Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path and pretty soon you are in over your head. Want to know a secret? No one is going to look down on you if you say "no". No one is going to assume you are a bad person if you don't put the incense on the altar because you are afraid of fire. No one is going to look at you with distain because you can't play a note of your guitar despite 5 years of lessons, and if they do, who needs them? I'm afraid of clowns, terribly afraid of them, so don't ask me to participate in the local Pagan Carnival, because I will probably snap and beat a few clowns up. Does this make me less of a Priest? No. It means that I'm mature enough to accept that I can't stand clowns and that I don't want to be associated with them at all. My wife is afraid of balloons, so both of us working at one of these carnivals is REALLY a bad idea. But if I were not honest with myself and those in the community, if I were fluffy, I would keep this a secret and not reveal it to anyone, with possibly disastrous results. All because I don't want to be seen as weak. It's not that important. It makes me human. I have a flaw, so we deal with it, move on and work around it. I'm a person, not a saint or a paragon. Be honest with yourself and others and don't try to take on things you are not suited to. (The following two pieces were suggested by Chris Cottrell on a.r.w.m. Many thanks to him.) 9) Wonderland syndrome Wicca is nice, Wicca is kind, all elements that may be considered "dark" like death, cycles of nature, decomposition, dolphins raping females, whales beaching themselves deliberately because they are suicidal and on and on and on. Part of this syndrome is that if anyone does anything that could be considered "dark", such as casting a spell to give what someone has coming to them, they are IMMEDIATELY considered a "Left Handed Pather" and are thus beyond contempt. It doesn't matter that Silver RavenWolf herself practices Dutch Hexamastery, that Buckland says that hexes are sometimes good things, or that most HP/Ss in practicing covens say "can't hex, can't heal" and advise everyone to be familiar with ALL aspects of Magick, oh no, that is entirely ignored. Added to that, Unicorns, Dragons and Fairies are routinely put into the practice and spirituality of one who is a true fluffbunny. Yes, each of these creatures can be benevolent and kind, but Unicorns have a limit to their patience and sometimes will gore you just to get rid of you. Dragons consider most humans no better than lice and the Fairies of pre-Victorian practice stole babies out of their cribs because they could, leaving a "changeling" that would sicken and die within weeks. Cats were reputed to steal the breath of children while they slept, leading to SIDS, Brownies would wreck a house where proper "tribute" was not left on the doorstep, and gnomes in the garden demanded fresh milk daily or they would keep the plants stunted, starving the owners of the garden. Then there are the truly evil fairies, like the Red Caps, who dipped their hats in fresh human blood to make them red and to gain power, incidentally killing the person in question. Most fluffies exhibiting the Wonderland Syndrome feel blood sacrifice is one of the (30 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path worst things from the "dark side of Wicca" that one could mention. It is irrelevant that menstrual blood is a critical component for things like "Witches' Bottles" and so on, or that blood appears in various forms in spells from the Middle Ages, or that there are many good articles out there dealing with modern Blood Sacrifice (by going to donate blood), or that they are in the middle of ritual and feel an overwhelming urge to cut their hand with their athame, oh no, that is BAD and of the Dark Powers (never specifying just WHICH dark powers). See, Wicca is of light and love and life and lollypops and fluff and cotton candy.... They completely ignore that the Moon has a Dark Phase too. 10) Lack of effective practice. Gods help them if they actually cast a spell that WORKS. They will totally freak out, every time. Fluffy sits down and does a spell to bring money into their life. Suddenly they get an unlooked-for bonus at work, which precisely covers their needs. There are one of several things that usually happen to the Fluff bunny at this point. a) They go into Wizard mode, and everything requires a spell. Their Magick WORKS, by the Goddess, and so they need Magick for EVERY problem and situation they come upon. Therefore, to get a promotion or a new house or gain money for the bills, all they need to do is cast a spell. They feel that because they deserve whatever and that they did the spell, that it will fall into their laps, even if they can't articulate that this is how they feel. And because they did the spell, they don't have to do any more work to make their desire come to pass. After all, they did the spell, right? Please note, this is USUALLY only a problem with the very young fluffies, although it can(and does) occur in any age group. b) They go into fear-factor mode. Magick WORKS.... Therefore, all those evil people out there, the LHPers, they can do Magick and harm them and they can't do anything because they can't harm others because of the rede and their priestess said that they couldn't because..... Suddenly life turns serious and ANYONE can be a magickal master out to get them. They are constantly being attacked by these enemies, and therefore that must be PROOF of how special they are, since the powers of darkness want to keep them down (and not so incidentally playing up to the Victim Attitude and making them feel even more special). c) Gunslinger syndrome. "I'm so powerful and good that everyone is out to get me and prove how powerful they are, but they are never as powerful as me...." Come on, you have met these people before. They are the ones who are always shielding others because they are under constant psychic attack or their spells are so wonderful that it draws all kinds of evil creatures to them.... These people are the perpetual martyr. Now, what do these people have in common? Usually their lives are a complete shambles and they can't magick their way into a headache, much less anything else. These are the ones who have no significant other, despite the tons of love spells they cast, they are the ones who go around and tell everyone else how weak their shields are and how to fix them, despite being in a sacred place that has generations of protections on it (the magickal equivalent of a nuclear blast shelter) which they can't sense if their lives depended on it, or they complain and moan about how everything that is wrong in their life is due entirely to spells and attacks from those who are jealous of their power. Every problem has a supernatural explanation and they do rituals for the littlest things, probably (31 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

