Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path your energy and power during the working. The exception to this may be in a ritual where the sacrament is a drug or alcoholic beverage with a particular goal in mind. However, this is generally imbibed during the ritual. Remember you are not obligated to take a drug or alcohol but please find out if it is a necessary part of ritual before it begins. You can choose to participate or not. * If you are feeling negative, such as depressed, angry, jealous, resentful or any other emotion that may affect the ritual, speak to the HP or HPS beforehand. Ask for healing, a back rub, a massage or whatever may assist you in preparing for ritual. * Do not break the circle once it has been cast. If you need to leave for an important reason, you should cut a doorway or ask the HP or HPS to do this for you. The doorway should be closed if and when you return. * Do not go along to any Circle that you have not been invited to unless it has been advertised as a public event. * Because a ritual is a serious religious Rite, considerable power and energy may be raised. Please follow the ritual as instructed by the HP and/or HPS. Stay focussed on the working and ensure that all of your personal energy and power is directed toward the goal. * When moving around the circle, always follow the direction in which the circle has been cast. This is generally deosil. (In the southern hemisphere, counter-clockwise; in the northern hemisphere, clockwise.) * Shoes and watches should be removed before entering the Circle. (The exception to this may be outdoor rituals in inclement weather as decided by the HP or HPS.) * Set aside some clothing, if generally worn by you in ritual, that will act as your ritual clothing. This may be a robe or cloak, or other clothing only used for ritual purposes. Keep it clean and purified for each ritual. * While in Circle, do not touch any ritual objects, other than your own, without permission. They will easily absorb energy and the owner will probably not appreciate this. =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for September 13th to 19th, 2004 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by a feeling of optimism & freshness. Current domestic changes may become the stepping stone for future plans. If you enjoy what you do, continue. If not, make changes to your lifestyle and your career. You have proved yourself to superiors, now you can take time to plan. Put your effort into organizing & becoming more versatile in your professional & your personal life. You'll be able to overcome difficult personal adversities. Family & small children figure prominently. Music & art appreciation may help create the changes you've been waiting for. Keep your resolutions concerning commitments & promises to loved ones & your original charm will shine. Focus on universal approach to attain your personal goals. Go for it in a big way this week. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by a surge of positive energy in your personal life. Don't allow your high spirits to deter you from the discipline and attention to detail necessary to make your goals a reality. This week's business affairs will flow like the waters of a mighty river, running fast and deep. Watch out for unexpected turns & get promises in writing. Take initiative, be assertive & you'll beat the odds. You'll be able to divert attention from any negative situation that tends to drain you. You'll achieve more, if you join with others. Revival of personal relationships will provide you much pride. Count your blessings!! Your unique style in communicating will allow you to be a positive influence on others. (58 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by humorous situations, involving people from many areas of your life. Show individuals who lack faith, talent that you will succeed in spite of them. Family gathering this weekend will be positive influence on how you feel about yourself. Your creativity, style & sex appeal will attract a wide audience. changes that may ultimately give you the freedom you seek. Changes in life can help you to appreciate others feelings & emotional outbursts. You have all the ingredients you need to succeed at doing something you love. Your social & professional style will open many doors. You need to be more compassionate to loved ones & to learn to enjoy the simple treasures you possess. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by re-organization & your ability to fit into new situations & surroundings. You sometimes feel like you're doing a balancing act. Bright happenings in your career will allow you to enjoy your recent success. Relationships will grow & flourish if you give guidance, not criticism. It's okay to look for security you have in your relationships, take it where ever you go. Set your goals & focus on them full force. Help will arrive from existing networks. Utilize your personal expertise to help ones in need, use your versatility and ability to transform humour into deeper understanding of circumstances. By week's end you should be able to pamper yourself for a job well done. Be aware that tinges of jealousy must be overcome. You'll soon realize that you have much reason to celebrate this week. LEO This week's scenario highlights many areas of your life long overlooked. Focus is on changes that you once feared, coming to light. Don't let silly insecurities deter you from your ultimate goals. Your heroic nature will give you all the ingredients you need to succeed, if you express your ideas with passion. As time goes on you'll become more comfortable with the status quo. Allow changes to give you the freedom that you seek. Social & professional contacts may open new doors of opportunities. Put your effort into showing more compassionate & understanding. Don't become defensive to negative rebuttal. Listen to your inner voice, negotiate, compromise. Keep recent promise to continue to keep yourself fit, blow off a little steam & you'll be able to gain your composure. If you get your ideas on paper & allow others to assist you in delegating chores, you'll have everyone's cooperation. If you approach the matter too strong, you will be thought of as a nag. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by a mixture of energy from your emotional moods. Special feelings about traditions, relationships & a new interest in financial opportunities will surface. You can start your own traditions, make plans, include everybody close to your heart. The support will give you the confidence you lack. This is a good week to escape from the "rat race" and put your personal life in order. Try to remove excess stress wherever possible, your loved ones will notice the difference if you do. Focus on philosophy and mysteries of life. This is the week that will ignite your ambitions & allow you to publish, exhibit your talents. Aries native of opposite sex insists you are ready for fame & fortune. Listen to your inner voice & exceed all your previous expectations. Your interest in fashion & style will lead you in the right direction. Cancer native also figures prominently in scenario. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your sense of timing & luck. Utilize your ability to analyze data in order to meet tight deadlines. Your universal appeal will make you very popular. You'll gain admiration for your honest approach, but don't allow yourself to be detoured from your immediate goals. Make plans, follow through & put your power behind presence. Take the initiative & you'll be able to deal with any situation this week. Stop going around in circles & place your aims & goals higher on your priority list. Insist on creative control in exciting new endeavor. You'll win support of peers & shine brightly. Leo native of opposite sex will reveal true loyalty. Believe it & enjoy your place in the limelight. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by personal and professional relationships like you never thought possible. By emphasizing independence you will send out your message loud & clear. Your personal magnetism & sex appeal will give you an edge, this week. Be careful not to give misleading impressions. You'll be able to find solutions, once you clean the air of deception. There may be possibilities for you to (59 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

