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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Edward Davies, author of Mythology and Rites of British Druids, was one of those who, with Job Morganwg, regarded the Arkite theory as having its foundation in Genesis. But, as Professor Rhys says, "when one turns to Davies's authorities for his unhesitating statements of the kind, no doubt one is a little dismayed at first, and not a little inclined to doubt him altogether, and, in disposing of his Helio-Arkite absurdity, dispose of the Druids with them." The Modern Druidism, or Bardism, about which a few years ago there was considerable excitement in Wales, must not be confounded with the Druidism of Myfyr and Morien, who sought the revival of what was declared by others to be a mystical paganism. The Bardism of this century, brought forward by Welsh clergymen, like Ab Ithel, &c., was founded upon the so-called Welsh Triads of the Middle Ages, which were interpreted in a quasi Christian light, and presumed to have been the relics of the Scriptural Patriarchal system. The Rev. John Williams was, perhaps, the best exponent of Bardism, though all its advocates recognized in it the Church of England ideas of this century, and yet hardly of the High Church order. The Patriarchal Religion of Britain, by the Rev. Dr. James, made many converts to the system. But the ceremonies associated with it have something of the Masonic character. This is the Summary of the Bardo-Druidic creed. There was one God. There were five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and heavens. The soul - refined, vital, and imperishable - is a lapsed intelligence, regaining happiness by transmigration. Creation improved as man improved, and animals gradually became men. Man develops by experience in different states of being. Celestial beings aid man in development. Ultimately all will be happy, and evil finally extinguished. All these views were gathered from the said Triads, though regarded by many pious Welshmen as teaching opposed to Christianity. Morien's reading of the Triads is something very different; for The Light of Britannia has no Bardo-Druidic creed. (20 Reads) comments? General information: Nature Spirit Magic Posted by: Nyxks on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 04:02 PM (152 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path Larry Cornett Introduction Each plant, animal, rock, and other entity has a spirit (consciousness resonance matrix). These spirits can join together, in a hive-mind, as a spirit of an area. Nature spirits include real biological intelligences, are psychically powerful, and are much less abstract and controllable than the Elementals that many magical people who perform all of their rituals indoors are familiar with. They can be extremely powerful allies. It is possible to sense nature spirits, to determine if they are receptive to a ritual planned, and to have them actively participate in magical workings if they are. Some Effects Of Working With Nature Spirits Spectacular physical manifestations can happen when working with nature spirits in the wild. I have personally seen actual foxfire mark the boundaries of a magic circle at a location that was identified as a receptive power spot and attuned to a planned ritual the day before. I have seen more than one site attuned for ritual be dry and comfortable, with a round hole in the clouds overhead, on days that were cold and rainy at other nearby locations. Birds have joined in rituals, flying around the circle when energy was being raised; and insects, birds and animals have joined in chants. In addition, the wind often responds to invocations. Generally, these spectacular manifestations happen unexpectedly. With or without such manifestations, nature spirits often will channel tremendous amounts of power into the magic being performed. It is suggested that you do not consciously try for specific manifestations. Let Nature channel her power into the magic in her own way. If approached with respect, nature may give you many pleasant surprises. Spectacular physical manifestations are not a necessary sign of success. If you need a spectacular manifestation and nature spirits know this, you will get it. The best success in magic is on the inner planes and more subtle than such manifestations. This success involves beneficial changes in consciousness that last and helpful chains of synchronicity. In addition, working with Nature Spirits can also bring a deep sense of partnership with Nature, and bring new levels of attunement. To get the best results, perform nature spirit attunement several hours to several days before the main ritual. The purposes of such attunement are to find suitable power spots and to get the help of friendly nature spirits. This timing gives Nature time to gather her children and to prepare to actively participate in the main ritual. What To Not Do If nature spirits are approached with disrespect by attempting to command them rather than listening to them and inviting them to work with you, nature spirits may flee, rebel, or attack. I once attended a ritual by some pseudo-Crowleyites who attempted to perform the "Ritual of the Barbarous Names" at a power spot in a forest and then to extend the circle several hundred yards in all directions. While the forest in general had loud insect and frog noises, the area at which the ritual took place got quiet immediately when the main ritualist declared that all spirits were subject unto him. The vibes from nature could best be characterized as "Oh yea, Mother!" One participant was quickly possessed by an angry spirit and kept repeating "You killed my children, your children will never live in peace." When the priestess stepped out of the boundaries of the original circle, she was attacked by bees; and bees (153 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

Edward Davies, author of Mythology and Rites of British Druids, was one<br />

of those who, with Job Morganwg, regarded the Arkite theory as having its<br />

foundation in Genesis. But, as Professor Rhys says, "when one turns to<br />

Davies's authorities for his unhesitating statements of the kind, no doubt<br />

one is a little dismayed at first, and not a little inclined to doubt him<br />

altogether, and, in disposing of his Helio-Arkite absurdity, dispose of the<br />

Druids with them."<br />

The Modern Druidism, or Bardism, about which a few years ago there was considerable<br />

excitement in Wales, must not be confounded with the Druidism of Myfyr and Morien,<br />

who sought the revival of what was declared by others to be a mystical paganism. The<br />

Bardism of this century, brought forward by Welsh clergymen, like Ab Ithel, &c., was<br />

founded upon the so-called Welsh Triads of the Middle Ages, which were interpreted in<br />

a quasi Christian light, and presumed to have been the relics of the Scriptural Patriarchal<br />

system.<br />

The Rev. John Williams was, perhaps, the best exponent of Bardism, though all its<br />

advocates recognized in it the Church of England ideas of this century, and yet hardly of<br />

the High Church order. The Patriarchal Religion of Britain, by the Rev. Dr. James, made<br />

many converts to the system. But the ceremonies associated with it have something of<br />

the Masonic character. This is the Summary of the Bardo-Druidic creed.<br />

There was one God. There were five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and heavens. The<br />

soul - refined, vital, and imperishable - is a lapsed intelligence, regaining happiness by<br />

transmigration. Creation improved as man improved, and animals gradually became men.<br />

Man develops by experience in different states of being. Celestial beings aid man in<br />

development. Ultimately all will be happy, and evil finally extinguished. All these views<br />

were gathered from the said Triads, though regarded by many pious Welshmen as<br />

teaching opposed to Christianity.<br />

Morien's reading of the Triads is something very different; for The Light of Britannia has<br />

no Bardo-Druidic creed.<br />

(20 Reads) comments?<br />

General information: Nature Spirit Magic<br />

Posted by: Nyxks on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 04:02 PM<br /> (152 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

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