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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path is the case, then what side are you on? Do you support the side of the Holy Roman Empire or the side of Heathen guerrillas? One of the heathen tribes that are Arthur's enemy is the Angles. They were a Germanic tribe who possibly took their name from the Germanic god-hero Ing. The rune Inguz, a rune of fertility and growth, represents the god Ang, Ing or Ingvi-Frey. Tacitus mentions the Angli as one of the tribes who worship the goddess Nerthus. Both Frey and Nerthus through her masculinized form Njord, are associated with the Vanir. The Vanir are the gods of the elves, crop fertility and love. Compare the Germanic Ing or Frey to the Irish Celtic love-god Anghas. Both Anghas and Frey suffer from sickness when they yearn for a woman they love. Anghas and Ing might share a common archetype demonstrating the similarities and exchange between Celtic and Germanic heathen beliefs. There are many other examples. Not all Anglo-Saxons came as warriors. In fact archaeological evidence does not show the burning and destruction normally associated with battle and razing. Instead there may have been more of an abandonment of Roman villas as they became increasingly run down. This created a void that was later filled by warriors and farmers migrating because of the population pressures on the continent. There is even evidence that Saxon and Briton settlements may have coexisted peacefully. Even after Arthur's death at the Battle of Badon, there were still alliances made between Christian British kings and Pagan Saxon kings in Northumbria. If Arthur does come reincarnate he is going to have a hard time sorting out the Britons from the others. Many of the Anglo-Saxons would have taken Celtic wives creating a genetic nightmare for the rightful king. Similarly the Welsh have mixed with Irish and Viking colonists. The Saxons lost control of Britain in 1066 C.E. so Arthur will have to face those of Norman and other European cultures as well. Then again what is Arthur's policy going to be toward multinational companies? England's Celtic neighbours remember the injustices done to them by the Old Anglo-Saxons but fail to acknowledge their own invasions and the population flow westward from the continent toward the British Isles. England is not made up of Saxons or Sassenach, anymore than it is Norman, Dane or Celtic. The Industrialised North of England has suffered the same treatment as other unfortunate victims of the Southern dominated Empire. Although there is a history of violence in some areas, people should realise there is a longer history of an alliance between Gael, Pict and Saxon against the outside forces of the Rome and Christianity. This sort of cultural imperialism should be resisted, as it is the common enemy against free thought and reason. The political forces of Rome are still with us today, they have just taken different forms and are no longer limited to one culture. (19 Reads) comments? General information: What is Paganism? Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 05:55 PM (92 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path What is Paganism? by Nyx Wolfwalker History of Paganism The term Pagan has numerous common definitions. Many dictionaries define a Pagan as anyone not of the Judeo-Islamic-Christian religions. Some people consider anyone who does not share their religion to be a Pagan. Still others believe that a Pagan is a person who is anti-religion. None of these "definitions" manage to capture the true meaning of the term. To discover the core meaning of Pagan, we look back to ancient times when the word Pagan referred to a person of the country, or a peasant. {deletia... in summary, several paragraphs relating the history of the Catholic Church and the poor peasants' inability to relate. Brief description of the "glory of the Goddess and God in each starry night" and note of the inconsistancies of the original Pagan beliefs with the Catholic church. Also, several paragraphs detailing the development of of the Church's campaign to expunge Paganism, some of the methods employed and the subsequent Witch Hunts. Finally, an overall summary of the persecution.} Paganism in Modern Times "Today, little is known about the Pagans who survived what is now often called "The Burning Times." Paganism, as it exists today, is best described as the practice of any of a number of nature-based religions, traditions that find their roots all over the world. {Liana- sound familiar?} Many modern Pagans call themselves "Neo-Pagans" to declare their religion as a revival of the old beliefs. {more deletia... in summary, two paragraphs comparing contemporary Pagans to the peasants of old, extolling our intelligence and involvement in technology. Also a paragraph defusing the Satanism comparison.} What do Modern Pagans Believe? Paganism is actually a large umbrella containing a number of nature-based religions beneath it, from the European-originated Wicca and Druidism, to African Yoruba traditions and Hawaiian Huna. As a result of this diversity, it is impossible to make statements about the beliefs of Pagans that will apply to *all* {italics} Pagans. However, some statements can be made that will, in general, apply to a vast number of Pagans. Many Pagans tend to: * Be polytheists, believing in more than one deity or more than one aspect of a single deity. * Be pantheists, seeing the God/Goddess force represented in everything around them. * Recognize the divinity of the feminine as well as the masculine, not seeing masculinity as a superior force. (93 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

is the case, then what side are you on? Do you support the side of the Holy Roman<br />

Empire or the side of Heathen guerrillas? One of the heathen tribes that are Arthur's<br />

enemy is the Angles. They were a Germanic tribe who possibly took their name from the<br />

Germanic god-hero Ing. The rune Inguz, a rune of fertility and growth, represents the god<br />

Ang, Ing or Ingvi-Frey. Tacitus mentions the Angli as one of the tribes who worship the<br />

goddess Nerthus. Both Frey and Nerthus through her masculinized form Njord, are<br />

associated with the Vanir. The Vanir are the gods of the elves, crop fertility and love.<br />

Compare the Germanic Ing or Frey to the Irish Celtic love-god Anghas. Both Anghas and<br />

Frey suffer from sickness when they yearn for a woman they love. Anghas and Ing might<br />

share a common archetype demonstrating the similarities and exchange between Celtic<br />

and Germanic heathen beliefs. There are many other examples. Not all Anglo-Saxons<br />

came as warriors. In fact archaeological evidence does not show the burning and<br />

destruction normally associated with battle and razing. Instead there may have been more<br />

of an abandonment of Roman villas as they became increasingly run down. This created<br />

a void that was later filled by warriors and farmers migrating because of the population<br />

pressures on the continent. There is even evidence that Saxon and Briton settlements may<br />

have coexisted peacefully. Even after Arthur's death at the Battle of Badon, there were<br />

still alliances made between Christian British kings and Pagan Saxon kings in<br />

Northumbria. If Arthur does come reincarnate he is going to have a hard time sorting out<br />

the Britons from the others. Many of the Anglo-Saxons would have taken Celtic wives<br />

creating a genetic nightmare for the rightful king. Similarly the Welsh have mixed with<br />

Irish and Viking colonists. The Saxons lost control of Britain in 1066 C.E. so Arthur will<br />

have to face those of Norman and other European cultures as well. Then again what is<br />

Arthur's policy going to be toward multinational companies?<br />

England's Celtic neighbours remember the injustices done to them by the Old<br />

Anglo-Saxons but fail to acknowledge their own invasions and the population flow<br />

westward from the continent toward the British Isles. England is not made up of Saxons<br />

or Sassenach, anymore than it is Norman, Dane or Celtic. The Industrialised North of<br />

England has suffered the same treatment as other unfortunate victims of the Southern<br />

dominated Empire. Although there is a history of violence in some areas, people should<br />

realise there is a longer history of an alliance between Gael, Pict and Saxon against the<br />

outside forces of the Rome and Christianity. This sort of cultural imperialism should be<br />

resisted, as it is the common enemy against free thought and reason. The political forces<br />

of Rome are still with us today, they have just taken different forms and are no longer<br />

limited to one culture.<br />

(19 Reads) comments?<br />

General information: What is Paganism?<br />

Posted by: Mysteron on Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 05:55 PM<br /> (92 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

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