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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path ANORETIC DEGREE: The final degree of a sign (29th). Also refereed to as the degree of fate. ANGLES: The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (Ascendent), 90 degrees (I.C.), 180 degrees (Descendent), and 270 degrees (M.C.). These major points represent Cardinal Qualities. AQUARIAN AGE: 2000 year period influenced by the qualities of Aquarius starting approximately at the new millennium. ARC: An angular measurement between two celestial planets or points. Any part of a circle, measured around it's circumference. ASCENDANT: The Rising Sign. The degree at which the Zodiac rests over the horizon of the birthplace at the time of birth. The Ascendant represents the persona and image to the world. ASPECT: The angular distance, calculated in specific number of degrees of the chart wheel, between two celestial points or planets. It shows the nature of the relationship between planets. BIRTH-CHART: A diagram showing the exact positioning of the planets in the signs at the moment of birth. COMBUST: When a planet is very near the Sun in the birth-chart. It is theorized that the planet loses some of its force. CARDINAL SIGNS: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Represents initiative. COMPOSITE CHART: Two individual charts which are merged to form one. It shows the relationship between two individuals. CONFIGURATION: An Aspect which has three or more planets. CONJUNCTION: Two or more planets sitting next to each other. A conjunction gives great strength to the energies of the interacting planets. CUSP: A line dividing the twelve houses. The midway point between two signs. CYCLE: The time it takes a planet or point to make one complete revolution in the heavens. DECANATE: The division of each sign into three equal parts of 10 degrees each. DECLINATION: The distance of a planet north or south of the celestial equator DEGREE: 1/360 of a circle. DESCENDANT: The opposite point from the Ascendant: cusp of the 7th house. Describes one's interaction with another. EARTH SIGNS: Signs belonging to the element Earth (practical etc.). Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. ELEMENTS: Four-fold division of the Zodiac: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Signs of the same element share qualities of that element. EPHEMERIS: Astrological almanac listing Zodiacal positions of the planets and other Astronomical data. EQUATOR: The imaginary line drawn around the Earth, dividing it into the northern and southern hemispheres. When this line is extended into space, it is called the celestial equator. (76 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path EQUINOX: A time of equal day and equal night occurring twice a year at the beginning of Spring and Autumn. FEMININE SIGNS: The Earth and Water signs. Feminine signs are refereed to as negative and indicate passive and receptive energy. FIRE SIGNS: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Signs with the qualities of the element of Fire (Willful, energetic, etc.) FIXED SIGNS: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Fixed signs are stubborn. GEOCENTRIC: The convention that the Earth, rather than the Sun is at the center of the Solar System. GRAND CROSS: Configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates a lot of tension. GRAND TRINE: When three planets meet each other to form a triangle. This is a harmonious configuration. GREAT YEAR: The period when the pole makes a complete circle. HARD ASPECT: Squares, oppositions and quincunxes. Aspects which create tension and/or friction. HOUSES: The celestial sphere as a 360 degree circle is divided into twelve sections called houses. They are numbered counterclockwise from the Ascendant (9:00 position). Each house represents certain aspects of life. I.C. (Immum Coeli): One of the four major angles of a birth chart. It is the beginning of the fourth house and is a very personal point in a chart.M.C. (Medium Coeli): One of four major points in the birth chart and is at the top af the chart (beginning of the tenth house. It represents public life and reputation. MASCULINE SIGNS: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Masculine signs are assertive and self-assured. MERIDIAN: The Meridian at Greenwich. The point from which time and space is measured. It divides longitude into east and west. MIDPOINTS: The midpoint between two planets or angles and sometimes house cusps. MUTABLE SIGNS: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Flexible nature. NATAL: Birth. The natal chart refers to a chart for the time of birth. NODES: The north and south nodes of the moon are those points on the ecliptic where the moon crosses it going either north or south. OPPOSITION: An opposition is when planets are exactly opposite each other in the chart wheel. Oppositions create stress. ORB: The space in the chart wheel measured in degrees, between planets and points, by which an aspect may vary from exactness and still remain effective. POLARITY: Opposite signs effect each other: each sign has a relationship with its partner across the Zodiac. PROGRESSION: A method of advancing the planets and points of a natal chart to a particular time after birth. QUALITIES: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable. (77 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

ANORETIC DEGREE: The final degree of a sign (29th). Also refereed to as the degree of fate.<br />

ANGLES: The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (Ascendent), 90 degrees (I.C.), 180 degrees<br />

(Descendent), and 270 degrees (M.C.). These major points represent Cardinal Qualities.<br />

AQUARIAN AGE: 2000 year period influenced by the qualities of Aquarius starting approximately at<br />

the new millennium.<br />

ARC: An angular measurement between two celestial planets or points. Any part of a circle, measured<br />

around it's circumference.<br />

ASCENDANT: The Rising Sign. The degree at which the Zodiac rests over the horizon of the birthplace<br />

at the time of birth. The Ascendant represents the persona and image to the world.<br />

ASPECT: The angular distance, calculated in specific number of degrees of the chart wheel, between two<br />

celestial points or planets. It shows the nature of the relationship between planets.<br />

BIRTH-CHART: A diagram showing the exact positioning of the planets in the signs at the moment of<br />

birth.<br />

COMBUST: When a planet is very near the Sun in the birth-chart. It is theorized that the planet loses<br />

some of its force.<br />

CARDINAL SIGNS: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Represents initiative.<br />

COMPOSITE CHART: Two individual charts which are merged to form one. It shows the relationship<br />

between two individuals.<br />

CONFIGURATION: An Aspect which has three or more planets.<br />

CONJUNCTION: Two or more planets sitting next to each other. A conjunction gives great strength to<br />

the energies of the interacting planets.<br />

CUSP: A line dividing the twelve houses. The midway point between two signs.<br />

CYCLE: The time it takes a planet or point to make one complete revolution in the heavens.<br />

DECANATE: The division of each sign into three equal parts of 10 degrees each.<br />

DECLINATION: The distance of a planet north or south of the celestial equator<br />

DEGREE: 1/360 of a circle.<br />

DESCENDANT: The opposite point from the Ascendant: cusp of the 7th house. Describes one's<br />

interaction with another.<br />

EARTH SIGNS: Signs belonging to the element Earth (practical etc.). Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.<br />

ELEMENTS: Four-fold division of the Zodiac: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Signs of the same element share<br />

qualities of that element.<br />

EPHEMERIS: Astrological almanac listing Zodiacal positions of the planets and other Astronomical<br />

data.<br />

EQUATOR: The imaginary line drawn around the Earth, dividing it into the northern and southern<br />

hemispheres. When this line is extended into space, it is called the celestial equator.<br /> (76 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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