of these old High^<br />

l<strong>and</strong> Pipers, straying, solitary, from parish to parish, reciting the<br />

deeds of the clans. •<br />

In every parish there were houses which the open heartedness<br />

of their possessors made welcome nightly habitations to these<br />

vagrant remnants of ancient chivalry. The piper's arrival<br />

spread like wild-fire among the little country villages. The old<br />

decayed men, the lads <strong>and</strong> lasses, <strong>with</strong> their rocks <strong>and</strong> knitting<br />

apparatus, flocked around the old piper, who, seated next the<br />

gudematiy on the lang-settle, in the intervals of his tunes touched<br />

on the tales of other times. The barbarity of fVilliam, in the vale<br />

of Glencoe; the Rade of Mar; or the year 1715 ; <strong>and</strong> the awful suf-<br />

fei'ings of misguided Catholic loyalty in 1745, were told <strong>with</strong> the<br />

exquisite mastery of native eloquence.<br />

The celebrated Piper of Kilbarchan«

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