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Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #113 :: PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path enough to conduct a ritual on your own, that you know the meaning of the various seasonal observances, and that you have absorbed enough general knowledge of the Craft to go on in your studies without having to ask basic questions. It also means that you have made some sort of commitment to the Goddess and Her ways, either working alone or in a coven. When you receive your White Cord, your measure is taken, and knots are tied in the Cord to denote this fact. This means that you are known, height and breadth and depth, by the Goddess; there is no fooling Her or shucking or sliding away from the responsibilities She has laid upon you in this life. It also means that your co-coveners have taken your measure, and are willing to accept you into the fellowship in perfect love and perfect trust. This bond, which is also symbolized by the Cord, is in some ways closer than a marriage. It takes continual work and care and maintenance. The Cord is also a tool of binding: you are bound by your oath of faithfulness to the Lady and to the coven; you are bound by the discipline which only you can set upon yourself to study hard and to practice assiduously; and you are bound to follow the leadings She gives you. After a year and a day as White Cord, you become eligible for consideration as a candidate for Red Cord (second degree). The second cord is red to stand for the Mother aspect of the Goddess, and the attributes of a second-degree Witch are not unlike those of the Mother: nurturing, teaching, organizing, taking care of a coven as High Priest/ess. Some people never attain the Red Cord, but this is no shame: it is not for everyone. While wearing the Red Cord, a Witch has many responsibilities outside her/himself. Teaching and healing, counseling and organizing, are all things which take a great deal of time and energy--sometimes it seems as though the Red Cord is colored so by the wearer's lifeblood. And after a time of wearing the Red Cord may come the time of moving onward to the next stage, the third degree. In other traditions, third-degree Witches wear not a cord but a garter. However, in our tradition, the next step onward (not necessarily upward--on occasion this might be a lateral move) is the Black Cord, black to signify the Crone, the repository of Wisdom. Since there have been (up until now) no Black Cord Witches, there is nobody to grant this cord to the aspirant. Thus it is necessary for the would-be Black Cord to ask the entire coven to call the Goddess into her/him. This completes the circle of energy and signifies that any hierarchical structure used in the coven is there for convenience' sake alone. Once you have been accepted as Priestess and Witch you need bow the knee to nobody. Hopefully, however, you will have the good sense to recognize talent and ability when you see it in another and not let yourself get ego involved in power politics. For a Black Cord Witch the path is away from self-aggrandizement and power and toward that portion of starry wisdom which the Goddess holds out as a gift and a prize at the end of each particular path. Nobody is ever "entitled" to a Cord: a Cord is an indication of commitment to a path of work begun. Whether White, Red, or Black, it is a symbol of the unfinished, of the steps each has to take to reach perfect love and perfect trust. Blessed Be! ========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for December 19th to 25th 2005 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to say the right thing at the right time. Your night vision is unusually sharp and your personal magic will spread outward into exciting directions. Find a kindred spirit with whom you can share yourself. In your gentleness you can be so overpowering that you need to find your own niche. Try not to make promises of your time. Turn your imagination outward instead of allowing it to tie you in knots. There's still time to regroup and start over again. You'll feel more at ease if you adopt a more sensible approach. Your life may seem unsettled by someone else's inability to decide. Attend to their needs by providing them with the information they need to decide. Your opinion of someone will improve greatly after you've seen another side of their character. Trust is a key ingredient in the recipe for friendship. Taking someone by the hand is your instinctive impulse and those following your lead will find true contentment. Stay open to a world that promises new adventures. TAURUS (8 of 18) [12/25/2005 12:11:37 AM]

Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #113 :: PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to set down roots and enjoy your blessings. You can look forward to a holiday of enlightenment. Everyone wants to draw from a well that never runs dry. During this time of giving, you've already started receiving your share of joy. You've received many different greetings from your past. Feelings of belonging will be sparked in a real special way. You'll feel an excitement that'll help you to gain more confidence. Nobody will be able to bring you down. Your good mood will be very contagious. Everybody will indulge in your merriment. If anyone wants to be miserable,they should stay far,far away from you. Your influence will provide a brilliant shine to whatever you do. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to multi task your responsibilities. Bargains and inspirations will be yours for the taking. Just make sure you have the patience to wait your turn. Many may have difficulty dealing with the schedule you have, this week. However, a friend will make a tempting offer that will help you bear your heavy load. Your ability to make others feel secure will enable you to gain more confidence in yourself. Friendship is something that you offer freely and this week you'll be able to feel the warmth of its strength. Grab onto and use what is obviously a gift to help others deal with their emotions. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to admit when you're wrong and to forgive others for their misgivings. It's a tall gesture but you'll realize that you need to look at things from a different perspective. Domestic issues have been driving everybody crazy lately. You know,if you concede a few things,you'll win in the end. Others are stubborn, so you need to act first. The reaction you receive will more than make up for the childish games that you have been playing. An emotional change will attract a more logical response. What you do now will prepare you for what's to come. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to deal with the stress in your life. Love is the strongest emotion of all. You have to remember that loved ones want you to share in their happiness, not feel confined or held back. Sometimes the world gets so busy that you feel like you can't hear yourself thinking. You need to take a walk to meditate with your thoughts and feelings. Once you feel more relaxed, you'll be able to get on with your plans. Express your ideas and take a stand on your plans for the new year. You'll be surprised how everyone agrees to help you. You'll finally get to have your turn to lead. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to be patient with those who move too slowly for your liking. You have to start to look at it a little more from their perspective. No need for pity, however communication is important. Think your way through the obstacle. The facts will speak for themselves. By avoiding issues now, you only set up bigger confrontations later. You can be agreeable without agreeing to everything requested. You want people to believe you as well as understand you. Let the tone of voice and your facial expressions take the place of a complex vocabulary. You can welcome a dramatic encounter, as long as you know the air will be cleared. Your sparkle will return and you'll be able to get on with holiday celebrations. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to resolve differences without giving in too much. Aggressors leave you alone,or actually break down and confide in you. You'll have obvious choices and need to make sound decisions. Everyone else wants what you want,a successfull project. People in charge don't like to hear that they've made the wrong decision. If it's your job to break the news,think carefully,before you let out secret information. One slip could undo a great deal of preparation. Consider going into a diplomatic career path. You're quick,clever and able to sell anything,even a philosophy. Meaningful dialogue will unite seekers who take the same path in life. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to balance your time and energy. Different approaches will make for a better overall strategy. The terms normal or average are only tools used by statisticians, not in real life. Your mission is to inspire friends about all that they can be. Your motivation will come from deep inside of you. You energy level may indeed wear others out. Work and play will merge into a powerful existance. You know that others don't always see things the way you do. You need to recognize that someone else's way isn't always wrong. Bring your smile and your sense of humour wherever you go. Friendships will sprout from something that you connected with earlier in the week. Expect to form a long-lasting friendship by the end of this week. Romance may well blossom from this friendship. Fate unites people who would otherwise have never met. Now that you're ready to grow,life will happily provide you with the perfect growing conditions. (9 of 18) [12/25/2005 12:11:37 AM]

Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #113 :: PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to set down roots and enjoy your blessings. You can<br />

look forward to a holiday of enlightenment. Everyone wants to draw from a well that never runs dry.<br />

During this time of giving, you've already started receiving your share of joy. You've received many<br />

different greetings from your past. Feelings of belonging will be sparked in a real special way. You'll<br />

feel an excitement that'll help you to gain more confidence. Nobody will be able to bring you down.<br />

Your good mood will be very contagious. Everybody will indulge in your merriment. If anyone wants<br />

to be miserable,they should stay far,far away from you. Your influence will provide a brilliant shine to<br />

whatever you do.<br />

GEMINI<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to multi task your responsibilities. Bargains and<br />

inspirations will be yours for the taking. Just make sure you have the patience to wait your turn. Many<br />

may have difficulty dealing with the schedule you have, this week. However, a friend will make a<br />

tempting offer that will help you bear your heavy load. Your ability to make others feel secure will<br />

enable you to gain more confidence in yourself. Friendship is something that you offer freely and this<br />

week you'll be able to feel the warmth of its strength. Grab onto and use what is obviously a gift to help<br />

others deal with their emotions.<br />

CANCER<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to admit when you're wrong and to forgive others for<br />

their misgivings. It's a tall gesture but you'll realize that you need to look at things from a different<br />

perspective. Domestic issues have been driving everybody crazy lately. You know,if you concede a few<br />

things,you'll win in the end. Others are stubborn, so you need to act first. The reaction you receive will<br />

more than make up for the childish games that you have been playing. An emotional change will attract<br />

a more logical response. What you do now will prepare you for what's to come.<br />

LEO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to deal with the stress in your life. Love is the<br />

strongest emotion of all. You have to remember that loved ones want you to share in their happiness,<br />

not feel confined or held back. Sometimes the world gets so busy that you feel like you can't hear<br />

yourself thinking. You need to take a walk to meditate with your thoughts and feelings. Once you feel<br />

more relaxed, you'll be able to get on with your plans. Express your ideas and take a stand on your plans<br />

for the new year. You'll be surprised how everyone agrees to help you. You'll finally get to have your<br />

turn to lead.<br />

VIRGO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to be patient with those who move too slowly for<br />

your liking. You have to start to look at it a little more from their perspective. No need for pity,<br />

however communication is important. Think your way through the obstacle. The facts will speak for<br />

themselves. By avoiding issues now, you only set up bigger confrontations later. You can be agreeable<br />

without agreeing to everything requested. You want people to believe you as well as understand you.<br />

Let the tone of voice and your facial expressions take the place of a complex vocabulary. You can<br />

welcome a dramatic encounter, as long as you know the air will be cleared. Your sparkle will return and<br />

you'll be able to get on with holiday celebrations.<br />

LIBRA<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to resolve differences without giving in too much.<br />

Aggressors leave you alone,or actually break down and confide in you. You'll have obvious choices and<br />

need to make sound decisions. Everyone else wants what you want,a successfull project. People in<br />

charge don't like to hear that they've made the wrong decision. If it's your job to break the news,think<br />

carefully,before you let out secret information. One slip could undo a great deal of preparation.<br />

Consider going into a diplomatic career path. You're quick,clever and able to sell anything,even a<br />

philosophy. Meaningful dialogue will unite seekers who take the same path in life.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to balance your time and energy. Different<br />

approaches will make for a better overall strategy. The terms normal or average are only tools used by<br />

statisticians, not in real life. Your mission is to inspire friends about all that they can be. Your<br />

motivation will come from deep inside of you. You energy level may indeed wear others out. Work and<br />

play will merge into a powerful existance. You know that others don't always see things the way you<br />

do. You need to recognize that someone else's way isn't always wrong. Bring your smile and your sense<br />

of humour wherever you go. Friendships will sprout from something that you connected with earlier in<br />

the week. Expect to form a long-lasting friendship by the end of this week. Romance may well blossom<br />

from this friendship. Fate unites people who would otherwise have never met. Now that you're ready to<br />

grow,life will happily provide you with the perfect growing conditions.<br /> (9 of 18) [12/25/2005 12:11:37 AM]

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