Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path LEO: Like Aries, a kindred fire sign, you love red, so when it comes to gems and stones, the royal ruby springs to mind. Speaking of royalty, have whatever you wear set in that most royal of all metals˜gold. Nothing suits a legend more, and gold has a long-standing link with the Sun, your ruling planet. To increase your natural courage and help you speak eloquently, a trait any performer appreciates, wear carnelian Amber is also a good match for you, as it holds the life force your sign is famous for. VIRGO: Although the agate is one of your birthstones the type that seems to Correspond best with your sign is the moss agate, a lovely clear stone with feathery green threads running through it that look like ferns. This stone is best worn while gardening, one of your very favorite pastimes. Agates also promote good physical health, and health is your business, after all. Your other birthstone, the aventurine, increases the perceptive powers, sharpens the intellectual faculties, and helps to fine-tune the eyesight˜something any draftsperson can use. LIBRA: Your traditional birth stone is the opal, but there are other stones that can be worn or carried to help you achieve your goal of finding and keeping that one special other. Any stone associated with Venus, your ruling planet, will do nicely, such as lapis lazuli. This lovely blue stone with golden flecks of pyrite mystically blends the energies of Venus and Mars (the planets in charge of relationships), and is worn to soothe, heal, and calm the wearer. Another good stone for Libra is kunzite, since its specialty is attracting love. SCORPIO: Black is Pluto's color, and red belongs to Mars, the planet that ruled Scorpio before Pluto was discovered. These are the traditional power colors, and power is your specialty˜so these stones will attract you most. Red stones like carnelian, jasper, and red garnets appeal to your warrior side, and black stones fascinate you˜like apache tears, black tourmaline, or hematite. To ground and protect yourself, use Pluto's favorite stones, spinet kunzite, or rutilated quartz, which is perfect for Scorpio since it's a stone within a stone, and, like you, is full of buried treasure. SAGITARIUS: Sagittarius' most important goal is to truly be a 'wise one," so sodalite is wonderful for you. It helps to gain wisdom and to pass that wisdom back out into the world. Sodalite (and sugilite) also calms the mind, and may help even Sagittarians settle down long enough to meditate. Amethyst, ruled by Sag's planet, Jupiter, is another good match. Itclears the mind and quickens the wit. You'll love both blue and amber topaz, too, said to bring wealth and happiness to all December-born. CAPRICORN: Rock endures, and permanence is a quality Capricorn finds all too rare, so you're quite fond of all stones. Most books say darker stones are your favorites, like onyx, hematite, and obsidian, because they're affiliated with Saturn, your planet, but try malachite. It operates like a magnet when it comes to attracting a good deal, and if you carry this stone on your left, you'll draw business success. Malachite also helps heal broken bones, and since your sign rules the skeleton of the body, this stone is a kindred spirit. AQUARIUS: Although your birthstone is the gentle, peace-loving amethyst, your energies seem to blend better with stones that conduct ideas, since you're an air sign, and communication is your business. Aventurine is carried to enhance mental clarity and keenness, and sphere, a greenish stone, is reputed to help with processing information. The best conductor of all is clear quartz, however, so it's not surprising to find clusters placed strategically throughout an Aquarian's home˜ especially around the computer. PISCES: The color of any stone you carry directly affects your disposition. So if you're feeling like you need to put out a little more energy than you've got, toss a couple of red stones into your right (or "outgoing" side) pocket. Red carried there gives our personal presentation a fiery Uplift." As far as birthstones go, the amethyst has always been yours, and appropriately so: these gentle lavender crystals lift the spirits protect you from addictions, and aid in good judgment. Suglite has also been used, just lately, as a birthstone for Pisces. It's a relatively new stone, but it seems to bestow psychic awareness and is said to make the wearer wise. (138 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for May 3rd to 9th, 2004 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for communication with those close to you. Your recent focus has been scattered. Don't spoil the jovial mood by getting into heavy subjects. You need to get back in touch with people you work & live with. Talk plans through with them & obtain their approval. If confronted on a decision you made, consider the other point of view before reacting emotionally. You may want to get in touch with older family members and neighbors, this week. Emotions can truly influence your thinking. You can incorporate educational, religious, professional, or cultural values into your self-expression and your personal relationships. Be careful of the danger of over committing yourself to too many causes. Consider your existing workload before accepting any new projects. Initially, you can bow out gracefully, but if you accept the challenge, you must come through. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by domestic & personal changes. You can easily expand your home environment and enlarge your family circle. Impractical ideas and unreliable communications can cause strained relationships. Children & elder family members will require your attention. It can be difficult for you to relax or sleep. Other people you deal with may be prone to erratic behavior, making you feel rebellious. Avoid impulsive decisions. Use some insight to resolve your differences. Use caution with alcohol or drugs, as you may be very sensitive at this time. Natural products may be a better buy than their chemically derived imitations, check the labels. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by your keen perception of others' needs & wants. Your imagination will be energized. Activities can involve promotional campaigns, music, story-telling or inspirational work. Don't ignore the world beyond the boundaries of your professional life. Your humanity will remain with you no matter how many career changes you make. Accept incoming calls, you may be invited, at the last minute, to a social event which proves to be a real eye opener. You should visit museums, libraries, take a vacation, get in touch with nature. Do something that brings your mind closer to your soul. If you're sensitive, don't indulge in drugs, alcohol or personal psychological battles. This week-end is a good time to share some happy moments to reflect on your future. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by a feeling of emotional security. You'll feel efficient and comfortable with your coworkers and friends. Your intuitive insights and healing energies can be used positively to help others. There are plenty of opportunities in real estate, farming, building, and domestic or consumer products and services. Participate in community, religious, or cultural gatherings. They will be very rewarding. Invite more people into your home to share stories & get acquainted. You'll be able to improve your living conditions and family finances. You may discover exciting career opportunities. Your innovative ideas can gain the support of those in positions of control and responsibility. Your mind is shrewd and practical as well as original. It's a good time for you to begin new projects or a new job. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by personal & professional relationships. Watch out for ego clashes. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even if you don't think it makes any sense! You'll end up hearing the same old song, one time too many. When your patience is running low, it's hard to keep your temper. You may wish to grow in your learning and experience, but power struggles may present obstacles to your security and confidence. Fanatical beliefs, combined with impatience, pride and arrogance can inhibit your deeper understandings. Exercise tolerance and strict moral ethics, and lay the groundwork for your future moves. Finish up your work and call it an early weekend. VIRGO (139 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