GEMINI<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by humorous situations, involving people from many areas of your<br />

life. Show individuals who lack faith, talent that you will succeed in spite of them. Family gathering this<br />

weekend will be positive influence on how you feel about yourself. Your creativity, style & sex appeal<br />

will attract a wide audience. changes that may ultimately give you the freedom you seek. Changes in life<br />

can help you to appreciate others feelings & emotional outbursts. You have all the ingredients you need<br />

to succeed at doing something you love. Your social & professional style will open many doors. You<br />

need to be more compassionate to loved ones & to learn to enjoy the simple treasures you possess.<br />

CANCER<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by re-organization & your ability to fit into new situations &<br />

surroundings. You sometimes feel like you're doing a balancing act. Bright happenings in your career<br />

will allow you to enjoy your recent success. Relationships will grow & flourish if you give guidance, not<br />

criticism. It's okay to look for security you have in your relationships, take it where ever you go. Set your<br />

goals & focus on them full force. Help will arrive from existing networks. Utilize your personal expertise<br />

to help ones in need, use your versatility and ability to transform humour into deeper understanding of<br />

circumstances. By week's end you should be able to pamper yourself for a job well done. Be aware that<br />

tinges of jealousy must be overcome. You'll soon realize that you have much reason to celebrate this<br />

week.<br />

LEO<br />

This week's scenario highlights many areas of your life long overlooked. Focus is on changes that you<br />

once feared, coming to light. Don't let silly insecurities deter you from your ultimate goals. Your heroic<br />

nature will give you all the ingredients you need to succeed, if you express your ideas with passion. As<br />

time goes on you'll become more comfortable with the status quo. Allow changes to give you the<br />

freedom that you seek. Social & professional contacts may open new doors of opportunities. Put your<br />

effort into showing more compassionate & understanding. Don't become defensive to negative rebuttal.<br />

Listen to your inner voice, negotiate, compromise. Keep recent promise to continue to keep yourself fit,<br />

blow off a little steam & you'll be able to gain your composure. If you get your ideas on paper & allow<br />

others to assist you in delegating chores, you'll have everyone's cooperation. If you approach the matter<br />

too strong, you will be thought of as a nag.<br />

VIRGO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by a mixture of energy from your emotional moods. Special feelings<br />

about traditions, relationships & a new interest in financial opportunities will surface. You can start your<br />

own traditions, make plans, include everybody close to your heart. The support will give you the<br />

confidence you lack. This is a good week to escape from the "rat race" and put your personal life in<br />

order. Try to remove excess stress wherever possible, your loved ones will notice the difference if you<br />

do. Focus on philosophy and mysteries of life. This is the week that will ignite your ambitions & allow<br />

you to publish, exhibit your talents. Aries native of opposite sex insists you are ready for fame & fortune.<br />

Listen to your inner voice & exceed all your previous expectations. Your interest in fashion & style will<br />

lead you in the right direction. Cancer native also figures prominently in scenario.<br />

LIBRA<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your sense of timing & luck. Utilize your ability to analyze data in<br />

order to meet tight deadlines. Your universal appeal will make you very popular. You'll gain admiration<br />

for your honest approach, but don't allow yourself to be detoured from your immediate goals. Make<br />

plans, follow through & put your power behind presence. Take the initiative & you'll be able to deal with<br />

any situation this week. Stop going around in circles & place your aims & goals higher on your priority<br />

list. Insist on creative control in exciting new endeavor. You'll win support of peers & shine brightly. Leo<br />

native of opposite sex will reveal true loyalty. Believe it & enjoy your place in the limelight.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by personal and professional relationships like you never thought<br />

possible. By emphasizing independence you will send out your message loud & clear. Your personal<br />

magnetism & sex appeal will give you an edge, this week. Be careful not to give misleading impressions.<br />

You'll be able to find solutions, once you clean the air of deception. There may be possibilities for you to<br /> (59 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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