Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path you have Reiki or another type of healing energy, you may Reiki the crystal until you feel that it is clean. Giving your crystals a salt bath using preferably sea salt, or adding eucalyptus oil (which is a natural disinfectant) to the water is another method. Other healers like to give them a bath in beach sand. Yet another method is to put your crystals outside at night during the full moon for her cleansing moon rays, or burying them in Mother Earth for a few days to clean them. Music/Toning Cleansing Putting on some boppy music up loud(if that is your preference) helps to blow away the cobwebs - spiritually speaking that is!! The loud vibrations from your favourite music creates positive energy which fills the room to the corners. This also applies to the use of any toning implements; such as the use of Tibetan Prayer Bells, singing bowls, talking bells - where you run a wooden implement round the base of the bell or the rim of the dish to produce a vibrating tone which hums through your body and the immediate area. It has a clearing effect. Sacred Symbols Dropping sacred symbols in the healing area also helps to clean the room. You may use symbols from any healing modality that you are familiar with - their positive vibrations all help to eliminate unwanted energy. Another favourite method is to create a spiritual universal vacuum cleaner. Using the chok u rei; symbol (Reiki and Sei Chim symbol) and visualisation, you can create a vacuum cleaner which automatically sucks up negative energy and removes it, turns it into positive energy, and returns it to Mother Earth. These visualisation techniques give the healer room to be inventive and also work closely with Universal energy and Mother Earth. Living Plants Some healers like to place plants in a healing area to suck up unwanted energy. I would be very protective of living creatures - both plant and animal life. If using plants, they must be removed and put outside for a good breeze and cleansing water bath. Plants and animals can be attuned to Reiki energy and this gives them a certain amount of protection but they must also be cleansed properly - just as we have a bath or cleansing method for us - the healer - so must they be cleansed or you run the risk of them becoming unwell. This is something that other healers may not agree with but in my experience I have found this to be true. It is also important to wipe the healing table over between healings with a cleaning fluid and change pillow cases and the sheet - if you use one. So in conclusion, remember that cleansing of the healing area and you, the healer, is just as vital as cleansing the aura of your client. Therefore there will be no transference of negative energy from one client to another, or client to the healer, or plant or animal. Just as modern medicine disinfects on the physical level, so we must disinfect and clean on the spiritual or etheric level. It is just as important! (20 Reads) comments? (168 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path General information: Mind Walk Posted by: Nyxks on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 02:40 PM by Karen L. Scheel We all have a constant internal dialogue that controls our every reaction and response. What we think and the words we speak have a specific effect upon us. Most every problem both physical and psychological stems from our addictive thought patterns. Our individual thought patterns form our belief system, which is a set of rules, or opinions that our mind has been taught to accept without question. Our beliefs about the world and ourselves are judgements, which are decisions that we have made about what is and what is not truth. Most of us tend to respond to much of life with a conditioned response. No matter how different people or situations in the present may be we tend to overlook, because we are being guided by being memories and are not able to detach from the previous ways in which our minds have been trained to judge what we see, hear and feel. This usually prevents us from living fully in the moment and experiencing what is in the present. We tend to stay within our comfort zones even when they are self defeating because we fear what is not known. Since birth we have been conditioned to believe that our feelings are who we are, and right or wrong we seem to have this need to defend ourselves against anything that challenges our belief systems or makes us feel unsafe. Our individual beliefs have created a world filled with boundaries and limitations, which perpetuates separation and mistrust. This ultimately leads to feelings of loneliness, frustration and disappointment. We as human beings many times fail to recognize that we attract what we need at any given point in time through the universal law of attraction. This law of attraction is responsible for what shows up in all aspects of our lives. Before we can experience anything in the physical realm we must give thought to it. We create our own experiences through our thoughts. We get what we think about and we get it all the time. Many of us do not recognize the judgements that we are actually putting into motion when we think or say things like, "I am not good enough; I can not have what I want, I am not beautiful, No one understands me". Thoughts are magnetic and attract things that are similar. If our thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with what we want then this is what we will attract. However, if our thoughts and our words are focused on what we do not want or what is wrong then we will only succeed in getting more of what we don't want because this is what we are focused on. Many of us spend most of our lives searching for something outside of ourselves to tell us what is right and what is wrong, or to give us direction. Most of us do not recognize the powerful spiritual guidance system that rests within that can be relied on. This guidance comes through our emotions letting us know the appropriateness of what we are thinking, speaking or doing in the moment. There are only two emotions - one feels good and the other feels bad. As we think a thought, say, or do something that is not in harmony with the essence of our highest being our inner self provides a negative emotion. And likewise, when we are thinking, speaking and acting in harmony with that which we truly are our inner being reflects positive emotions. Most of us are not able to focus our thoughts on what we want because we have not been intentionally concentrating our minds. Our mind wonders because of lack of discipline and being creatures of habit we find that we recreate history over and over again. In order for us to change our realities and have what we want we only have to allow it by releasing all that (169 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

