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Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #112 :: PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

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RECIPE - Apricot Caramel Sauce<br />

Can be prepared in 45 minutes or less.<br />

1 cup sugar<br />

4 cups water<br />

1 cup firmly packed dried apricots (about 6 ounces)<br />

2 teaspoons vanilla<br />

In a dry heavy saucepan (about 3-quart capacity) cook sugar over moderate heat, stirring with a fork<br />

until melted and then swirling pan, until sugar is a golden caramel. Remove pan from heat and carefully<br />

add 3 cups water down side of pan (it will bubble up and steam). Return pan to heat and simmer,<br />

stirring, until caramel is dissolved.<br />

Add apricots and simmer, covered, until soft, about 10 minutes. Cool mixture 10 minutes and in a<br />

blender purée with remaining 1 cup water and vanilla until very smooth. Sauce may be made 3 days<br />

ahead and chilled, covered. Reheat sauce to warm.<br />

Makes about 5 cups.<br />

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BOOK REVIEW: Spirit of the Witch<br />

by Raven Grimassi © 2003<br />

Llewellyn Worldwide<br />

214 pages + Notes, Appendices, Glossary, Bibliography and Index<br />

paperback<br />

ISBN 0-7387-0338-9<br />

$12.95 (U.S.)<br />

Reviewed by: Mike Gleason<br />

While there is no question that the author is knowledgeable about his own particular branch of Wicca<br />

(Stregheria), this very knowledge presents a problem. Because of his knowledge and background, and<br />

because (I suspect) of the length of time he has spent teaching, he slips into the habit of making<br />

pronouncements (i.e., "The pentacle platter is made of stone or clay." (page 109). While this may be<br />

true in his branch of Wicca, it doesn't hold true for all branches.<br />

Granted, in the next paragraph he does acknowledge that some Witches do use metal (of which he<br />

appears tolerant) or even wood (of which he appears less tolerant).<br />

I truly like and appreciate Raven's style of writing. It is, in most cases, clear and unambiguous. It is too<br />

bad that Wicca is not so clean cut and obvious. He acknowledges that trying to organize Witches is like<br />

trying to herd cats. Witches are entirely too independent and contrary to be easily pigeon-holed.<br />

The author does his best to present a variety of points-of-view, in contrast to many other authors today,<br />

in spite of his own bias in favor of his own particular branch of Wicca. Unfortunately, there are pluses<br />

and minuses to this approach, and he will draw criticism from both sides of the debate. Those who<br />

follow Strega will complain that he compromises their beliefs, and those who follow other traditions<br />

will complain that he doesn't fully understand their tradition.<br />

This book accomplishes what it sets out to do, which is to provide an overview of the spirituality which<br />

is inherent in the religion of Wicca. It is not the be-all and end-all on the topic. It is a starting point.<br />

The rituals he provides will certainly give you a starting point. They are not complex, nor are they<br />

drawn from any particular tradition. They are simple and moving and, most importantly, effective in<br />

beginning a lifetime's experience in relating to the Wheel of the Year.<br />

This is one of the first books I have seen which is devoted to the spirituality of Wicca and not just the<br />

forms. If this is what you want to know about, this book is an excellent starting point. I would hope to<br />

see more books on the same topic, by many other authors. The more points of view the populace can be<br />

exposed to, the more comfortable people will be in finding their own spirituality.<br />

http://www.pathwalkers.net/interactive/modules.ph...&file=article&sid=451&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 (6 of 7) [12/25/2005 12:12:16 AM]

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