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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path in about a day's span, and it will be a recurring topic for about a week, even when the list-owner declares it too hot a topic to deal with. And trust me, this is a MILD example. I have had this happen to me personally, and despite clarification after clarification, restating the original premise, restating my position, they STILL take it incorrectly and in the worst possible way. What's all this mean when you put it together? Hopefully if you recognize yourself in these words, you can take steps to begin to correct these problems. Correcting them will eventually lead to your loss of "fluffbunny" status. People will actually start wanting to be around you when you approach and you will honestly have something to say. Who knows what may happen at that point. Other Resources: This is the section where I send you out to other articles/essays that are about Fluffy-Bunnyism. If you were offended by the above essay, you will want to read these resources to get a second opinion of your fluffy status. All these are important for diagnosing this condition. Am I Fluffy Why Wiccans Suck Wicca For the Rest of Us The Fluffy Test Update May 5, 2003: I never thought I would have to do this, but apparently there are some out there who are trying to "reclaim" the term "fluffbunny" from us "evil people who think that we should all walk around with hexes in our hands, ready to throw them." (This was a direct quote, BTW.) THE TERM FLUFFBUNNY IS AN INSULT YOU {too stupid to know when you are being insulted} FLUFFERS This is not a term to wear with pride, it is something to be ashamed of. It means that you are head-in-the-clouds that you can't see when someone is kicking your shins, or ridiculing you. As proved by the movement to "reclaim" this term. This has been a term of derision for a while now, it generated from the "oh so cutsie" bunnies that are sold every year at Easter, and then who are abandoned every year at 4th of July when they are not cute anymore, but no one has the guts to slaughter them for the pot. It came from the trend of little girls (and some fully grown girls) to collect all that is stuffed like the Unicorns, Dwaggons, horsies, teddy bears, kitties, dollies and anything that has plush inside it. I first heard this term while playing D&D, and it was in regards to those who were too stupid to come in out of the rain. Life is not lollypops and rainbows. Walk down an alley with those hundred dollar bills in your pocket and see if your "the Universe is a Friendly Place" philosophy will keep the muggers from eating you alive. I'll stand back here with my karate and gun and not walk down the alley in the first place. (34 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path I know many people who are "Sweetness 'n Light ©" people. They are wonderful people and they brighten up those around them. It's good to have them around to make one feel better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a sunny disposition or having a positive outlook on life. In fact, one of those with a sunny disposition was molested as a little girl, and still recovering, the other just recently went through a BAD domestic dispute and subsequent divorce. These experiences did not embitter them, it made their bright nature even brighter. This is wonderful and completely right. No, this essay is directed toward those individuals who have to ask permission from a list of strangers to do a spell to call the police on an abusive husband simply because it's a BAD thing to do, and it could come back and hurt them.... Take off the blinders and the rose-colored glasses! Wake up. Be realistic and understand that the Universe tends toward Chaos, not chocolate and lollypops. There are thousands of sayings that prove this to you, but sitting around and hoping that the perfect job/lover/friend/situation will drop in your lap will not bring them to you. The Universe is a Universe of Survival of the Fittest. If you don't drop the "innocent" act and wake up and get a little selfish, you will wind up sucking hind teat and probably never advance past the state you are in currently. There is a whole movement out there that is perfect for your philosophy, it's called New Age. Go join that. And if you won't wake up, join the New Agers, at least be courteous enough not to spread your disease among the next generations of Wiccans, Druids, Asatru and Magickians. Some of us are actually trying to protect ourselves and gain a few things from this world. AHA! I just came up with the perfect visual to show you all how you are acting. Think back to the movie of the Decade.... Labyrinth. I know you all saw it, so remember the movie. Take as long as you need. Okay, now that you have remembered the sweetness 'n light © of that movie, think back to when Sarah first meets Hoggle. What is he doing? Killing fairies. BAD Hoggle!!! But when Sarah picks one up and tries to make it well, because she's so beautiful and wonderful, she gets bitten for her trouble. Seems Hoggle knows several things that Sarah could stand to learn after all. You are Sarah, those who are non-fluffies around you are Hoggle. We actually understand that sometimes it's necessary to destroy the wonderful and beautiful because they are a danger. I tell you something, had Odysseus' ship been packed with fluffbunnies, Penelope would have married another man. As it is, I'm glad there was one non-fluffer on board to kill those sweet-sounding ladies. (For those of you who missed this referent, read some mythology, specifically, "The Odyssey" by Homer. In there, there are mermaids who delight in luring ships onto their rocks, destroying them and eating the drowned sailors. They did this by singing to them in a beautiful tone.) (71 Reads) comments? General information: What Is Dark Witchcraft? Posted by: Nyxks on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:42 PM (35 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

I know many people who are "Sweetness 'n Light ©" people. They are wonderful people<br />

and they brighten up those around them. It's good to have them around to make one feel<br />

better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a sunny disposition or having a<br />

positive outlook on life. In fact, one of those with a sunny disposition was molested as a<br />

little girl, and still recovering, the other just recently went through a BAD domestic<br />

dispute and subsequent divorce. These experiences did not embitter them, it made their<br />

bright nature even brighter. This is wonderful and completely right.<br />

No, this essay is directed toward those individuals who have to ask permission from a list<br />

of strangers to do a spell to call the police on an abusive husband simply because it's a<br />

BAD thing to do, and it could come back and hurt them....<br />

Take off the blinders and the rose-colored glasses! Wake up. Be realistic and understand<br />

that the Universe tends toward Chaos, not chocolate and lollypops. There are thousands<br />

of sayings that prove this to you, but sitting around and hoping that the perfect<br />

job/lover/friend/situation will drop in your lap will not bring them to you. The Universe<br />

is a Universe of Survival of the Fittest. If you don't drop the "innocent" act and wake up<br />

and get a little selfish, you will wind up sucking hind teat and probably never advance<br />

past the state you are in currently.<br />

There is a whole movement out there that is perfect for your philosophy, it's called New<br />

Age. Go join that. And if you won't wake up, join the New Agers, at least be courteous<br />

enough not to spread your disease among the next generations of Wiccans, Druids,<br />

Asatru and Magickians. Some of us are actually trying to protect ourselves and gain a<br />

few things from this world.<br />

AHA! I just came up with the perfect visual to show you all how you are acting. Think<br />

back to the movie of the Decade.... Labyrinth. I know you all saw it, so remember the<br />

movie. Take as long as you need. Okay, now that you have remembered the sweetness 'n<br />

light © of that movie, think back to when Sarah first meets Hoggle. What is he doing?<br />

Killing fairies. BAD Hoggle!!! But when Sarah picks one up and tries to make it well,<br />

because she's so beautiful and wonderful, she gets bitten for her trouble. Seems Hoggle<br />

knows several things that Sarah could stand to learn after all. You are Sarah, those who<br />

are non-fluffies around you are Hoggle. We actually understand that sometimes it's<br />

necessary to destroy the wonderful and beautiful because they are a danger.<br />

I tell you something, had Odysseus' ship been packed with fluffbunnies, Penelope would<br />

have married another man. As it is, I'm glad there was one non-fluffer on board to kill<br />

those sweet-sounding ladies. (For those of you who missed this referent, read some<br />

mythology, specifically, "The Odyssey" by Homer. In there, there are mermaids who<br />

delight in luring ships onto their rocks, destroying them and eating the drowned sailors.<br />

They did this by singing to them in a beautiful tone.)<br />

(71 Reads) comments?<br />

General information: What Is Dark Witchcraft?<br />

Posted by: Nyxks on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:42 PM<br /> (35 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

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