LEO: Like Aries, a kindred fire sign, you love red, so when it comes to gems and stones, the royal ruby<br />

springs to mind. Speaking of royalty, have whatever you wear set in that most royal of all metals˜gold.<br />

Nothing suits a legend more, and gold has a long-standing link with the Sun, your ruling planet. To<br />

increase your natural courage and help you speak eloquently, a trait any performer appreciates, wear<br />

carnelian Amber is also a good match for you, as it holds the life force your sign is famous for.<br />

VIRGO: Although the agate is one of your birthstones the type that seems to Correspond best with your<br />

sign is the moss agate, a lovely clear stone with feathery green threads running through it that look like<br />

ferns. This stone is best worn while gardening, one of your very favorite pastimes. Agates also promote<br />

good physical health, and health is your business, after all. Your other birthstone, the aventurine,<br />

increases the perceptive powers, sharpens the intellectual faculties, and helps to fine-tune the<br />

eyesight˜something any draftsperson can use.<br />

LIBRA: Your traditional birth stone is the opal, but there are other stones that can be worn or carried to<br />

help you achieve your goal of finding and keeping that one special other. Any stone associated with<br />

Venus, your ruling planet, will do nicely, such as lapis lazuli. This lovely blue stone with golden flecks<br />

of pyrite mystically blends the energies of Venus and Mars (the planets in charge of relationships), and is<br />

worn to soothe, heal, and calm the wearer. Another good stone for Libra is kunzite, since its specialty is<br />

attracting love.<br />

SCORPIO: Black is Pluto's color, and red belongs to Mars, the planet that ruled Scorpio before Pluto was<br />

discovered. These are the traditional power colors, and power is your specialty˜so these stones will attract<br />

you most. Red stones like carnelian, jasper, and red garnets appeal to your warrior side, and black stones<br />

fascinate you˜like apache tears, black tourmaline, or hematite. To ground and protect yourself, use Pluto's<br />

favorite stones, spinet kunzite, or rutilated quartz, which is perfect for Scorpio since it's a stone within a<br />

stone, and, like you, is full of buried treasure.<br />


Sagittarius' most important goal is to truly be a 'wise one," so sodalite is wonderful for you. It helps to<br />

gain wisdom and to pass that wisdom back out into the world. Sodalite (and sugilite) also calms the<br />

mind, and may help even Sagittarians settle down long enough to meditate. Amethyst, ruled by Sag's<br />

planet, Jupiter, is another good match. Itclears the mind and quickens the wit. You'll love both blue and<br />

amber topaz, too, said to bring wealth and happiness to all December-born.<br />


Rock endures, and permanence is a quality Capricorn finds all too rare, so you're quite fond of all stones.<br />

Most books say darker stones are your favorites, like onyx, hematite, and obsidian, because they're<br />

affiliated with Saturn, your planet, but try malachite. It operates like a magnet when it comes to attracting<br />

a good deal, and if you carry this stone on your left, you'll draw business success. Malachite also helps<br />

heal broken bones, and since your sign rules the skeleton of the body, this stone is a kindred spirit.<br />


Although your birthstone is the gentle, peace-loving amethyst, your energies seem to blend better with<br />

stones that conduct ideas, since you're an air sign, and communication is your business. Aventurine is<br />

carried to enhance mental clarity and keenness, and sphere, a greenish stone, is reputed to help with<br />

processing information. The best conductor of all is clear quartz, however, so it's not surprising to find<br />

clusters placed strategically throughout an Aquarian's home˜ especially around the computer.<br />

PISCES:<br />

The color of any stone you carry directly affects your disposition. So if you're feeling like you need to<br />

put out a little more energy than you've got, toss a couple of red stones into your right (or "outgoing"<br />

side) pocket. Red carried there gives our personal presentation a fiery Uplift." As far as birthstones go,<br />

the amethyst has always been yours, and appropriately so: these gentle lavender crystals lift the spirits<br />

protect you from addictions, and aid in good judgment. Suglite has also been used, just lately, as a<br />

birthstone for Pisces. It's a relatively new stone, but it seems to bestow psychic awareness and is said to<br />

make the wearer wise.<br /> (138 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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