Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path word sums it up, laziness. She simply did not want to do the 10 minutes of work associated with this to find out the answer to her question. So, this needs to stop, along with not wanting to question "facts" especially when they are highly subjective facts. Also, don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that the whole Inquisition and other witch frenzies was not a tradgedy, it was. It was a horrible terror that should not have been stood for by the local people ( "They Came For Me" ) and should have been stopped if only out of enligntened self-interest. No, what I'm saying is that it's high time Wiccans stop trying to be the most persecuted group in history. It's almost like modern Wiccans are so insecure with their own belief that they have to have the most "ancestors" killed to feel special. Why can't they feel special because of their religion? Know what? ALL my ancestors died, every one of them, a 100% mortality rate. But you don't see me crying about how persecuted I am by time, do you? Stop inventing things to be martyrs for, there is more than enough serious problems to make you feel special. 5) Reality checks bouncing. So, you think your HPS of this group is a 40th level Werewolf who if she bites someone will turn them into a werewolf, and you can't wait for it to be your turn to be bitten? You need a serious mental checkup. Let's look at a few facts: While it is true that legends of the Wolfman and Vampires appear in mythology, there is no evidence they actually exist. Porphyria, iron deficiency anemia, near death experiences, and some sick bastards are all sufficient to explain why someone who goes out only at night and drinks blood from raw or rare steaks. The rest can be explained as self-delusion. Kids with genetic deficiencies that make them grow all kinds of body hair ( Wolfman and Gendis ) are to be pitied, not emulated. But in the past, others could have had this rare genetic problem, and when superstition was rampant instead of scientific investigation, wolfman stories were probably invented to explain the "freaks". At which point, it was simply easier to go with the flow and become what everyone was saying they were. The stories and eyewitness accounts enter the public record and we have myths of someone with excessive body hair eating chickens by the moonlight. Personally, if I were living in the 1400's, had a genetic disorder that made my entire body sprout hair and keep growing it everywhere, I had been made fun of all my life because of this, I was considered a freak, I would be in hiding, only coming out at night, eating whatever food I could steal from farmhouses (most probably chickens) and attacking people I hated. Crud, my life is already in the toilet, why not add murder to it and get revenge on the people who have been tormenting me all my life? The point here is that this was NOT romantic, it was NOT good, it was NOT a fun thing, it was a horrendous existence. If you have spent any time in school and had to deal with the herd mentality of the average 10 year old schoolchildren, you know how cruel they can be to those who are different. And they know about Porphyria, or they can be educated about it. How many movies have been made where the deaf person is abused and beat simply because they can't hear; because they are different from everyone else? And THIS is the kind of existance you want to live? (26 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path And this is what you want? You want to be a werewolf? You think it's glamorous? How many of those myths have the werewolf going insane and killing and killing until they are killed by the "normal" population? How many vampires do the humans hunt down once they are discovered? How about this? Remember back in the 1968 when that teacher divided the class into the brown eyed students and the blue eyed students, and told the blue eyed students they were worthless, to prove that Racism is taught? (Reference) Those kids were vicious to each other, mean, cruel, hateful and that kind of behavior would NEVER be tolerated in most schools now, but it still goes on now, with bullies and hatred. And you want this to happen to you? Are you out of your mind? "Oh," I hear you say, "that won't happen to ME!" So why in the name of all that is holy are you going around bragging about being one? Going onto lists and saying "I'm a Toreador and a Vampire! Boy White Wolf Games got my clan right on!" Do you have to be SO SUPER special that you can't just be a Wiccan/Pagan? That's not enough for you? You have to be some sort of elite group within Wicca to make yourself feel special? Let me clue you in for a moment: Even when you identify yourself as a Witch/Druid/Vampire who can go out in the Sunlight and not die, you still won't feel special. You'll still have to look around and find more things to identify with to make yourself feel good. All you will find is that most people will want to be FAR away from you, and those that DO want to be around you will only want to be there to feed your delusion that you are a vampire. There is nothing wrong with taking a piece of truth you find in a game or in a myth and adding that to your spirituality. There are many who think Loki is Chaotic Neutral, and that use the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (tm) alignment scale to rate people. Does that mean they thing that Paladins exist here and now, and that the planes are labeled as AD&D says they are? Probably not. It's that the symbol of the alignment made sense to them, and they use it to represent how this person strikes them in a soul state. It's an attempt to quantify with words something that is beyond description, nothing more. So, if you are a fan of White Wolf, more power to you, you will find a lot of people who will be more than willing to talk to you endlessly about the games they had in the past. They will talk to you about how the energies of the Moon feel different during a Waxing Gibbous Moon than they do during the New Blood Moon. But when you call yourself a Wererider, expect to become persona non-gratta fairly fast. Wake up and smell reality. Or as I heard in one game when someone was getting too into their character "Get real, this is fantasy!" 6) "I am a Priest(ess) of the God(dess)! I know everything!!!" This is one of those statements that make people cringe, the real practitioners that is. Just because you have done some reading does not mean you know everything. It does not even mean that you know everything on a given subject; there is always more to learn. Let's take ONE area that the fluffies love to say they know everything on, the Runes. First question: Which Runes? Elder Futhark? Younger Futhark? Anglo-Saxon? (27 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

