Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website

Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website Pathwalkers herb gardens - Gypsey Website
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PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path the 'tetramorph' figures featured on the Tarot cards, the World and the Wheel of Fortune. (The other three symbols are the Lion, the Eagle, and the Spirit.) Astrologers know these four figures as the symbols of the four 'fixed' signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), and these naturally align with the four Great Sabbats of Witchcraft. Christians have adopted the same iconography to represent the four gospel-writers. But for most, it is May 1st that is the great holiday of flowers, Maypoles, and greenwood frivolity. It is no wonder that, as recently as 1977, Ian Anderson could pen the following lyrics for the band Jethro Tull: For the May Day is the great day, Sung along the old straight track. And those who ancient lines did ley Will heed this song that calls them back. =========================================================================== WEEKLY ASTROLOGY REPORT - Horoscopes for October 25th to 31st, 2004 ARIES This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges, teamwork & your ability to improve your professional status. Your humanitarian tendencies are likely to show up. People need your help, and you're there for them. Teammates may come up with some inspiring ideas, your enthusiasm is fueled by their support. The weak, the lost, the confused & the down and out bring your best qualities to the surface. Your organizational abilities show up strongly in this kind of situation. A bright friend or colleague may have a fresh idea that's interesting, but challenging. Consider it carefully before acting on it. If you're not up to it, don't. But if you feel confident, put your new procedures into effect. Once the juice is flowing, you can come up with a way to apply it efficiently. TAURUS This week's scenario is highlighted by respect, order, and discipline. Oddly enough, being right can be both a gift and a curse. Your intuitive judgment may be a little off. Structure and order are vital if you are to turn your ideas into effective action. Keep yourself out of the spotlight, if you can. You have a good deal of preparation ahead of you, and you may need some privacy. Visit a sick friend or an elderly person who doesn't get many visitors. You could get some good advice as well as a sense of satisfaction for yourself. Ideals take on a much greater value when you actually put them into action. GEMINI This week's scenario is highlighted by confusing & stressful events that could knock you off track. You could literally suffer from indigestion as a result of the stress. Some solid friends or colleagues could help you make some good decisions, listen to what is said. Digest it slowly before taking any action. You're open to listening, but you need to discriminate between the various ideas that you hear. You may have to make some financial adjustments, but don't worry, you'll feel relief when you hone things down to a more manageable size. Results are more important than how you achieve them. CANCER This week's scenario is highlighted by honesty & your diplomatic instincts. You're just about ready to say what's on your mind. Once you've expressed yourself honestly, you'll be able to deal with the consequences. You will have to make commitments and take action to back up your words. You're now ready for additional responsibilities. Responsibilities at home could interfere with your social life. You may not have time to pamper your appearance. You may be stopped in your tracks by some intense conversation. Take the time to listen. You'll learn from the experience. LEO This week's scenario is highlighted by pressure that's been building and that needs to be expressed. Verbalize your dissatisfaction with the situation. It's not as bad as you thought it was. If you're committed, you'll be able you to eliminate any problems. You may experience some intense feelings (46 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path because of a misunderstanding about money or inheritance. Fortunately, you're able to act maturely and can handle the situation under control. There can be a surprising turn of events in a relationship that has been a real challenge. If you can't find an easy resolution, wait until next week. VIRGO This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges to gain clarity on what others want for you. First you hear one thing, then another. This doesn't help your self-confidence. It's not your fault others can't make up their minds. Opinions may change, don't take them too seriously. Verify instructions or requests more than once, diplomatically & avoid annoying others. You want everyone to be satisfied, for everyone to be one big, happy family. Well, it may not turn out that way. Not all that yelling and screaming is directed at you. Get the full story before going on the defensive. Fondness counts more than fairness. Level with others & they'll understand how important it is for you to express yourself. LIBRA This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to streamline procedures & motivate others to reach their goals. You're trying hard to do your job, but you're getting the support that you need. It's not your imagination that someone isn't doing his or her best to help. You have the ability to get people motivated now. Get out in front of a crowd and get 'em going. Show off your leadership skills, work hard, play hard, enjoy yourself! Take a careful look at those on your side, and resist the temptation to expect that everything will go as planned. You'll know how to handle any obstacles in your path. SCORPIO This week's scenario is highlighted by a positive attitude & your need for approval from loved ones. Let whoever counts know that you've thought out the consequences of your actions. Show that you're not living some wild scheme. You have a plan that's practical, reasonable, good for your future. Once that's been established, you'll get the resources you need to commence. It's a great time to get your enthusiasm up and to inspire others, but consider the costs of time, money and energy in your calculations. An innocent remark could provoke a powerful response from you. You could over-react to what someone else tells you, or one of your comments could trigger intense feelings. Rather than attack or withdraw, find a relatively neutral place to process the information. SAGITTARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by watching, waiting & gathering data. It may cause you to re-think your long term plans a little. You can be such a patient hunter, you're a person of action, but you know when to watch and when to pounce. Find out what the secrets are. Get the hard-to-find information, that's the key to your overall plan. Once all of the pieces are in place, you'll be able to make your presentation and get others onboard your cause. You'll be able to make a good impression. Just watch out for that urge to make small, critical remarks that appear helpful to you, but that may rub others the wrong way. CAPRICORN This week's scenario is highlighted by sentimental feelings & getting back on track. Enjoy quiet time to re-fresh your energy & get back to the little joys of life that make you happy. Do something physical. You need to keep the rust out of your system with a regular exercise routine. It takes time, but it'll give you extra energy in return & that's a good investment. You won't gain points by being rigid. If you are corrected on a minor detail, stay positive, but listen and learn. Remember, when you admit a mistake, you don't show weakness. Rather, you show that you have confidence in yourself and can be trusted. Stand up straight, as people may be watching you. You'll have the chance now to show how competent you are. If you come prepared, you will make a very good impression. AQUARIUS This week's scenario is highlighted by listening rather than talking. You may have a serious conversation with an older person & they may reveal some valuable information. You may wind up in a dispute over something minor. If you enjoy a stimulating debate, it might be just what you need. You shouldn't promise more than you can deliver, you could be tempted to do so. Think carefully before making your pitch. You can build trust by working mutually through complex situations. If you get your facts together, you could ultimately expand your income & your financial status. You could improve a creative plan or project by making significant revisions. Straight talk doesn't have to be insensitive, just clear and (47 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

