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U.S. Court decisions:<br />

Some court decisions which have recognized Wicca are:<br />

An important ruling of a state Supreme Court was in Georgia: Roberts v.<br />

Ravenwood Church of Wicca, (249 Ga. 348) in 1982. It was similar to<br />

Dettmer v Landon, below.<br />

The District Court of Virginia declared in 1985 (Dettmer v Landon, 617 F Suup 592 [E.<br />

Dst. Va.]) that Wicca is "clearly a religion for First Amendment purposes....Members of<br />

the Church sincerely adhere to a fairly complex set of doctrines relating to the spiritual<br />

aspect of their lives, and in doing so they have 'ultimate concerns' in much the same way<br />

as followers of more accepted religions. Their ceremonies and leadership structure, their<br />

rather elaborate set of articulated doctrine, their belief in the concept of another world,<br />

and their broad concern for improving the quality of life for others gives them at least<br />

some facial similarity to other more widely recognized religions." 1 This was a landmark<br />

case.<br />

Judge J. Butzner of the Fourth Circuit Federal Appeals Court confirmed the Dettmer v<br />

Landon decision (799F 2nd 929) in 1986. He said: "We agree with the District Court that<br />

the doctrine taught by the Church of Wicca is a religion." Butzner J. 1986 Fourth Circuit.<br />

A case was brought in 1983 in the U.S. District Court in Michigan. The court found that<br />

3 employees of a prison had restricted an inmate in the performance of his Wiccan<br />

rituals. This "deprived him of his First Amendment right to freely exercise his religion<br />

and his Fourteenth Amendment right to equal protection of the laws."<br />

A case Wheeler v Condom was argued before a U.S. Postal Service Administrative Judge<br />

regarding who had the right to pick up mail addressed to The Church of Y Tylwyth Teg<br />

(a.k.a. Y Tylwyth Teg), and The Association of Cymmry Wicca and delivered to a<br />

Georgia post office box. The 1989 decision recognized both groups as valid religious<br />

organizations. 2 Many other cases are listed in the Welsh Witchcraft web site. 3<br />

Wicca has never been considered by the U.S. Supreme Court. However, that court once<br />

ruled on the Santeria religion. The case was: Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. and<br />

Ernesto Pichardo v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993). This case involved the legality<br />

of animal sacrifices which are not a practice of Wiccans. However, the ruling did<br />

recognize the rights of a religion which is very different from Christianity and many<br />

other organized religions in America. If the legality and status of Wicca were ever to be<br />

challenged in court, the Santeria ruling would likely be considered a precedent for the<br />

court to follow.<br />

Government recognition<br />

Wiccan and other Neopagan groups have been recognized by governments in the US and<br />

Canada and given tax exempt status. Wiccan priests and priestesses have been given<br />

access to penitentiaries in both countries, and the privilege of performing<br />

handfastings/marriages. On 2001-MAR-15, the list of religious preferences in the U.S.<br />

Air Force Personnel Data System (MilMod) was augmented to include: Dianic Wicca,<br />

Druidism, Gardnerian Wicca, Pagan, Seax Wicca, Shamanism, and Wicca. 4<br />

Some documents<br />

The Alternative Religions Educational Network (AREN) maintains a list of documents<br />

designed to help the Neopagan community fight for equal rights. 5 Included are:<br />

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