and pretty soon you are in over your head.<br />

Want to know a secret? No one is going to look down on you if you say "no". No one is<br />

going to assume you are a bad person if you don't put the incense on the altar because<br />

you are afraid of fire. No one is going to look at you with distain because you can't play a<br />

note of your guitar despite 5 years of lessons, and if they do, who needs them? I'm afraid<br />

of clowns, terribly afraid of them, so don't ask me to participate in the local Pagan<br />

Carnival, because I will probably snap and beat a few clowns up.<br />

Does this make me less of a Priest? No. It means that I'm mature enough to accept that I<br />

can't stand clowns and that I don't want to be associated with them at all. My wife is<br />

afraid of balloons, so both of us working at one of these carnivals is REALLY a bad idea.<br />

But if I were not honest with myself and those in the community, if I were fluffy, I would<br />

keep this a secret and not reveal it to anyone, with possibly disastrous results. All<br />

because I don't want to be seen as weak.<br />

It's not that important. It makes me human. I have a flaw, so we deal with it, move on<br />

and work around it. I'm a person, not a saint or a paragon. Be honest with yourself and<br />

others and don't try to take on things you are not suited to.<br />

(The following two pieces were suggested by Chris Cottrell on a.r.w.m. Many thanks to<br />

him.)<br />

9) Wonderland syndrome<br />

Wicca is nice, Wicca is kind, all elements that may be considered "dark" like death,<br />

cycles of nature, decomposition, dolphins raping females, whales beaching themselves<br />

deliberately because they are suicidal and on and on and on. Part of this syndrome is that<br />

if anyone does anything that could be considered "dark", such as casting a spell to give<br />

what someone has coming to them, they are IMMEDIATELY considered a "Left Handed<br />

Pather" and are thus beyond contempt. It doesn't matter that Silver RavenWolf herself<br />

practices Dutch Hexamastery, that Buckland says that hexes are sometimes good things,<br />

or that most HP/Ss in practicing covens say "can't hex, can't heal" and advise everyone to<br />

be familiar with ALL aspects of Magick, oh no, that is entirely ignored.<br />

Added to that, Unicorns, Dragons and Fairies are routinely put into the practice and<br />

spirituality of one who is a true fluffbunny. Yes, each of these creatures can be<br />

benevolent and kind, but Unicorns have a limit to their patience and sometimes will gore<br />

you just to get rid of you. Dragons consider most humans no better than lice and the<br />

Fairies of pre-Victorian practice stole babies out of their cribs because they could,<br />

leaving a "changeling" that would sicken and die within weeks. Cats were reputed to<br />

steal the breath of children while they slept, leading to SIDS, Brownies would wreck a<br />

house where proper "tribute" was not left on the doorstep, and gnomes in the garden<br />

demanded fresh milk daily or they would keep the plants stunted, starving the owners of<br />

the garden.<br />

Then there are the truly evil fairies, like the Red Caps, who dipped their hats in fresh<br />

human blood to make them red and to gain power, incidentally killing the person in<br />

question.<br />

Most fluffies exhibiting the Wonderland Syndrome feel blood sacrifice is one of the<br /> (30 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

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