word sums it up, laziness. She simply did not want to do the 10 minutes of work<br />

associated with this to find out the answer to her question.<br />

So, this needs to stop, along with not wanting to question "facts" especially when they<br />

are highly subjective facts.<br />

Also, don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that the whole Inquisition and other witch<br />

frenzies was not a tradgedy, it was. It was a horrible terror that should not have been<br />

stood for by the local people ( "They Came For Me" ) and should have been stopped if<br />

only out of enligntened self-interest. No, what I'm saying is that it's high time Wiccans<br />

stop trying to be the most persecuted group in history. It's almost like modern Wiccans<br />

are so insecure with their own belief that they have to have the most "ancestors" killed to<br />

feel special. Why can't they feel special because of their religion? Know what? ALL my<br />

ancestors died, every one of them, a 100% mortality rate. But you don't see me crying<br />

about how persecuted I am by time, do you? Stop inventing things to be martyrs for,<br />

there is more than enough serious problems to make you feel special.<br />

5) Reality checks bouncing.<br />

So, you think your HPS of this group is a 40th level Werewolf who if she bites someone<br />

will turn them into a werewolf, and you can't wait for it to be your turn to be bitten? You<br />

need a serious mental checkup.<br />

Let's look at a few facts:<br />

While it is true that legends of the Wolfman and Vampires appear in mythology, there is<br />

no evidence they actually exist. Porphyria, iron deficiency anemia, near death<br />

experiences, and some sick bastards are all sufficient to explain why someone who goes<br />

out only at night and drinks blood from raw or rare steaks. The rest can be explained as<br />

self-delusion. Kids with genetic deficiencies that make them grow all kinds of body hair (<br />

Wolfman and Gendis ) are to be pitied, not emulated. But in the past, others could have<br />

had this rare genetic problem, and when superstition was rampant instead of scientific<br />

investigation, wolfman stories were probably invented to explain the "freaks".<br />

At which point, it was simply easier to go with the flow and become what everyone was<br />

saying they were. The stories and eyewitness accounts enter the public record and we<br />

have myths of someone with excessive body hair eating chickens by the moonlight.<br />

Personally, if I were living in the 1400's, had a genetic disorder that made my entire body<br />

sprout hair and keep growing it everywhere, I had been made fun of all my life because<br />

of this, I was considered a freak, I would be in hiding, only coming out at night, eating<br />

whatever food I could steal from farmhouses (most probably chickens) and attacking<br />

people I hated. Crud, my life is already in the toilet, why not add murder to it and get<br />

revenge on the people who have been tormenting me all my life?<br />

The point here is that this was NOT romantic, it was NOT good, it was NOT a fun thing,<br />

it was a horrendous existence. If you have spent any time in school and had to deal with<br />

the herd mentality of the average 10 year old schoolchildren, you know how cruel they<br />

can be to those who are different. And they know about Porphyria, or they can be<br />

educated about it. How many movies have been made where the deaf person is abused<br />

and beat simply because they can't hear; because they are different from everyone else?<br />

And THIS is the kind of existance you want to live?<br /> (26 of 236) [12/25/2005 12:17:42 AM]

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