General information: Mind Walk<br />

Posted by: Nyxks on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 02:40 PM<br />

by Karen L. Scheel<br />

We all have a constant internal dialogue that controls our every reaction<br />

and response. What we think and the words we speak have a specific effect<br />

upon us. Most every problem both physical and psychological stems from<br />

our addictive thought patterns. Our individual thought patterns form our<br />

belief system, which is a set of rules, or opinions that our mind has been taught to accept<br />

without question. Our beliefs about the world and ourselves are judgements, which are<br />

decisions that we have made about what is and what is not truth.<br />

Most of us tend to respond to much of life with a conditioned response. No matter how<br />

different people or situations in the present may be we tend to overlook, because we are<br />

being guided by being memories and are not able to detach from the previous ways in<br />

which our minds have been trained to judge what we see, hear and feel. This usually<br />

prevents us from living fully in the moment and experiencing what is in the present. We<br />

tend to stay within our comfort zones even when they are self defeating because we fear<br />

what is not known. Since birth we have been conditioned to believe that our feelings are<br />

who we are, and right or wrong we seem to have this need to defend ourselves against<br />

anything that challenges our belief systems or makes us feel unsafe. Our individual<br />

beliefs have created a world filled with boundaries and limitations, which perpetuates<br />

separation and mistrust. This ultimately leads to feelings of loneliness, frustration and<br />

disappointment.<br />

We as human beings many times fail to recognize that we attract what we need at any<br />

given point in time through the universal law of attraction. This law of attraction is<br />

responsible for what shows up in all aspects of our lives. Before we can experience<br />

anything in the physical realm we must give thought to it. We create our own<br />

experiences through our thoughts. We get what we think about and we get it all the time.<br />

Many of us do not recognize the judgements that we are actually putting into motion<br />

when we think or say things like, "I am not good enough; I can not have what I want, I<br />

am not beautiful, No one understands me". Thoughts are magnetic and attract things that<br />

are similar. If our thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with what we want then<br />

this is what we will attract. However, if our thoughts and our words are focused on what<br />

we do not want or what is wrong then we will only succeed in getting more of what we<br />

don't want because this is what we are focused on.<br />

Many of us spend most of our lives searching for something outside of ourselves to tell<br />

us what is right and what is wrong, or to give us direction. Most of us do not recognize<br />

the powerful spiritual guidance system that rests within that can be relied on. This<br />

guidance comes through our emotions letting us know the appropriateness of what we are<br />

thinking, speaking or doing in the moment. There are only two emotions - one feels good<br />

and the other feels bad. As we think a thought, say, or do something that is not in<br />

harmony with the essence of our highest being our inner self provides a negative<br />

emotion. And likewise, when we are thinking, speaking and acting in harmony with that<br />

which we truly are our inner being reflects positive emotions. Most of us are not able to<br />

focus our thoughts on what we want because we have not been intentionally<br />

concentrating our minds. Our mind wonders because of lack of discipline and being<br />

creatures of habit we find that we recreate history over and over again. In order for us to<br />

change our realities and have what we want we only have to allow it by releasing all that<br /> (169 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

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