PathWalkers.Net Interactive :: Helping you along your path<br />

because of a misunderstanding about money or inheritance. Fortunately, you're able to act maturely and<br />

can handle the situation under control. There can be a surprising turn of events in a relationship that has<br />

been a real challenge. If you can't find an easy resolution, wait until next week.<br />

VIRGO<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges to gain clarity on what others want for you. First you<br />

hear one thing, then another. This doesn't help your self-confidence. It's not your fault others can't make<br />

up their minds. Opinions may change, don't take them too seriously. Verify instructions or requests more<br />

than once, diplomatically & avoid annoying others. You want everyone to be satisfied, for everyone to be<br />

one big, happy family. Well, it may not turn out that way. Not all that yelling and screaming is directed at<br />

you. Get the full story before going on the defensive. Fondness counts more than fairness. Level with<br />

others & they'll understand how important it is for you to express yourself.<br />

LIBRA<br />

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to streamline procedures & motivate others to reach<br />

their goals. You're trying hard to do your job, but you're getting the support that you need. It's not your<br />

imagination that someone isn't doing his or her best to help. You have the ability to get people motivated<br />

now. Get out in front of a crowd and get 'em going. Show off your leadership skills, work hard, play<br />

hard, enjoy yourself! Take a careful look at those on your side, and resist the temptation to expect that<br />

everything will go as planned. You'll know how to handle any obstacles in your path.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by a positive attitude & your need for approval from loved ones. Let<br />

whoever counts know that you've thought out the consequences of your actions. Show that you're not<br />

living some wild scheme. You have a plan that's practical, reasonable, good for your future. Once that's<br />

been established, you'll get the resources you need to commence. It's a great time to get your enthusiasm<br />

up and to inspire others, but consider the costs of time, money and energy in your calculations. An<br />

innocent remark could provoke a powerful response from you. You could over-react to what someone<br />

else tells you, or one of your comments could trigger intense feelings. Rather than attack or withdraw,<br />

find a relatively neutral place to process the information.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by watching, waiting & gathering data. It may cause you to re-think<br />

your long term plans a little. You can be such a patient hunter, you're a person of action, but you know<br />

when to watch and when to pounce. Find out what the secrets are. Get the hard-to-find information, that's<br />

the key to your overall plan. Once all of the pieces are in place, you'll be able to make your presentation<br />

and get others onboard your cause. You'll be able to make a good impression. Just watch out for that urge<br />

to make small, critical remarks that appear helpful to you, but that may rub others the wrong way.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by sentimental feelings & getting back on track. Enjoy quiet time to<br />

re-fresh your energy & get back to the little joys of life that make you happy.<br />

Do something physical. You need to keep the rust out of your system with a regular exercise routine. It<br />

takes time, but it'll give you extra energy in return & that's a good investment. You won't gain points by<br />

being rigid. If you are corrected on a minor detail, stay positive, but listen and learn. Remember, when<br />

you admit a mistake, you don't show weakness. Rather, you show that you have confidence in yourself<br />

and can be trusted. Stand up straight, as people may be watching you. You'll have the chance now to<br />

show how competent you are. If you come prepared, you will make a very good impression.<br />


This week's scenario is highlighted by listening rather than talking. You may have a serious conversation<br />

with an older person & they may reveal some valuable information. You may wind up in a dispute over<br />

something minor. If you enjoy a stimulating debate, it might be just what you need. You shouldn't<br />

promise more than you can deliver, you could be tempted to do so. Think carefully before making your<br />

pitch. You can build trust by working mutually through complex situations. If you get your facts<br />

together, you could ultimately expand your income & your financial status. You could improve a creative<br />

plan or project by making significant revisions. Straight talk doesn't have to be insensitive, just clear and<br /> (47 of 143) [12/25/2005 12:09:40 AM]

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