Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website


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Weekly PathWalkers.Net e-Newsletter #113 :: PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

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bottom to top, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, wand of art. By art made, by art consecrated. With oil I charge thee. Be thou the<br />

instrument of my desire. So mote it be."<br />

Everyone present in unison pounds wands on the floor, chanting:<br />

"Dancing wand, with earth I charge thee. Blessed be."<br />

Follow up with trancework, cakes and wine, and end with Leave to Depart.<br />

This may seem to contain some sexual symbolism. Clever of you to notice. The wand is, in fact, the<br />

symbol of the powers of Fire, of Will, of outgoing energy (thought of in this society as being the<br />

exclusive province of males, but, as we all realize, belonging to everyone regardless of plumbing). It is,<br />

in short, a symbol of the penis; so it may quite appropriately be covered with phallic carvings if you<br />

wish. it represents the second side of the witches' pyramid; just as the athame represents Imagination,<br />

the wand represents Will.<br />

(Rampant feminists have patience: next we consecrate the Chalice, and we all know what THAT stands<br />

for...)<br />

Blessed Be!<br />

Consecrations, III: The Chalice<br />

Ritual ingredients needed: salt, water, incense, oil (some lunar type of oil such as jasmine, lemon, or<br />

eucalyptus); red wine; your athame; a chalice and a bowl (the bowl can be of earthenware or metal, as<br />

can the chalice; however if you use a chalice of copper or brass, be sure to coat the inside with<br />

Varathane or some other non-reactive coating, as the alcohol in wine reacts with these two metals and<br />

you can poison yourself. Silver is nice but probably beyond the means of most of us; pewter is<br />

excellent, being moon-colored; and, if you are the careful type, a glass goblet would be very pretty. Suit<br />

yourself).<br />

Procedure: The initial purification ritual with salt water used to cast the circle will serve to purify your<br />

bowl. When doing this consecration in a group, each person should fill his/her own bowl with water and<br />

individually add the salt and do a purification rather than passing one bowl around the circle. This bowl<br />

will then serve as your container for salt water to purify the chalice.<br />

Cast the Circle as usual, and invoke Goddess and God. Take salt water from the bowl and sprinkle over<br />

your chalice, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, cup of art. By art made, by art consecrated. By water and earth I purify thee."<br />

Pass the chalice through the smoke of the incense, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, cup of art. By art made, by art consecrated. By fire and air I charge thee."<br />

Take your athame and carve your Magickal name or initials in runes on the chalice, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, cup of art. By art made, by art consecrated. Be thou the gateway of my dreams. So<br />

mote it be."<br />

Take a few drops of oil and rub between your hands. Anoint the outside ( NOT the inside) of the chalice<br />

, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, cup of art. By art made, by art consecrated. With oil I charge thee. Be thou the cradle<br />

of pleasure. So mote it be."<br />

Fill the chalice with wine. Pour a libation to the Lady into the bowl of salt water if you are indoors, on<br />

the ground if outdoors, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thou, cup of art. By art made, by art consecrated. Be thou ever filled with the wine of life.<br />

So mote it be."<br />

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