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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path It is done. Repeat this ritual often, until the goal has been achieved. Once you are comfortable with all this information and have practiced enough that you are confident with it, you can move on to Elemental Magic II. Elemental Magic: Elemental Magic II Elemental Magic II will cover some more advanced techniques to be used during elemental magic. Please be sure you have read Elemental Magic I first so that you have the foundation in place to learn these advanced techniques. Having learned the basics and experimented with them, you should no longer need any physical tools for working with the elements, so I will not cover having the element physically present. At this point, you should be ready to use no tools but your own mind. The first part of the advanced techniques is to learn to moderate the amount of energy you use. You can specifically decide how much or how little energy you wish to send out, which will bring you more exact results. There are many methods to do this, but this is the one I consider easiest. Once you have reached the step of visualizing yourself as being made out of the element (see Elemental Magic I), place your hands in front of your chest with all the fingers touching eachother (thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger, pinky to pinky, etc.) Now visualize a ball of light forming within your hands. This ball of light will be in the correct color of the elemental energy you are using: Earth: Green Air: Yellow Fire: Red Water: Blue Now, depending on how much energy you will need to use for your ritual, imagine the ball of light growing or shrinking. When you sense that the energy is in the right quantity, use your affirmation and release the energy towards its goal as described in the previous lesson. If you do not want to release the energy, but rather want to energize yourself with it, just inhale to bring the energy into your body. Another valuable use for the above technique is to charge an amulet, charm, or talisman with the appropriate type of energy. For instance, if you needed a charm that would give you strength, you could use the above method to gather earth energy and then when you release it using your hands, send it directly into the charm. Then your talisman, amulet, or charm would be charged with magical energy which you could carry with you wherever you went, or which you could give to a friend as a present. A simple piece of jewelry could be charged with healing elemental energy, for instance, and then given to a relative who is ill. Good luck with all your magical workings! (74 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path (34 Reads) comments? General information: Why Magick Posted by: Nyxks on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 12:45 AM by: Phil Hansford The ability to think seems to set us apart from other creatures. And although we are concerned with living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The fact is we are thinking all the time. We plan, we brood, we get depressed or elated - all of it is thought. But the universe is mental too, and if we could control our thinking we would see magnificent results in the everyday world. Many systems have been developed over the ages to help us control our thoughts. A great amount of dogma too has been kicked around in an attempt to make us into better people. Magick (the occult kind, spelled with a 'k') is one of the oldest and most general of these systems. Magick is the study and application of psychic forces. It uses mental training, concentration, and a system of symbols to program the mind. The purpose of magick is to alter the self and the environment according to the will. Most of the magick we see today comes to us from ancient Egypt and Chaldea. The Chinese, Hindus, and Tibetans developed their own unique types of magick. Western magick was locked up by the Egyptian priests for thousands of years and then suppressed by the rise of Christianity. It was not until medieval Europe that magical knowledge was rediscovered by the alchemists and Cabalists. Only during the past hundred years or so has western culture been open minded enough to permit widespread investigation of the subject. Only since the start of the twentieth century has science shown much interest in it al all. Parapsychology And Psychic Phenomena Through parapsychology, we are gaining insights into the hidden nature of man. Parapsychology is a branch of psychology which studies psychic phenomena. It remains something of a frontier, even today. Perhaps one reason for this is that psychic phenomena are somewhat inconsistent. Nevertheless, there is strong evidence from numerous cases and experiments in support of psychic phenomena. Somehow, under the right conditions, the mind can directly affect the environment. We may theorize that the human mind and body broadcasts a kind of psychic energy or force, much like a radio station. Kirlian photography, temperature effects, cloud chamber tests, and other experiments tend to support this theory. Although the exact nature of this psychic force is subtle and unknown, it is undoubtedly the energy behind all psychic phenomena and magick. However, it is *not* a radio wave, since it behaves somewhat differently. The psychic force is too weak to be measured directly (at least so far as we know). Everyone has some psychic ability. There are numerous types of psychic phenomena. Parapsychology separates them into two groups: ESP and PK... Examples Of ESP ESP, the abbreviation for extra sensory perception, means the reception of information through paranormal means (i.e. not regular physical senses of sight, sound, touch, smell, (75 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

It is done. Repeat this ritual often, until the goal has been achieved.<br />

Once you are comfortable with all this information and have practiced enough that you<br />

are confident with it, you can move on to Elemental Magic II.<br />

Elemental Magic: Elemental Magic II<br />

Elemental Magic II will cover some more advanced techniques to be used during<br />

elemental magic. Please be sure you have read Elemental Magic I first so that you have<br />

the foundation in place to learn these advanced techniques.<br />

Having learned the basics and experimented with them, you should no longer need any<br />

physical tools for working with the elements, so I will not cover having the element<br />

physically present. At this point, you should be ready to use no tools but your own mind.<br />

The first part of the advanced techniques is to learn to moderate the amount of energy<br />

you use. You can specifically decide how much or how little energy you wish to send<br />

out, which will bring you more exact results. There are many methods to do this, but this<br />

is the one I consider easiest.<br />

Once you have reached the step of visualizing yourself as being made out of the element<br />

(see Elemental Magic I), place your hands in front of your chest with all the fingers<br />

touching eachother (thumb to thumb, index finger to index finger, pinky to pinky, etc.)<br />

Now visualize a ball of light forming within your hands. This ball of light will be in the<br />

correct color of the elemental energy you are using:<br />

Earth: Green<br />

Air: Yellow<br />

Fire: Red<br />

Water: Blue<br />

Now, depending on how much energy you will need to use for your ritual, imagine the<br />

ball of light growing or shrinking. When you sense that the energy is in the right<br />

quantity, use your affirmation and release the energy towards its goal as described in the<br />

previous lesson. If you do not want to release the energy, but rather want to energize<br />

yourself with it, just inhale to bring the energy into your body.<br />

Another valuable use for the above technique is to charge an amulet, charm, or talisman<br />

with the appropriate type of energy. For instance, if you needed a charm that would give<br />

you strength, you could use the above method to gather earth energy and then when you<br />

release it using your hands, send it directly into the charm. Then your talisman, amulet,<br />

or charm would be charged with magical energy which you could carry with you<br />

wherever you went, or which you could give to a friend as a present. A simple piece of<br />

jewelry could be charged with healing elemental energy, for instance, and then given to a<br />

relative who is ill.<br />

Good luck with all your magical workings!<br /> (74 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:43 AM]

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